The most epic fail of all anti-Pokemon articles... Ever!

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There are so many things wrong with that artcle that it's not even worth listing them. ._.

I seriously hope this is a joke.
Hmm, I doubt it. The person sounded pretty serious.

I think the person only researched other Anti-Pokemon sites, rather than sit down and watch an episode or two. Or watch someone else play a little part of the games.
Fridge said:
^Newdude, Risu and Xander are gonna launch a protest march :O

Fridge, don't tarnish the reputations of our good members with crud like that. >:[

As for the article, I stopped reading after the first paragraph when I realized that it was going to be full of them same old fallacious "arguments" that all "POKEMON MAKES CHILDREN Stolen BABIES" articles have. >_>

I'm going to scan it for good lines, though. :p

Roflroflroflroflroflrofl. (Bolded bit.)

Lol. Anyways. When I started reading this, yeah, I hoped it was a joke too. But. I think they are actually serious. =S
The person who wrote that atricle is obviously a complete idiot. I feel very sorry for the kid in the article. Drugee in the making.
Craig Harris, the editor of IGN, a games review site described the Pokemon games as “More addictive than crack”. Crack-cocaine is illegal in every country (except Iran), and we wouldn’t give it to our kids, so why should we give them Pokemon game

What is wrong with this person. For one thing, it was just a joke.

Metapod: is one of the rarest and most powerful Pokemons.(xD) It is surely no coincidence that it is crescent shaped, like the crescent-moon the Muslims worship. This is burka-clad pokeman is an advert for children to turn away from Jesus Christ, as the player who can evolve the most Pokemons into Islamofascist Metapods is at an advantage.


And how does Pikachu = Pooh Bear?
They are serious. My aunt, uncle, and cousin's wife were showing me articles similar to this a few years ago just because I went to view the Pokedex on the official website.
lol, Pokemon is not more addicting than crack. Besides, even if it was, would it destroy your life? Make you got to prision? I think not.
the site said:
It was only when I had got home that I found that I had been deceived. The Pokemon series are anything but innocent - they are a foreign made manual of perversion and junk-science, designed to lure kids away from God. The more I researched this “Pokemon”, the more disturbed and offended I became:


As my biology teacher pointed out, there is a big difference between Darwin Evolution (AKA, where the theory of evo. = Bad comes from) and Pokemon evolution.

Pokémon evolution is quick, and happens during one's lifetime. Darwin Evoltuion happens over millions of years, while an organism adapts to it's enviornment. The closest Pokémon to that is Eevee. =/

Wow. If this guy has nothing to do but point parents in the wrong direction, he needs to get a life. XD
Yeah, I'd written something like your Darwin point in my first post in this thread. I'd agree with you on Eevee, but even that happens in a matter of seconds. Not over 500,000 years. (heck, by that time, my great-(add 10000 more greats to that)grandchildren would have gone into the ground a LONG time ago.
An image of Picachu “Evolving”, from the Pokemon TV Hentai series. Whe this show was first broadcast in Japan, many kids had violent convulsions. The Pokemon-people said it was just “epilepsy”, but knowing what I know now about this show I suspect that it was demonic posession.

My jaw dropped here. And my jaw deos not normally drop like that.

This guy is nuts, is a poor researcher, and I feel sorry for his niece.

omg I can't stop laughing
May I suggest someone gets the article and kills the link? Some pages away from that one are really bad for the kiddies, and a whole group of adults we know as hardcore christians. =/ Seriously, I checked it out, there's some scary stuff on there.
Wow I almost Ripped my hair out reading this!! It was horrid, they dident read squat, her neice is going to be the 16 year old who goes to disney land and hugges Pooh and starts Crying when He finds out that poohs not real, a guy in a costume :/ Horrible, funny kinda but an outrage lol Metapod one of the rarest pokes lol

I don't get what's so funny about Jared's link. I find it more disturbing than funny.
Because they did poor research and twisted the facts back in on themselves. If you read the comments(Although I sorely suggest you don't) even the members don't believe it =P
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