my very first fake pokemon

electimortar said:
those two look a lot like the beldom line.but whatever.

yeah, i see that too. maybe i shouldn't have used blue, that way it might have looked different....neway, what's done is done and i like them the way they are.
you are very creative! BUT try to keep the lines smooth otherwise brill!
you are very creative! BUT try to keep the lines smooth otherwise brilliant!
electimortar said:
voltrox?whats voltrox?

a split evo. of turbold that turns into steel/electric in type. and u need to attach an electric circuit to turbold and then trade it in order to get a voltrox! will be back soon with the pic.

i made another grass type- CARNETIA!

all regis look like robots! in a way u r sayin, good work....
i'll see what i can do with it.
Hmmmm... sorry if this is annoying but I have asked before but yet he has not been posted so I will ask again....please post voltrox.
Oh, no wonder why they look jagged and pixel-y you ARE making these with pixels in MS Paint. At first I assumed you were using MS Paint but some of these look to clean to be from that. Really, with work this good you really should try working in more powerful programs to make your art look as good as it can.

There is a 100% free program called The Gimp that a lot of artists recommend using if you don't want to spend anything. I've only played in it a bit, but I think you really deserve to work outside of MS Paint because you are so good at doing this.

Excellent work, regardless.
Charizard88 said:
Hmmmm... sorry if this is annoying but I have asked before but yet he has not been posted so I will ask again....please post voltrox.

oh! no, it never gets annoying from my part. sorry, it took time. heres voltrox-

flavor text- it rotates its rotor-blades to generate electricity. In battle its electric energy remains low initially. with increased rpm of the blades it can eventually generate bolts of 15,000 volts from the tips of its metallic horns.
Very good! I love them all, maybe you should make a list of all the pokemon you came up with.
shakir99 said:
A new regi- REGIWOOD!

It looks like a pencil machine. No, but its good. I loved Voltrox. He was awesome! Keep up the good work.
Sorry bout this but your image only appears as a little red x on my computer could you post once more please.
They look great and +10 points if you made them on MS Paint.

Very interesting and some are very original.