Future EXs

Genesect EX 170 HP {G}

Ability: Disk Type:
Discard a basic energy attached to Genesect EX. Genesect EX is the same type as that energy until the end of your turn.

{G}{C}{C}: Run From My Gun: 100

W: {R}
R: {P}
RC: {C} x2

He would be really hard to use, but he can OHKO anybody (except for Dialga EX with 2 Metals on it, or 1 metal and an eviolite).

Mesprit EX: 160 HP {P}

Ability: Random Reception:
Reveal the top ten cards of your deck. You may put a supporter you find into your hand. Then, shuffle the cards into your deck. You can only use Random Reception once per turn.

{P} Party Rockin:
Search your deck for up to three pokemon and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.

RC: {C}

I could do this all day, it's fun XD
^ you should make a topic under the fake creations banner


And Genesect can't OHKO the dragons at the moment. Or anything else that he doesn't have the energy for.

Metapod/leavanny also nerfs him by removing the weakness
I'm thinking that there will be a Kyurem alt. Forme EX, Meloetta EX (seperate ones for it's different formes), Genesect (not sure they'd make 5 different ones), Rayquaza EX, Unova starters as EXs, Hydreigon and Garchomp in Dragon Blade/Blast, and a few other randoms.
I would love a Ludicolo EX.
My favorite Pokemon, getting some recognition other Stage 2 Pokemon get...

Realistically - depending on how long EX stays in, Keldeo and Meloetta are sure to get one (the later when released).
If the TCG is still in the B/W EX era when Genesect is released, then it'll definitely get one.
Cobalion EX [M] 180 HP

ABILITY- Metal Coat
Any damage done to this Pokemon by attacks is reduced by 30.

[M] Metalic Rewind
Shuffle any 2 cards from your discard pile back in to your deck.

[M][C] Sacred Steel 80+
You may discard any number of cards in your hand as you like. For each card you discard, this attack does 10 more damage.

Pair this up with Eviolite and Sp. Metals, and you've got a fully fledged TANK.
Scizorliscious said:
^That's not quite how the wording sounds. It would seem that it's any type of card, not just between psychic/fighting (besides, there's nothing else on the card to hint at that either).

It would be terribly broken, though– that and Electrode for a T2 160? If it had a Psychic Weakness, it wouldn't be quite so bad, but it would still make for the BDIF.

It says the type Meloetta "acts" as. Although the wording is vague, if you know who Meloetta actually is you'd get it. I don't know how you would implement such mechanic though, unless you could say that the other Meloetta should be in-play.

Anyway, back on topic:

Latios-EX {P} 160 HP

Ability - Soul Dew - Once during your turn(before you attack), If you have a Pokemon Tool attached to this pokemon, you may ignore its effect and Latios-EX's attacks deal 30 more damage.

{P}{P}{C} - Luster Purge: 60+
This attack deals 20 more damage for each effect that increases this attack's damage(after applying weakness and resistance).

Weakness: {D}x2
Resistance: --
Retreat: {C}{C}
--> Basically a straight attacker but not to happy on the defensive side. I like Latios(favorite legendary) and I want to see him as a great card.

Moltres-EX {R} 170 HP

Ability - Firegiver - When you put Moltres-EX into play, you may flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for 2 {R} energy and attach them to any of your pokemon. If tails, search your deck for 3 {R} energy and put them into your hand.

{R}{R}{C} - Screeching Flare - 90
You may discard as many {R} energy cards as you want from Moltres-EX. If you do, this attack does 20 damage to one of your opponent's benched pokemon for each {R} energy discarded (Don't apply weakness and resistance for benched pokemon).

--Hey, we got mewtwo as EX, I really want one of the legendary birds to be part of it too xD
Wait, what other effects would there be to increase Latios EX's ability besides his poke-power? Weakness? Pluspowers?
Terrakion EX [F] 190 HP

ABILITY- Bone Head
Once during your turn, you may search your deck for a basic [F] energy card, and attach it to one of your Pokemon. Shuffle your deck afterwords.

[F] Rock Slide 20
If this Pokemon has a Pokemon Tool attached to it, this attack does 30 more damage.

[F][F][C] Terrrrrain Smash 120

Virizion EX [G] 150 HP

ABILITY- Sacred Forest
Neither player can use Abilities, other than Sacred Forest, as long as this Pokemon is in play.

[C][C] Leaf Tornado
Place 2 damage counters on each Pokemon in play. Do not place damage counters on any Cobalion EX, Terrekion EX, Virizion EX, or Keldeo EX.

