Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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Bob Franklin said:
Your evil laugh was so bad Uberchu came back to life and PWNed you in the face.

Uberchu commits suicide because he realizes that we are going to keep on trying to kill him. He made sure no one could reserect him and that it was actually him.

Uberchu missed, and apparently he cant commit suicide, I read somewhere....

I put Uberchu in a cage full of Uberchu eating lions which fart death causing gas!
uberchu puts a gas mask

the gas mask goes wrong and it starts sucking in gas

and to "bob franklin" you never said he didnt jump a cliff and you never said he shot himself so how did he die
Uberchu gets a working gas mask. That can't malfunction.

I have the Uberchu-eating lions attack Uberchu!
but uberchu's uberexploded pieces reassemble themselves.

uberchu is realizes it is just a fiction, existing to be killed by stupid pokebeach members, and commits suicide
then he realizes that that is what he was made for and keeps living...

then he gets a bomb that kills all pokebeach members so they cant bring him back to life and kill him again and the suicides!...yay!
Uberchu teleports to an alternate reality where there is no mass destruction.

I rise to power in Germany, and blame all the world's problems on Uberchu. A massive manhunt ensues.
The Allies invade through Normandy. Fearing capture, you commit suicide. Germany falls, and Uberchu is released.

Uberchu is then tried for war crimes and convicted. His sentence is death by hanging.
blackraven1425 said:
Uberchu teleports to an alternate reality where there is no mass destruction.

Apocalypse= mass destruction.

I warp Uberchu back into our no-longer existent world, instantly destroying him.
Uberchu randomly learns Teleport and Teleports away from danger.

But there's a cost: Every time Uberchu uses Teleport, 25% of his life energy is drained.

Uberchu teleports three more times.
Pikachu is holding a Sitrus Berry.

I send the entire universe's armies to track down and destroy Uberchu.
It disappears by somehow learning Shadow Force.

I PWN Uberchu by having Entei use TM-35.
Entei fails to kill Uberchu as he is too busy throwing up.

I destroy Uberchu by activating the Wuxi finger hold.
Uberchu uses Reflect. The Wuxi finger hold is activated on you.

I throw Uberchu into a black hole.
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