Minecraft (1.6 Discussion)

RE: Minecraft (1.5 Discussion)

Tsoliades said:
Not pictured: Infinity's house, Kyle's house, DSJ's house, courthouse, Puff's house

So it's a pretty good server.

RE: Minecraft (1.5 Discussion)

Tsoliades said:
The Fire Wyrm said:
So... Since Infinity's server is now practically useless, may I destroy it pl0x?

It's not useless. Infinity is just a horrid op. :p
We have tons of stuff. Lemme post a screencap.
Not pictured: Infinity's house, Kyle's house, DSJ's house, courthouse, Puff's house

So it's a pretty good server.

thats a very nice pig you have there it would be a shame if someone thought that by burning it they would get bacon
RE: Minecraft (1.5 Discussion)

I need someone to come on a journey with me to find some stuff, I'm willing to pay, in potato's once my farm gets going :)

Also, the troll level on this server is bad... I got stole from on my first day.
RE: Minecraft (1.5 Discussion)

MrGatr said:
IDK.... But I needed them lol. (I blame ninjaboy)
I usually know what's mine and what's not, so I'm pretty sure I didn't take anything. If I did, it was accidental. My solution to your problem would be...make more. xP
RE: Minecraft (1.5 Discussion)

:eek: eh, I'll just go grab some coal, I might have accidently dropped them.

Also, who blew up the bottom of this supermountain, it's just a giant crater full of redstone, Iron, and coal... It's super nice. :)
RE: Minecraft (1.5 Discussion)

...you guys have a Minecraft server? I'm loving this place more and more already. I might have to go on it sometime.
RE: Minecraft (1.5 Discussion)

Alright, everyone. My server is up and out of beta testing! The ip is If you are not currently whitelisted, just let me know.
See you online!
RE: Minecraft (1.5 Discussion)

Guys, Spoggers is a communist. He won't let me build my multiple house designs because it's not to his "standards". Worst OP ever.