I've been following innovat0r, not muglerscheisse.
My URL is still mzele, but I've hoarded: stefanicarl, gagapanda, weareparis, iammuglerwomandontf--kwithme (take out the dashes for the real thing), and sometimesitsblack.
SinnohTrainer17, it's TWH, not WC. WC's a section.
But yeah, there weren't enough people around with interest to keep the thing going, unfortunately. It wasn't a decision I wanted to make.
Pretty sure you've always wanted to see me.. Well.. I'm feeling pretty adventurous today so go to lol(dot)com (switch [dot] with .) then sign up and find my profile under the username 'lolsummer71'. I hid my face in the pictures. but I want you to guess who I am and then hit me up on Facebook lol. Good luck.
Pretty good, man. PB has had a lot of changes while you were gone (look at the text beside the search button ), but it's been pretty good. Glad to see you return. :]