Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

Seth1789110 said:
Hey! >:| my states aren't over! They are this saturday! But lol. I am soooo nervous. A lot of good players...scary thought...

Which states is that?
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

MN. Second best meta in the country. By best I mean hardest.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

There's a states for me this Saturday but I'm not going. I have a Track and Field meet.
Though, I'm preparing for Regionals. I might go to that.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

uhg, my provs are this weekend and i need something that will be luxchomp and plox, got a few deck ideas but nothings really looking solid,maybe some sort of donphan.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

Go LockPhan or FlyPhan.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

I was thinking lockphan,anyone have a good list?
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

play flyphan with spiritomb it is great match up against luxchomp
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

No, but I thought I saw a basic one in the deck garage. Obviously it won't be great if it's in there, but it can give you an outline, and you can fix it up yourself.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

7Lucario7Master7 said:
I was thinking lockphan,anyone have a good list?

Don't ask for or post lists here guys.

dmaster out.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

PM me if you really want one, I can direct you in the general direction. ANYWAYS, Radu Ciocan, someone who is REALLY good at the game built me a GG list that he says I should use for states. I am taking his advice. Going GG for STATES! Yeah BOI!
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

Thats a pritty good idea exept that luxchomp seems to walk all over it, you would do better if its spiritPlox but thats just me, maybe your meta dosn't have luxchomp.
I think im going to play gyarados with donphan for mine, it seems to work with my meta.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

It is spiriplox lol kicks the butt. and to correct seth 2143120941 it is the deck list from Jay Hornug u know the third at worlds lol. But I'm playing a spin off of luxchomp in the morning
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

Spiriplox is a fairly good deck, the lock is pretty insane, and DCE does speed the deck up fairly quickly now that it's out.

TO THE TEAM: I am currenlty typing this from Orange County, California. I will try to be as active as possible on my vacation, however I may be a little inactive. Treat Azul as the leader whenever I am not around. Thank You. :)
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

I played the luxchomp list and got stalled on energies for one loss, and then played a machamp that took me out of the runnings for top cut(beat my by one prize)
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

Frozendukie said:
I played the luxchomp list and got stalled on energies for one loss, and then played a machamp that took me out of the runnings for top cut(beat my by one prize)

You mean...Sabrina's machamp? Lol.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

20th. So much Luxchomp, I didn't stand a chance with cursegar. Definitely playing flyphan at regs.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

Lolmonster,I'm gonna say this once about Flyphan: IT'S A TRAP!!!

In my states, flyphan did soooooooooo badly it wasn't even funny. I don't think even one made T4 in Juniors, T8 in Seniors, or T16 in masters.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

The Power of Three said:
Lolmonster,I'm gonna say this once about Flyphan: IT'S A TRAP!!!

In my states, flyphan did soooooooooo badly it wasn't even funny. I don't think even one made T4 in Juniors, T8 in Seniors, or T16 in masters.

BAD Flyphan will have lots of trouble. My list for Flyphan has beaten a Dialgachomp, Luxchomp, Kingdra, and tied the prizes w/ Cursegar. So...
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

I bet your states had people that actually played G-Dos too. Srs here had 1 person. And I be gone for 2 weeks in England.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

IMO, those are all easy matchups. Each of those matchups is fairly easy for FlyPhan, save for LuxChomp, which IMO isn't all that easy of a match against anything. But really, DialgaChomp isn't all that fast of a deck, and it thrives off of the face that it's got an automatic Snipe on Claydol, and how Dialga Lv. X can sit out and be an awesome tank. Flygon Lv. X just uses Extreme Attack on the Dialga Lv. X to shut down that route, and if you're stuck on Draw Power, Donphan can just stall out with no Dialga Lv. X to shut off it's -20 body.

Kingdra, yes, whoop de doo, it has weakness on Donphan, but donphan's -20 body with an Expert Belt can just neutralize this.. Plus there's the fact that Flygon doesn't have weakness to kingdra, and can just Power Swing for 2HKO's on the Kingdras w/ Expert Belts.

Cursegar- this is an autowin for FlyPhan. :\ What are they gonna do- use the SF Gengar to Poltergeist you to death? No. Any deck running Flygon and Claydol and a 2nd attacker and Techs won't have the trainers to let this happen. Now what, Shadow Room? Unown G on Claydol and you're good. Now, the actual Gengar of the deck- CURSE! OH MAN! with an Expert Belt, it can do a whole 60 damage to Donphan-70 With Curse. Then, it can TRAINER LOCK YOU! \o/ Again, FlyPhan PROBABLY doesn't have all the trainers for total lock down. Then, you can swing for 80 for one energy. :F Not all to bad for a speed set up, IMO, especially when it doesn't need Rare Candy to set up a Donphan Prime.

IF you want to test donphan against non-auto win decks try these:
More LuxChomp [yeah, this isn't an auto win for anything, this win is hard]
and Mirror Matches
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