Writing Writing Contest May 2011-Poetry: Results posted (Congrats to all who entered on time)

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Well, my inspiration was just the imaginary friends I had when I was little. I think on a vacation I went to when I was ten, I imagined them going on a car and driving away for imaginary friend retirement.

So...yah. I am was a troubled child.
Inspiration from a lawnchair launcher is what I'm getting. I doubt I'm even close...

Overall, some unique stories were shared throughout this competition. I like that fact more than the contest itself, as more and more versitality was established in this already diverse crowd. Great job. Now, everyone do a HSM Dance #... just celebrate. Pretty sure you already have... *Said with eyeroll and wince*

Yeah, some of the inspirations for these were pretty self-explanitory, but I'll still leave this open for a day or so if people want to talk about these poems more (that goes for anyone who was just peeking at the thread and read them too). The writers can also repost these in the future if they want.
Yeah my inspiration sucks. It was ah.... what I happened to be doing in SS(Social Studies, History, blabla) when I wrote that. *Scratches head*
My inspiration was obvious: camp. But I didn't like my poem. I had a hard time making a good poem that met the requirements. But everyone seems to have made a good poem despite that! I didn't really feel that passionate about mine, and at the end I just finished it to be finished, because I was NOT going to let myself drop out! Lol
^That actually explains why I didn't like it that much as the others - it sounded like whoever did it just did it to say that s/he did a poem and didn't flake out.
I won't lie - I thought Taum Sauk was gibberish until a friend of mine looked it up, and I didn't like it at all.
I was told it was a mountain range near San Francisco. And no I don't hate it - I hated the poem.
But if it means anything I think Missouri is a generally uninteresting state.
Personally, I think the rhyme scheme either screwed up or scared off a lot of people, shampoo-thief. If it's any consolation, the very first thing I received from someone I sent back with a full lecture on better writing and, even with it, that person still dropped out. Perhaps I should've lightened on the secondary restrictions a bit (since they were ultimately my call) and just left things as acrostic, but then it wouldn't have been a challenge...

Also, while we're on the topic, Missouri's okay, but it isn't exactly what I'd call a travel destination...
Yeah, I explained what Taum Sauk was when I sent it in. And yes, Missouri is a pretty boring state, but I can't change that xP And I entered the contest and I wasnt going to flake out. But I have trouble writing rhyming poetry that doesn't sound forced. I took a creative writing class this year at school, and my teacher wouldn't let us use rhyme schemes because "Teenage rhyming poetry is awful", her exact words. Haha and I might take offence to that DNA, except I completely agree with you. Maybe I will redeem myself in the next contest
On the note of what your teacher said, yeah, it's one hundred percent true! Teenage rhyming is usually as awful as it gets, and it also lingers into your early-to-mid twenties too if you weren't good at it as a teen. Just check out my poetry/shorts thread if you don't believe me, especially "Nothing Wrong With That" (most people might not notice it, but it had a tendency to form itself into a really bad generic-sounding rap song...to me anyways...:p).

Still, don't take things too bad. The fact remains that you still got it in, where five others didn't.
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