PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013! Lemonnade and Zygarde are victorious!

RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

Don't dissapoint me DNA!
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

Teal said:
Don't dissapoint me DNA!

Yeah, yeah, just because you're the new judge over me and Reggie... XDD Just kidding pal, good luck next year to you too, you'll certainly need it. And don't be so hard on us, would ya? ;)
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

It's New Year where I am so... Happy New Year guys! Once again, good luck, and I'm looking forward to the results.
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

I expect the results before 2014

It is new January the 1st, 2014 here in Australia. DNA, the time in California is 8:44 and the time in New York is 11:44. DNA you have between 16 minutes and 3 hours, 16 minutes, to complete and post the results or my expectations will be dashed and I will be very sad :(
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

I still have to wait on CMP, who said he couldn't get his results in until the end of January.
I am sorry, but that is just the snag that comes with the territory.
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

DNA said:
I still have to wait on CMP, who said he couldn't get his results in until the end of January.
I am sorry, but that is just the snag that comes with the territory.

END OF JANUARY?!?! o_O Can we get Text-Based at least?
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

Unless what was meant is the end of December, that's gonna be 30 days' worth of waiting :O And it's not possible, assuming that a January CaC is next up. I'll keep my hopes up...
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

RealArity said:
Unless what was meant is the end of December, that's gonna be 30 days' worth of waiting :O And it's not possible, assuming that a January CaC is next up. I'll keep my hopes up...

Well, who knows, CMP could have gone on a month-long vacation trip... (?)
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

Luispipe8 said:
RealArity said:
Unless what was meant is the end of December, that's gonna be 30 days' worth of waiting :O And it's not possible, assuming that a January CaC is next up. I'll keep my hopes up...

Well, who knows, CMP could have gone on a month-long vacation trip... (?)
Can I still change my submission?


PS: For the record: I'm joking, I don't want to change my submission, please don't take away points.
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

This is stupid how we have to wait till February to get our results. This makes a January CaC out of the question, even though we planned to do one.
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

No it doesn't? Either have CMP do double duty with the image-based judging, or find a new judge. It's not that big a deal.
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

Reggie McGigas said:
This is stupid how we have to wait till February to get our results. This makes a January CaC out of the question, even though we planned to do one.

January 2013's Create-A-Card wasn't posted until the 11th. Plus this isn't the first month where we've had to go over by a few days due to real life matters.
I think you guys will be fine.
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

If you need a judge for January I'll happily take the role.
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

Blui said:
If you need a judge for January I'll happily take the role.

Yeah, to speed things up a bit let's have Blui and Teal to judge January! It'll be a change as well, to escape rope the routine(amazing pun intended :p).
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

DNA said:
Reggie McGigas said:
This is stupid how we have to wait till February to get our results. This makes a January CaC out of the question, even though we planned to do one.

January 2013's Create-A-Card wasn't posted until the 11th. Plus this isn't the first month where we've had to go over by a few days due to real life matters.
I think you guys will be fine.

Well that is true, seeing that we didn't get the results until the 4th or 5th January last year, but depending on how judging goes, we may have to wait until February (next month) for the CaC of 2014 to officially begin. And if we're going to be doing it by type like they did last year, then the chances of Fairy Pokémon being one of the contests is extremely high.
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

We'd need high-quality Fairy-type blanks and symbols for that.
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

DNA, you said that we'd wait until the end of January, as in like the 30th or something. I can wait until the 11th, but I think you guys should have judging done before February.
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

PMJ said:
We'd need high-quality Fairy-type blanks and symbols for that.

I believe there are some already, on deviantArt? Unless they're not counted as finalized versions, then you have a good point.
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

Reggie McGigas said:
DNA, you said that we'd wait until the end of January, as in like the 30th or something. I can wait until the 11th, but I think you guys should have judging done before February.

I know that, though I still need to wait for CMP to send me his half. I'm almost done with my half.

It's not like I'm holding out on purpose, you know...
RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card December 2013!

