Finished A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... No more registrations!

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Isa follows the waitress to the table and sits down. She is handed the menu, and begins to look at it. When asked about her drink, she replies saying "What do you have?"
"For the Twilight area, for those who are either just dining for two or a couple, we have wine, sparkling water, sode, and all regular drinks. And no, we do not use Corphish or Crawdaunt in our food, or any other pokemon. We use lesser known fish in the water, like bass or trout."
"Umm... can I get a steamed lobster with butter drenched on it, Sprite for a drink?"
Isa laughs nervously and says "Eh, I'll have sprite too, and I'll have the BBQ Crab."
She hands the menu to the waitress and waits for her to leave.
"I thought drinking was illegal for people under 18."
"I'm just guessing they were going to give a little sip to us." *An explosion is heard from the GTS, but it is unknown where it is from* "That's odd... What was that?" *The smell of lobster oozes in* "MMM... Lobster... <3"

OoC: I have also decided aggie will be the kinda VP for this. Aggie will make sure shampoo-thief does his job and everyone does as they should. Any questions should be PM'd.
OoC: Gosh, you just love putting me in charge, huh?

"Should we check it out?" She smells the lobster aswell, and even though she doesn't admit it, it smells delicious.
Maybe being human isn't so bad after all...
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just want a little time out of the limelight. Plus, I'm sick of everyone depending on me. For once, I want to be normal."
"Here you go madam. Here's your BBQ Crab with Sprite. Sir, here's your lobster with Sprite."
"Thanks miss! Can I get a bowl of mac and cheese for my pokemon in here and then a giant lobster for my Rayquaza outside?"
"YOU HAVE RAYQUAZA?!? WOW, THAT'S EPIC! Sure thing sir!"
Isa laughs nervously.
I thought he always liked being the leader...
She puts the napkin in her lap, and tests the fizzy drink. First, she has to stop tears from coming to her eyes from the unexpected sizzle, but then recovers, and takes another sip.
"'s like my tongue is or something..."

She tests out the crab, expecting to easily crack it and eat the meat inside. She struggles for a long time, and eventually give up.
"This is where I miss my muscles..." She grumbles to herself.
"Sorry, forgot the crab cracker." *Waitress sets it down*
*Joey begins to cut up his lobster and takes a bite* "This is delicious! Dude, you have to try this!" *Joey gives Isa a piece of lobster*
"Oh. Thanks."
She easily cracks open the crab.
She takes the peice of lobster and eats it.
"Wow! This is awesome! I bet the crab tasted similiar!"
She takes a bite of her own.
"AWESOME! I love eating!" She gobbles up the crab.

OoC: This is the funnest way to run a character. Honestly.
OoC: You are making me laugh myself!
In: "You really do not know what you are missing. Wait until the contest... You could move a lot more freely than you ever thought. By the way, Jirachi could wish up a dress for you if you want. I'm just going to do a sort of Prince Charming outfit."
"A little bit of both. I'll tell you this secret. While it's called the battle round, glam is also wanted."
"Oh, good. That seems to be my only talent now a days. Want to practice out in the field for a bit after lunch?"
She dips another piece of crab in the butter.
Isa quickly finishes her meal and sets herself down.
"Wierd. I have another sinus..." She looks at her lower stomach "Oh, this must be...gotta go." She heads for the bathroom, and comes back a few minutes later.
"Well, that wasn't too hard. You ready to go?"
*Joey leaves 30 dollars on the table before chugging his soda* "Let's go!" *Joey exits Red Lobster*
Isa heads outside an enters the field.
"Blaziken, Kirlia, come on out!"
She throws the two pokeballs, releasing her pokemon.
*Joey twirls as he launches two Pokeballs into the air* "Empoleon, Rayquaza, spoootlight!"
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