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  • DNA, I aswell. I once read about a russian university student who stole chemicals from the lab he studied at because he liked the tang it gave to his gum. Well, he picked up the wrong chemical on accident and BOOOM. He blew up.

    This story didn't really have a happy ending now that I think about it.
    DNA, Oh, good to know then. I guess I won't try that. Any chemical or whatever that would try just for the experience?

    (not drugs)
    All 64 of your Fakemon are loaded into the DNA-Dex; as with all others they can be accessed via !dex name. (You can give a shout-out to your fans or whatever you feel like doing; if you want, I can give you that section of the DNA-Dex personally to keep in your inbox.)

    I'd appreciate it if you sent me a transcript with all the entries you made via PM, but it's not a big deal.

    Edit: Apparently there are a few others such as Sandslain and Skyoxil that you didn't provide links for. I didn't notice those (and didn't have any information either), so I didn't write ones for any of those.

    Sorry, man, I thought I mentioned that I updated the OP with the entire dex list to you yesterday while on chat, but I guess I forgot to. In any case, it isn't a big deal since I just requested for you to make up DNAdex entries for the ones that did have things written up already. The others I never got around to doing anything with, so they're just ideas for potential Pokemon right now.

    I feel inspired to draw some of your Fakemon now, specifically Galactron...

    Galactron might be right up your alley since you always seemed to have a preference for either machine or arcane Pokemon. Like I already told UU (who volunteered to draw pictures of Destail, which you've already seen, and some of my other fakes like Zombroken), go right ahead and try your hand at drawing/redrawing some of my Fakemon if they inspired anything for you. I'm not overly critical of interpretation pics, since my own sketches are almost strictly for reference anyways.
    DNA, Do you like headless Claydols?

    Actually, that's a lie, cause its not exactly headless, it has a head outline that needs to be filled in like jello.
    Sorry for not making Doxifice's description clearer, but yes, he represents the last two you looked up.
    DNA, Maybe so.
    Now that you mention it, Foster's does seem a bit similar to MLP. I know, but how are they the same..?
    DNA, Yes, if I remember correctly. When we cleaned up the VCR players, I kept the MLP ones. I want to remember them forever... if that's possible when I reach the tweens years.

    I have some guesses about that question as well. Maybe it's because the MLP show "stages" the ponies as being crazy. I'm not really into the new show because the Internet shows them as being "crazy". Rainbow Dash lived and so did the others, too, but I don't recall Fluttershy's name. Neither do I have any idea why the male MLP fans outnumber the female ones.
    DNA, Right. It's a picture that someone made, actually. If I remember correctly, it was a pony from before the new My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I loved those before MLP: FiM came out. I've been missing the old ponies back then. Of course I do like My Little Pony, it's just that I'm a little embarrassed to admit it. I was also wondering why so many boys liked MLP and so few girls. Maybe it's because they think it's "cool".
    DNA, I thought I gave credit in my signature. :p

    Anyways, you're probably wondering about the pony avatar, correct?
    Bass (like the fish) or Bass (like the deep vocal tone)? Sorry, I'm not familiar with Megaman characters...
    DNA, Weeeeelllll, sedatives, I suppose could do the job. But maybe a super-super light dose? I wouldn't know, I don't study medicine. And nice avatar, my good sir.
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