I can't post the image-based results since CMP isn't back from family just yet, but at least in the interim I can give you the results for text-based. CMP, you can post them yourself if you want; you don't need to wait for me.

Without further ado, here I go...



Ho-Oh - Fire- HP130
Basic Pokémon

Ability: Beast Reincarnation
Once during your turn, when you put Ho-Oh from your hand onto your Bench, you may search your discard pile for up to 3 in any combination of Pokémon named Raikou, Entei, or Suicune, show them to your opponent, and put them into your hand.

[R][R][R][R] Full Spectrum 20x
This attack does 20 damage times the number of different types of Pokémon on your Bench.

Weakness: [W] x2
Resistance: [F] -30
Retreat Cost: [C][C]

Legends claim this Pokémon flies the world's skies continuously on its magnificent seven-colored wings.

The fun bit about this month is I don't have to look for any specific criteria this month. This is good. I can just watch you guys go all-out. I notice you opted for Ho-Oh, though it was shown on the banner. You didn't have to, but I suppose it doesn't really matter much either way.
My favorite part of the card is the Ability - it directly references the Ho-Oh mythos, about how it brought the beasts back to life, and returning them to your hand is a great way to do that. After all, they could just run off somewhere else back to the deck, right? And of course Full Spectrum is the rainbow-esque attack that Ho-Oh are well-known for.

I only have one bit to bring up about this card: when Pokemon card effects self-reference in BW cards, they say 'this Pokemon' rather than the name. So rather it'd be 'when you put this Pokemon from your hand onto your Bench...' but that doesn't detract much from the overall excellence of the card!

Creativity/Originality: 18/20
Wording: 14/15
Believability/Playability: 15/15
Editing Penalty: -2
Total: 45/50


Stage 2 Pokemon Chandelure HP 130

Evolves from Lampent

Ability: Colored Curse
As often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you may attach a Special Energy card from your hand to 1 of your Pokémon. If you do, put 1 damage counter on that Pokemon.

Striped Blaster 50+
Does 20 more damage for each Special Energy card attached to your Pokemon.

Pain Share 20+
Does 20 more damage for each damage counter on this Pokemon.

Weakness -
Resistance -
Retreat -

Special Energy acceleration, whoo! Never seen that before. Though, it IS moderately concerning... It would be a must-have for any deck that frequently utilizes DCE, Prism, and/or Rainbow, and Plasma would go insane with it. I do think there's a reason that Special Energy gets restricted so much :p
Striped Blaster worries me, not because of the effect, but because of the cost - it's very low. PR with a base 50, but it will most likely be much higher than that. I think if you switched the attack costs, and then added a C to the PR, it would make sense. This only really hurts in the Believability category, though.

I should note for Striped Blaster, it would be "Does 20 more damage for each Special Energy attached to all of your Pokemon" (ref. Gallade PLS), but otherwise it works!

Creativity/Originality: 18/20
Wording: 14/15
Believability/Playability: 13/15
Total: 45/50


Tentacruel HP 90 [P]
Stage 1 Evolves from Tentacool

NO.073 Jellyfish Pokémon HT: 5'03" WT: 121.3 lbs.

[Poké-BODY] Contagious
If Tentacruel is hit with any attack that requires a [C] or [F] Energy then the attacking Pokémon is now Poisoned.

[P][W] Phishing
Flip a coin. If heads, look at the top 5 cards of your opponent's deck and reorganize them in any order you wish. If tails, look at the bottom 5 cards of your opponent's deck and reorganize them in any way you wish.

[P][W][C] Tentacle Jilt 40
Pick one of your opponent's Benched Pokémon and switch it with the Defending Pokémon.

In battle, it extends all 80 of its tentacles to entrap its opponent inside a poisonous net.

Weakness [P] x2
Retreat Cost [C]

I love this card; the only department where it really suffers is wording. But I'll get to that later. I think the Contagious bit is what I really like about it; it punishes any attack that uses a [C] or [F] to pay for cost. Though, most attacks end up using a [C] to pay for the spares, so this would hit a LOT of things. I could see just the [F] bit, though with the [C] then you hurt everything. Still, I definitely love this card and how it just messes with things.

