Pokemon Which do you want? Battle Revolution 2 or Pokemon Ranger 4?


Aspiring Trainer
Vote! And please, do more than just scream one or the other. -Chariblaze

I want a new BR game.
Ranger by far. Battle Revolution offers little more than the cheap thrill of battling on the big screen. Besides, a new Ranger game would be awesome on the Wii U.
I want a Pokemon Ranger 4 AND a Pokemon Battle Revolution 2! Both will have generation 5 and 6! I REALLY hope they could come out!
Both, like HoOhLugia said. They'd be rocking if the two games were merged together into some awesome battling-and-taming mega-game. Oh wait.
I would completely rather have a game like Coliseum or XD: Gale of Darkness. But if it must be between the two, Pokemon Ranger.
I never actually fully played either series but I've played the old stadium games and I've seen videos of Battle revolution and also watched a cousin of mine playing a Ranger game and once tried playing a Ranger game... Conclusion: Hate the ranger games, I go for the BR game...
Equinox said:
I would completely rather have a game like Coliseum or XD: Gale of Darkness. But if it must be between the two, Pokemon Ranger.

I massively agree with the opinion for there to be another game in the XD: Gale of Darkness and Pokemon Colosseum series. I find the Shadow Pokemon very intruiging personally. Anyway, on the topic, I would definitely preferanother Pokemon Ranger. I like stuff spinning in circles lol, not to mention the playstyle is so different along with a different sounding storyline that they interest me more than Battle Revolution.
I think there should be a full 3D Ranger game on the Wii U.

Other games I want is a decent squeal to PMD Sky, as the Wii Ware ones were apparently terrible and the 3DS one has less Pokémon in it than PokéPark. I'd also like another one-off game like Conquest or Link.
Battle revolution except it needs like a story instead of jus "give us $15 and we let you do exactly what you can do on your des on your wii"
I dont really like either of Ranger or Revolution, but I guess Ill go with Ranger since that game was sorta fun. I really would love to see a Pokemon XD/Colloseum game.
Ranger. PBR just... Wasn't good at all. If you made it good then it wouldn't even deserve to be called a PBR sequel. The Ranger games, however, are incredibly fun spinoffs, and I wouldn't mind a 3DS Ranger 4.
Ranger, PBR was a waste of cash, all the good stuff required to many points...
Seismitoad537 said:
There needs to be a Battle Revolution game for XBOX! That would be sweet...

Not happening. Pokemon is a Nintendo franchise, and will remain on Nintendo consoles as long as they sell.
I'd prefer a Ranger game. I always liked the story, and I can't wait to see what they do with the 3DS's features and graphics.