[G][C][C] Danse de la Chevre 40X
This attack does 40 damage times the number of Pokemon-EX in play.
@EonEye99, please make the attack names realistic.
@All, these are EXs, I really like all of ur ideas, though EXs are almost definetley gonna be only legendaries and I think most of the drawbacks are 2 harsh.
EonEye99 said:
Wait, what other effects would there be to increase Latios EX's ability besides his poke-power? Weakness? Pluspowers?

Yep. I re-did the wordings and increased the damage. Also gains bonus from Aerodactyl. I'm also debating whether I should change his typing so that Dragon Altaria would help him. But One pluspower, one Aerodactyl already bumps up his damage by 60. I'm not sure if it will make him op if I change it.
megabarkerboy said:
darkria ex would be awsome

There is a Darkria EX, lucky you.
T-Peezy said:
Terrakion EX [F] 190 HP

ABILITY- Bone Head
Once during your turn, you may search your deck for a basic [F] energy card, and attach it to one of your Pokemon. Shuffle your deck afterwords.

[F] Rock Slide 20
If this Pokemon has a Pokemon Tool attached to it, this attack does 30 more damage.

[F][F][C] Terrrrrain Smash 120

The second attack should do less damage because KyuremEX needs 4 energy to do 120 and can't use the same attack the next turn.
cheap (chp)
adj. cheap·er, cheap·est
a. Relatively low in cost; inexpensive or comparatively inexpensive.
b. Charging low prices: a cheap restaurant.
a. Obtainable at a low rate of interest. Used especially of money.
b. Devalued, as in buying power: cheap dollars.
3. Achieved with little effort: a cheap victory; cheap laughs.
4. Of or considered of small value: in wartime, when life was cheap.
5. Of poor quality; inferior: a cheap toy.
6. Worthy of no respect; vulgar or contemptible: a cheap gangster.
7. Stingy; miserly.

Not realistic is not in any way a definition of cheap, or even close to it. Also, considering Kyurem EX is real and that Terrakion EX is not, I would think Kyurem EX is a lot more realistic...

My idea:

Salamence EX [/drg] 180 hp
Stage 2

Ability: Intimidate
If your opponent's Active Pokemon is Basic, all damage done to Salamence EX by attacks is reduced by 40 before applying Weakness and Resistance.

{C}{C} Dragon Claw 60

{R}{R}{W}{W} Dual Jet Stream Blast
Select 2 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 100 damage to both of them (don't apply Weakness or Resistance to benched Pokemon). You may make Salamence EX's type {R} or {W} while applying weakness or resistance for this attack.

Its Salamence. Once they run out of legendaries, it makes sense to move onto pseudo-legendaries or strong dragons, both of which will be great cash grabbers. Salamence is both.

And of course, an all time favorite:

Magikarp EX {W} 30 HP

{C}{G}{W}{L}{F}{R}{P}{M}{D} Condescending Judgment
You win the game.
Arceus EX 190 HP {C}

[Arceus EX rule: If there is an Arceus EX in your discard pile, Lost Zone, or in play, you can not play this card.]

{C}{C} Judgement Shaft:
Choose one of the opponent's pokemon. This attack does 70 damage to that pokemon. Discard two energy attached to Arceus EX.

{C}{C}{C}{C} Arbitrator: 200
Place Arceus EX and all cards attached to it into the Lost Zone. Both you and your opponent take two prize cards if the defending Pokemon was knocked out by damage from this attack. If not, the opponent takes 2 prizes anyway.

W: {F}
RC: {C} x3

If you have 2 left when they have 3, you can win with Arbitrator. Any deck running Arceus would only run it for Arbitrator, but Judgement Shaft is a nice move as well.
Dark Void said:
Worthy of no respect; vulgar or contemptible: a cheap gangster.
Thats what i meant.
EonEye99 said:
Arceus EX 190 HP

[Arceus EX rule: If there is an Arceus EX in your discard pile, Lost Zone, or in play, you can not play this card.]

Judgement Shaft:
Choose one of the opponent's pokemon. This attack does 70 damage to that pokemon. Discard two energy attached to Arceus EX.

Arbitrator: 200
Place Arceus EX and all cards attached to it into the Lost Zone. Both you and your opponent take two prize cards if the defending Pokemon was knocked out by damage from this attack. If not, the opponent takes 2 prizes anyway.

RC: x3

If you have 2 left when they have 3, you can win with Arbitrator. Any deck running Arceus would only run it for Arbitrator, but Judgement Shaft is a nice move as well. This guy is probably a tad overpowered.
NO, its underpowered IMO, keep in mind, were not gonna make More Mewtwo EXs, but these are still EXs!!!!!