Pokemon What thrills you in pokemon?

The thrill of meeting new people, seeing how they use their Pokemon, the thrill of battles themselves, and the sheer variety of Pokemon.
I get thrilled when I complete the pokedex and when I've done a good job at breeding my pokemon and being able to help others when they need help completing the dex. Also winning (VG & TCG)
When I pull some awesomeness in packs, when I see someone else pull awesome stuff. Or that thrill of wrecking your opponent's entire team with a Riolu.
Puff said:
Or that thrill of wrecking your opponent's entire team with a Riolu.

^ this.

What thrills me in Pokemon is opening packs. Period. Even if I don't get a great pull, I love having the chance to pull something worth a ton of money. And better yet, I know it's not impossible because I've pulled FA Mewtwo and FA Darkrai from packs.
The thrill that you never really know anything in the future but the fact that we can make educated guess after educated guess for a year(s) and when it finally comes out we get that satisfaction, even if only one guess was right, of knowing Pokemon so well that we can even tell the future.

One thing that really really thrills me about the TCG is when I build a rogue deck that actually works. It makes me feel like I'm smarter and better than everyone else at the tournament :p

The only other thing that I can think of that really excites me is going to tournaments. Only those that know they have a chance at winning a tournament when they go, know how excited and anxious you get before a tournament.
People at league thrills me. i'm fortunate to meet some great people through pokemon. its one of the few reasons i continue to play TCG these days
Winning a game that decides whether or not you get prizes/Top Cut.
For me, it's:

Beating the Elite 4/Champion.
Finding a Shiny Pokemon.
Finally completing your Pokedex.
Making a GTS trade from a faraway land (the more exotic and unusual, the better).
Pulling an EX or a Shiny from a pack.
Traveling 100+ miles to States or Regionals.
Making top cut in a tournament.
One word: Prereleases.
Getting that one rare card you need to complete a set.

Yes indeed, to me the Pokemon world is full of thrills.
For me a thrill in Pokemon is buying a new game, catching my first shiny in a new region, beating the elite four in a new region, completing the National-dex for the first time and completing the Poke-dex.
For me pretty much everything involving Pokemon is a thrill! :D Buying packs, playing the videogame, opening the packs of course..., writing Pokemon fanfics, pretending I'm a trainer/coordinator, even just sitting down to watch the show thrills me. To me Pokemon is just freakin awesome in every way imaginable! :p
For me, it's training and making a master team that I will use all through the game, as well as finding shinies of course
For me, it's the customization.
There are over 600 pokemon.
Over 500 moves
Over 90 abilities.
Over 10 types.
And etc.