Here's how the card would be worded:
Poke-Body: Contagious
If Tentacruel is damaged by an attack that has a [F] or [C] in its attack cost, the Attacking Pokemon is now Poisoned.

PW Phishing
Flip a coin. If heads, look at the top 5 cards of your opponent's deck and put them on top of your opponent's deck in any order. If tails, look at the bottom 5 cards of your opponent's deck and put them on the bottom of your opponent's deck in any order.

PWC Tentacle Jilt 40
Switch the Defending Pokemon with 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon.
...adding accents on the 'e's in Pokemon, obviously. But I don't penalize people for that on text-based blanks.

Creativity/Originality: 20/20
Wording: 12/15
Believability/Playability: 13/15
Total: 45/50


Inkay 50 HP

(Credit Dreamworld Art)


Poké-POWER: Flip Over
Once during your turn (before your attack), if Inkay is your Active Pokémon, you may turn this card around (this counts as evolving Inkay) and put 3 damage counters on Inkay.

Topsy Turvy
Take an Energy card from one of your opponent's Benched Pokémon and put it on Inkay. Then switch the Defending Pokémon with that Benched Pokémon.

Darkbubble 30



retreat cost


ʇsoɔ ʇɐǝɹʇǝɹ


08 punoM dıɥM {D}{D}{D}{D}

˙ɹɐɯɐlɐW ɯoɹɟ sɹǝʇunoɔ ǝƃɐɯɐp llɐ ǝʌoɯǝɹ puɐ (ɹɐɯɐlɐW ƃuıʌloʌǝp sɐ sʇunoɔ sıɥʇ) punoɹɐ pɹɐɔ sıɥʇ uɹnʇ ʎɐɯ noʎ 'uoɯéʞod ǝʌıʇɔɐ ɹnoʎ sı ɹɐɯɐlɐW ɟı '(ʞɔɐʇʇɐ ɹnoʎ ǝɹoɟǝq) uɹnʇ ɹnoʎ ƃuıɹnp ǝɔuO
ɹǝʌo d!lɟ :ᴚǝMOd-éʞod

ʎɐʞuI ɯoɹɟ sǝʌloʌ3 I ǝƃɐʇS

ʇɹɐ plɹoʍɯɐǝɹp ʇıpǝɹɔ (picture of an upside-down Malamar)

{D} dɥ 00I ɹɐɯɐlɐW

As a note, since the site Eagle4 was using does not like direct linking, I had to reconstruct bits of the card from memory. I still remember the card as an original, so I'm not docking points due to a hotlinking issue.

Here's what the upside-down bit says:

Malamar 100 HP {D}

Stage 1 Evolves from Inkay

Poké-Power: Flip Over
Once during your turn (before your attack), if Malamar is your active pokémon, you may turn this card around (this counts as devolving Malamar) and remove all damage counters from Malamar.

{D}{D}{D}{D} Whip Wound 80

Weakness {G}
Retreat Cost {C}{C}

I think this gets an auto-20 on originality, even though I've seen this kind of thing in Magic: The Gathering. Point being I've never seen it in Pokemon.
Such flip; much upside; very down; wow.

Honestly...the only thing I have to say is that Topsy Turvy has poor wording. Rather, it should be:
"Move an Energy card from 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon to Inkay. Then, switch that Pokemon with the Defending Pokemon."
You may want to put a clause about it returning to the owner when it's discarded, but that is neither here nor there.

What really is confusing, though, is how you'd implement this into an actual card. I don't know if you have enough room on a card to write that much text on it. I have no idea how that would be implemented, but it definitely sounds cool.

Creativity/Originality: 20/20
Wording: 14/15
Believability/Playability: 14/15
Total: 48/50

Four Arms:

Klinklang HP140 [M]
Stage 2 (Evolves from Klang)

NO. 601 Gear Pokémon HT: 2'00" WT: 178.6lbs.

