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  • I think FE sharing worked pretty well, especially considering that I'm a veteran of the series and my partner was an amateur. We each had separate files, but watched each other play, and I gave him some (usually unsolicited) advice. I also made fun of him mercilessly for going easy-mode where nobody dies, but I guess that really is an option only older fans would choose. :D

    Also, glad you enjoyed the little bits of my weird sense of humour that manage to come out in my writing. :p
    You've probably noticed that I've barely been on here lately, sorry about that. I've had homework, school, etc. Hope you're doing okay! Have a good week. :)
    We currently share one between the two of us, though we both have DS lites as well. The only 3DS game we have so far is Fire Emblem, so we don't mind sharing. :p
    Thanks! I'm super excited. :D

    Glad to hear you're impressed with the colour schemes of the red and blue 3DSes together. I was secretly keeping my fingers crossed that we'd get the gold ones out of Japan, but the red is definitely a suitable substitute. Now just to convince my partner that another 3DS is worth the investment... >.>
    DNA, Oh. xD I was going to mention that too actually but didnt wanna be to lengthy. I do kinda sound like a guy when I speak, I don't really know how that works, but thats how it seems. And yeah I only recently started to regularly use the forums, so I just started to actually pay attention to profiles and messages and stuff. And its alright, like I said, not offended. :p
    DNA, Its... fine. XD No offense taken. Really, I'm not surprised. Maybe I need to make it a little more obvious in my avatar or something.
    DNA, either one works. CRU I guess is the "official" name but I still refer to it as Campus Crusade.
    DNA, designed. Well, dragon and bug are the two main examples of typing as "creature", rather than as "element". here: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/thread-which-aspects-characterise-dragon-type-pok%C3%A9mon?page=6 we were discussing a possible taxonomy of dragon types, and let's say... it escalated quickly. so we cut the middleman an took it to PM.
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