What thing would you save?

Logicaly, I would save my family, myself and my pets, but if I HAD to take material possesions with then they would be, in this order: Pokemon cards (I keep my competitive play cards in a laptop case), any video games/consoles, a laptop and anime. I know I wouldn't have time to grab all that but if I could only choose ONE thing out of the material possesions to keep, it would be my Pokemon cards, they mean alot to me and I would go insane without them.
If my Mom/Dad/Sis/Dogs were safe I would try and save:

* University Magikarp.
* Trade Binder and Deck.
* JPN Charizard EX
iPod 4
And my personal Childhood memories. :)

* These are all in the same bag/case.
I would want to save my family including my dog and my cat. As for personnel items I would want to save my computer and my Xbox, two things that are my life! =3
bacon said:
Forgive me and my high horse, but a lot of the stuff being posted here is of purely material worth.

I agree, but if I owned stuff that reminded me of my past I would actually want it burnt. I would never want to be reminded of my elementary school days. Sure, most of them are pretty much just items, but just because they aren't obviously keepsakes doesn't mean they aren't memories. My old phone is a great example.
Matryoshka said:
I agree, but if I owned stuff that reminded me of my past I would actually want it burnt. I would never want to be reminded of my elementary school days. Sure, most of them are pretty much just items, but just because they aren't obviously keepsakes doesn't mean they aren't memories. My old phone is a great example.

I partially agree, but as the only things of sentimental value I own are stashed in the basement in a huge bin that I would never have time to get and then get out of the house, and considering I have no clue what is in there, I wouldn't go for it. The only other sentimental items of value I have are mainly things I find interesting, I don't think I would try to save those either because they are easily replaced.
I'd say family or cats, but (depending on the scenario)I reckon if my family and cats can't save themselves that I couldn't be much help to them. I guess I'd save my hedgehog. Material things can always be compensated from insurace. Long term friends on the other hand?
I'd save my laptop, my 360, most of my 360 games, my good Slipknot shirt, and my Angry Bird plush. =D

EDIT: Oh, yeah. Also I would rescue my 3DS and my Pokemon games, along with my current card bag, with my cards in it.
I would save my brother first, since my other family members easily have the physical ability to escape a fire themselves unless and obstacle hit them, and of course then, I would try to help. Posession wise, I think I would take my cellphone, (so that I could call 911), and then I think that maybe I would try to take my brothers medicines, since he needs those in order to survive.