[Ability] Gear Cycle
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may devovle 1 of your Pokémon (excluding this Pokémon) and shuffle the highest Stage Evolution card on it into your deck. Then, search your deck for a card that evolves from another of your Pokémon and put it onto that Pokémon. (This counts as evolving that Pokémon.) Shuffle your deck afterwards.

[M][M][C] Emergency Protocol 30
If the Defending Pokemon is a [R] Pokémon, put all Energy attached to it into your opponent's hand.

weakness [R] X2
resistance [P] -20
retreat cost [C][C][C]

The core in it's center is so powerful, it allows the spikes on it to shoot lasers which plant spikes on the ground that shoot more lasers.

"It's center"? Really? Though I'm not going to mark you off for misspelling the word 'devolve' in the Ability. That would be mean.

Gear Cycle really speaks to me, with the evolution cycle - trade one for another. It makes sense too, given what kind of Pokemon it is. Emergency Protocol reminds me of Fire Counterattack (Meganium MT) and many other cards like it back then, that would become stronger against their weakness.

I've noticed for attacks that require the Defending Pokemon to be something for an extra effect (that isn't damage), it usually says 'that Pokemon' instead of 'it' (ref: Stantler SW). If you can find a newer card with that... Scratch that, Haxorus PLB has 'it'! though Houndoom PLB has it fully written out. Darn inconsistency! Yet, Haxorus has what I'm looking for, so you're fine.

Creativity/Originality: 19/20
Wording: 15/15
Believability/Playability: 15/15
Total: 49/50

Keeper of Night:

[L] Magnezone 140 HP
Stage 2 (evolves from Magneton)

Ability: Magnetic Force
This Pokemon's attacks do 20 more damage for each other Magnemite, Magneton, and Magnezone you have in play.

[L][C] Magnet Bomb 10
This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, or any other effects on the Defending Pokémon.

[L][L][C] Discharge 100
Discard all energy attached to this Pokémon. The Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.

W: [F] R: ___
Retreat: [C][C][C]

It evolved when exposed to strong electromagnetic fields. Sometimes, they exhibit strange behavior.

You were right to tone down the power of your Magnet Bomb. Now you're in trouble with your Discharge for being too strong. Especially given how Magnezone can easily re-attach Energy from the discard and from the hand, that makes continual paralysis easy. (The past incarnation, Cyber Shock, was at a fixed 80 and you needed to discard 2 kinds of Energy.)

Power is great; reminds me of Politoed LA, though you didn't put down the before-W&R clause. Man, I like messing with you, don't I?

Creativity/Originality: 18/20
Wording: 14/15
Believability/Playability: 14/15
Total: 46/50


Relicanth - Basic Pokemon [W][F] 80 HP
NO. 369 Longevity Pokemon HT: 3'03" WT: 51.6 lbs.
This Pokemon is both [W][F] type.
Ability Longevity
This Pokemon's Weakness, Resistance and Retreat Cost cannot be modified. This Pokemon's attacks' damage is not affected by Weakness, Resistance, any other effects on the Defending Pokemon or any other effects on this Pokemon.
[W][F][C][C] The Good Ol' Days
If the Defending Pokemon is a Basic Pokemon and has more than 120 HP remaining, it is now Knocked Out.
Weakness: [F] x2
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: [C]
"A rare Pokémon discovered during a deep-sea exploration. It has not changed in over 100 million years."
PokéBeach CaC 30/30 Uncommon

Longevity is probably one of the most quirky wording situations I've ever seen, but I can't really find anything wrong with it (other than Relicanth doesn't do damage). It's not wrong; it's just lengthy.

As for that attack cost, it's an instant knock-out, but then again, so is Haxorus' Strike of the Champion, and that cost a lot less...plus, the criteria were less specific. This card is amazing; I can't say anything else about it.

Creativity/Originality: 20/20
Wording: 15/15
Believability/Playability: 15/15
Total: 50/50

Lord Fletchling:

Stage 1 - Clawitzer-HP100-Water
Evolves from Clauncher


NO. 693 Howitzer Pokémon HT: 4'03" WT: 77.8 Ibs.​

[Ability] - Mega Launcher
Your Water Pokémon's attacks do 30 more damage to the Active Pokémon (after applying Weakness and Resistance).

