Unusual uses for Pokémon cards

I wouldn't exactly call it a "creative" idea but I had an uncle of mine once come back from Afghanistan and some of the stuff he brought was fabric for making clothing. One piece had been wrapped around cardboard. Not just any ordinary cardboard though, it was part of an uncut sheet of Pokemon cards. Apparently that's what one specific shop used to wrap their fabric around. Definitely unusual alright although to this day I'm still hoping to learn why/how did such an item even end up over there.

As for me, I've probably never really used a card for an unusual purpose. The wallet idea is something I've been meaning to try.
Well the cards are printed in large sheets and then cut to size, but that doesn't explain how an uncut sheet ended up in Afghanistan. Could you tell if the sheet of cards was fake or official?
They look real to me. I have a picture of them right here actually.


I didn't focus really good with the second picture but if you look close enough, you can see white dots where the cards were to be separated or something. Oh and yes, it is in pretty bad shape I know. I was pretty young & dumb when I received this.

According to one individual, WOTC had 3 locations in the US where they printed their cards. I'm not sure if this included foreign language cards though. That doesn't really help explain how they could end up there though in a random shop.
safariblade said:
Could you tell if the sheet of cards was fake or official?

I think they must be real because:
If fake and seized, I would expect it would be destroyed.
If fake and bad, the fakers would destroy to hide evidence.
There was someone about a decade ago, that was building a tower of mew cards.
hammer time! said:
I use prerelease raichus as coasters.

I was going to say that about my FA Terrakions but you beat me to it. ;-;

But are there any unusual things I have used my Pokemon cards for? Well, I have stacks of commons from older sets lying around and such, so whenever I start EV training a Pokemon in Emerald (and just Emerald, since it takes a lot longer), I mark the amount of KOs on wild Pokemon I need to make, and then get that many cards out. Every time I get a KO I need, I flip the card over.

(For example, when using Macho Brace to train for SpAtk, I need to KO 126 Spindas, since I don't have access to PokeRus in Gen 3. I get 126 cards out of my common stack, then each time I KO a Spinda, I flip a card over. Once I know I'm done, then I'm done with that bit.)
It's the form of counting that I use in Emerald EV training. (In Black, I just count PP used instead, since the number for Black will be 26 instead of 126.)

But other than that? Nah. I respect my cards too much to do anything degrading with them.
Nigel said:
My friend once ate a Petilil.
Nigel said:
hammer time! said:
what set lol
Boundaries Crossed. ;~;

Aw, that's the cute one, how could they eat this?


Sometimes, when people send me cards with the toploader taped shut, I use old beat up energy to rip the tape. Scissors are too thick, and I don't have a knife near anywhere convenient for me to get.
Machamp the Champion said:
Sometimes, when people send me cards with the toploader taped shut, I use old beat up energy to rip the tape. Scissors are too thick, and I don't have a knife near anywhere convenient for me to get.

If only I'd read this a few hours ago! I got really annoyed trying to open a toploader taped too tight and with the cards too close to the edge for me to use a knife and risk damaging them.

I sometimes pretend I'm Seto Kaiba and throw random commons or other sucky cards at people when they say something stupid.
I used to cut pics of my friends and put their heads on the bodies of Pokemon. Before everything went digital of course. Now I just photoshop it. Other than that... I have used them to kill roaches or move spiders outside. Depending on what the spider is I might kill it out of fear.
Back in junior high/high school, I would take excess doubles of cards that I wasn't using in decks, rip them in half (so I'd have the pokémon side and the generic backing as two separate, thinner pieces) then tape them onto school notebooks and folders for decoration. So many old cards lost that way. >_> Then again, it was just bulk, and not in the best of condition either.

Now that I've moved, I'm actually planning to get a bookshelf just to hold my Pokémon cards and merch and decorate the shelves with old bulk and clear contact paper.