Live Steam of Pokemon Get TV's 'Omega Ruby' and 'Alpha Sapphire' Footage! [5/10]

Am I the only one not getting anything on my livestream? :/ EDIT:: Heads up, another channel got in trouble for streaming the anime so I don't know if it's safe to be streaming it.
Scumbag Tokyo TV

>Shows logos of OR/AS
>Women brings on 3DS with rising Groudon
>Turns to Question Mark and changes scene to 7/11
"It's a little bit different" "I wonder if it's Mega-evolution" [or if they aremegaevolving] (the lady)
Footage of Kyogre and Groundon...
That's it... :p
I've been sitting up all night waiting for some gameplay footage :( All I got was japanese food commercials and 7 seconds of cinematics...
I wish they would've at least shown the characters or something, seeing a couple of legendaries and weather effects was disappointing
Coro Coro might have some other information.
Other than this, wasn't the footage of Kyogre and Groudon amazing in 3D?
Well that was totally underwhelming.
AdamLambert said:
That was an hour of my life I'll never get back

Yeah, I forgot to mention in the other thread that Smash/Get TV gravitates more towards that for non-Japan viewers unless they're super-duper saying they're going to announce something. :p