[W] [W] - Water Pulse
Discard all Water Energy attached to this Pokémon. This attack does 50 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness or Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)

Weakness: Water (×2) Resistance: Steel (-30) Retreat: 1

By expelling water from the nozzle in the back of its claw, it can move at a speed of 60 knots.​
Illus. The Pokémon Company

Always put the symbol of the type instead of spelling out the name of the type, e.g. [W] Energy, [W] Pokemon, etc. All Pokemon cards do this when referencing a type. Look at Darkrai LV.X for a prime example. Other than that, this card looks good.

But I'm surprised that you didn't catch an amateur mistake like not using the Energy symbols. Now I have to dock your score.

Creativity/Originality: 17/20
Wording: 14/15
Believability/Playability: 15/15
Total: 46/50


Stage 2//Gallade//HP140\\

Evolves from Kirlia


Dex Number: 475/Blade Pokémon/Height: 1.6m/Weight: 52.0kg

Mental Punch 50

Heal 30 damage from this Pokémon. If this Pokémon has any
Energy attached to it, heal 20 more damage from this Pokémon.

Psychotic Cut

Flip 3 coins. If one of them is heads, this attack does 50 damage. If 2 of them are heads, this attack does 120 damage. If all of them are heads, the defending Pokémon is now Knocked Out. If all of them are tails, this Pokémon is now Knocked Out. This Pokémon can't use Psychotic Cut during your next turn.




It is a master of courtesy and swordsmanship that is capable of predicting its foe’s moves. It will use its arms like swords in order to protect someone.​

Somehow I'm not surprised that you picked Gallade :p And an interesting choice for the picture - you used the X/Y gif model.
Mental Punch heals damage, more if it has a [F] Energy. Psychotic Cut is random by nature, hence the name, but it can do a lot.
What I would suggest is to increase the cost of each of the attacks by [C]. It's more obvious for Mental Punch; a 100 HP difference for 2 Energy (80 by default) is quite a bit. As for Psychotic Cut, 2+ heads for a near-secured KO for only 3 may seem a bit much. (Also, you need to put 'if 1 of them is heads' and capitalize 'Defending Pokemon'.)
But all in all you did a fantastic job!

Creativity/Originality: 18/20
Wording: 14/15
Believability/Playability: 13/15
Total: 45/50

Lvl 100 Bidoof:

[Basic] Bidoof EX HP130 [C]

[Ability] Dam-nation
This Pokemon gets +10 HP for each Bidoof EX in play (both yours and your opponent's).

[C] EXtract
Search your deck for a Bidoof EX and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward.

[C][C][C] Pun-ish 30
Does 10 more damage for each damage counter on all of your Pokémon in play.

When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: [F] x2
Retreat: [C][C][C]

You're a very punny guy. That's really all I can say, other than you need to put PUN-ish as having 30+ damage base. Also, 'in play' is redundant.

Creativity/Originality: 19/20
Wording: 14/15
Believability/Playability: 14/15
Total: 47/50

Reggie McGigas:

[Stage 1] Golurk // HP130 [P]
[Evolves from Golett]

[Ability] Season's Beatings
If this Pokémon has any [F] Energy attached to it, this Pokemon's attacks do 40 more damage.

[P][C] Mechanical Mayhem 60+
If your Opponent's Active Pokémon is a M Pokémon-EX, this attack does 60 more damage.

Weakness: [P]x2
Retreat [C][C][C]

[This Pokémon was utilized in ancient villages for help with building. It is one of the oldest remaining Pokémon that has not been brought back with the use of fossils.]

Whoo, shiny Golurk. I look at it and...on Season's Beatings you're missing the before-W&R clause! Why do people forget that? It's not like there's ever been a card that doesn't have it...

There's nothing wrong with Mechanical Mayhem, though I can't think of any example of an M Pokemon-EX...oh wait, that says Mega, not Movie. Okay, you're fine. Still, I'd up the cost by 1 or more; 100 for PF is a whole lot.

