Finished Attempt to Kill Uberchu V.whatever

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You mean, deer po*? Uberchu can transform into a dog at will.

I drop Uberchu into the planet Jupiter's big Red spot.
Uberchu drops into the eye of the storm and sends a thunder bolt after you

i have kirby suck Uberchu up then use lock on and then use Uberchu's special ability on Uberchu
If you sheer colded him you missed
Slowpoke: Uberchu's ability is dance, you press B and he dances, seducing players around him and causing them to love him. Uberchu falls in love with kirby.

I date Kirby in front of Uberchu ( D: the things I do to kill Uberchu)
Kirby accidentally kills you during the date. Besides, I'm sure Uberchu is already blind (deaf, tasteless, feel-less...) from so many other things hitting him.

I give Uberchu clorhea (A disease from the early 1800's).
you cant because the axe is made of metal and the electricity goes through the metal and shocks your hand.

uberchu's kids beat him up with a stick...then throw him into a lava lake...muhahaha
Andross's brain vomited.

I pour 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 tons of Pan-galactic Gargo-blaster(Or however it's spelled)on Uberchu.
He says he will do it, and then catches you a brave jigglypuff/wigglytuff.

I kamehameha uberchu until there is nothing left.
Oblivion isn't that bad for Uberchu as he conquered it fairly easily.

I use kirby to swallow him and then cut kirby in half so uberchu dies too!
kirby swalloes uberchu again (even that kirby's dead) and now he's uberchu kirby. kirby realesses uberchu and swalloes me insted now i'm Raichu King kirby.

Raichu king kirby takes a giant chainsaw and cuts uberchu in half uberchu's dead muahahahaha.
Your evil laugh was so bad Uberchu came back to life and PWNed you in the face.

Uberchu commits suicide because he realizes that we are going to keep on trying to kill him. He made sure no one could reserect him and that it was actually him.
Raichu King kirby comes and puts a pillow under him

Raichu King kirby turns in to fire Raichu King kirby and burns the pillow muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
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