Creativity/Originality: 18/20
Wording: 14/15
Believability/Playability: 14/15
Total: 46/50


Basic - 170 HP
Serperior EX

Ability: Regality
Once during your turn, (before your attack), if this Pokémon is your Active Pokémon, you may attach a [G] Energy card to one of your Pokémon.

[G][C][C] Foliage Frenzy 100
This Pokémon can't attack during your next turn.

Weakness: [R] x2
Resistance: [W] -20
Retreat Cost: [C]

Pokémon-EX rule: When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

I'm not sure what I can say. There isn't a whole lot here to comment on, though it does look pretty. It definitely works as a card though; shame there's nothing eye-popping or outstanding about it. I still like it, though.

Creativity/Originality: 16/20
Wording: 15/15
Believability/Playability: 15/15
Editing Penalty: -2
Total: 44/50


(Stage 2) Alakazam // HP130


NO. 65 Psi Pokémon HT: 4'11" WT: 105.8 lbs.

Paradigm Shift
Whenever a Poisoned Pokémon (both yours and your opponent's) would receive damage counters from Poison, remove that amount of damage counters instead.

Superior Intellect
Choose any of your Benched Pokémon's attacks and use it as this attack. (You still need the necessary Energy to use each attack.)

weakness resistance
(Its superb memory lets it recall everything it has experienced from birth. Its IQ exceeds 5,000.)

You again?

Paradigm Shift is interesting, though I feel it should be worded differently, such as "Whenever a Poisoned Pokemon (both yours and your opponent's) would have damage counters put on it from the Special Condition Poisoned, remove that amount of damage counters instead". It's kinda wordy, but the point is you don't place damage counters - you put them.

As for the attack, Superior Intellect, there's a card (Liepard BCR) that does the exact same thing - and it's not the necessary Energy to use 'each' attack, but 'that' attack, since it's only one.

Creativity/Originality: 19/20
Wording: 13/15
Believability/Playability: 14/15
Total: 46/50


[Stage 1] Toxicroak// HP 110 [P]
[Evolves from Croagunk]


[Ability] Toxic Call
Once during your turn [before you attack] you may search your deck for 2 [P] Pokémon and put them in your hand (shuffle your deck afterwards). If you do, discard an Energy attached to this Pokémon. You may not use an Ability with the same name during your turn.

[P][P][C] Toxic Madness 50+
This attack does 10 more damage for each [P] Pokémon in play (Both yours and your opponent's). Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. If tails, this Pokémon is now Poisoned.

Weakness: [P] x2
Resistance:[F] -20
Retreat: [C][C]
The croaking that Toxicroak produces before a battle is for churning the poison it has stored in its poison sac.

I was reading the Pokedex entry, and all I could think of was "Look at what fear does to your courage sac".

Moving along, I'd assume that Toxic Call requires an Energy be attached to Toxicroak? If that's the case, put "Once during your turn (before your attack), if this Pokemon has an Energy attached to it..." Additionally, "Shuffle your deck afterward" is separate from parentheses, and when searching your deck for a specific kind of card, you have to "reveal it/them". (Computer Search and Reversal Trigger do not say reveal because they just search for a card.)

The attack, for the most part, is fine - "This attack" is redundant usually, but it doesn't matter much either way, though 'both' is lowercase. All in all, I definitely like the look of the Toxicroak, but the ease of searching 2 Psychic-type Pokemon is somewhat scary, considering that was and still is one of the best types to use.

Creativity/Originality: 19/20
Wording: 13/15
Believability/Playability: 14/15
Editing Penalty: -2
Total: 44/50

That was a lot of 45s and swimming around that area. It was a difficult month and not a whole lot stood out. Surprisingly enough, and I didn't think he would, Lemonnade won with his super-old-school Relicanth scoring 50 points, and Four Arms came close behind with his cyclical Klinklang with 49. Sorry, Eagle4. You and your upside-down Malamar came really close but you only got 48. ;-;

For now, enjoy the results from text-based!