Pokemon What Is the Worst Gym Leader Design in Your Opinion?

Kaiser Dynamo said:
I'm very afraid of the Fairy gym leader. Her pitch-black eyes stare into your soul...

My friend thinks she's an alien. His theory actually makes a lot of sense

-Her badge looks like half of a UFO
-Different eyes
-Odd Clothing
-Fairy Type user (Some Fairy types like Clefairy are space related)
I would have to say from Pokemon Pearl/Diamond that Fatina (I think I am spelling that right) in Hearthome City is the worst of all. Very uncreative and too many boring elevators. Its great they tried to bring a French immigrant into the game but the idea that she's a Contest Champ should have made her gym flourishing with ribbons and require you to do contest related stuff before beating her. The signs and questions are a bit like Minecraft...
Clemont... the blue/grey jumpsuit, the weird machine arm things... just awful. Not to mention his sister was really annoying and the gym puzzle was boring.

Also Bugsy - hated his hair.
I dont relly like the fairy type gym leader Valerie she look really creepy her eyes looks more clear like a zombie and her sleeves that look wings ' they cover her hands as if she doesn't have any at all.
While not the worst, Crasher Wake was a waste for a future Fighting-type Gym and there were other options for a Water-type one. For someone that cares about Pokémon and fights, he sure seems fat and a failure.
I really don't like Grant. His appearance gave me the first impression of a girl leader! He is pretty plain and his hairstyle... ugh.
bbninjas said:
I really don't like Grant. His appearance gave me the first impression of a girl leader! He is pretty plain and his hairstyle... ugh.

Seconded. I was sure Grant was female the first time I saw him, and he looks like he has gum in his hair.
I'll do one from each region.

Kanto: Blue. It looks like he always wanted to be a Saiyan as a kid, but all the neighbor kids were like "DBZ is for babies!" so he stopped trying to become one, still loving the idea in his thoughts but on the exterior he joined the "DBZ is for babies!" chorus so he wouldn't get made fun of, mellowing out later in life by not being a bully anymore but at the same time not acknowledging that part of himself that once existed.

Johto: Falkner looks like a generic "cool guy" anime character.

Hoenn: Flannery. She reminds me of an angsty teenager. I can just picture her shrieking "MOM, you just don't understand!" and then diving into her bed and sulking while listening to punk rock music.

Sinnoh: Roark. It looks like he doesn't shower. And the reason he doesn't shower is because he thinks not showering is the cool thing to do. He's a friendly person, he just has this odd delusion. He has a small following of kids a few grades below him, who are at an age where they're generally easily influenced by people who are older than them (which is why they're not turned off by his lack of showering; they also think it's cool). He has a big sister who pities him.

Unova: Burgh. He's wearing what looks like 1970s fashion, which always seemed thrown together to me and looks like it feels awkward and uncomfortable.

Kalos: Clemont. That jumpsuit is just...ugh...it makes my eyes vomit...
Seven is a Color said:
I'll do one from each region.

Kanto: Blue. It looks like he always wanted to be a Saiyan as a kid, but all the neighbor kids were like "DBZ is for babies!" so he stopped trying to become one, still loving the idea in his thoughts but on the exterior he joined the "DBZ is for babies!" chorus so he wouldn't get made fun of, mellowing out later in life by not being a bully anymore but at the same time not acknowledging that part of himself that once existed.

Johto: Falkner looks like a generic "cool guy" anime character.

Hoenn: Flannery. She reminds me of an angsty teenager. I can just picture her shrieking "MOM, you just don't understand!" and then diving into her bed and sulking while listening to punk rock music.

Sinnoh: Roark. It looks like he doesn't shower. And the reason he doesn't shower is because he thinks not showering is the cool thing to do. He's a friendly person, he just has this odd delusion. He has a small following of kids a few grades below him, who are at an age where they're generally easily influenced by people who are older than them (which is why they're not turned off by his lack of showering; they also think it's cool). He has a big sister who pities him.

Unova: Burgh. He's wearing what looks like 1970s fashion, which always seemed thrown together to me and looks like it feels awkward and uncomfortable.

Kalos: Clemont. That jumpsuit is just...ugh...it makes my eyes vomit...

Now that you speak of it...judging by their stand regarding the player where they think of themselves as superiors but end up defeated, he might be the Pokémon son of Vegeta!!

Flannery: "MOM, you'll see, I'll become big" (travels to Kalos, joins Team Flare and ends up dying due to Lysandre's actions) Mom: *facepalm* ! :p

How can you say that about Roark when there's Byron, the hobo/caveman gym leader with a menacing look? :( Imagine the work Roark must have in order to make him take a shower? He must use his last resort and call upon Omastar, Kabutops or so.
Aw, I liked Roark and Byron. :c
...Well, I dunno. The father/son Steel/Rock dynamic was neat, but Byron himself was meh.

Aaanyway. Olympia's weird. Valerie's weird too, but at least she's interesting; Olympia struck me as really, really obvious for a Psychic leader, right down to the nearly nonexistent dialogue.
Vulpix said:
Crasher Wake - he looks like a dude who likes to eat a lot and drinks a lot of beer, but is too lazy to exercise.
Ahaha that sounds like the average American.

I think Olympia from Kalos has a pretty cool space-cape and suit going on. But. Her. Face. Is. Creepy. As. FWUWCWK. Really, she looks like a younger and more tan version of Herbert the Pervert. I honestly wouldn't have minded Team Flare blowing up the planet if it meant Olympia would be gone. Hopefully Pokemon can improve her face or puts a helmet on or something in Z or X2Y2. Pleeaaseee.
Byron doesn't really give me that not showering vibe. He's wearing work clothes for jobs like mining and construction, though, so I imagine he must sweat a lot.

For Olympia: I think she has an interesting design (I always liked those galaxy robes), but she has a boring personality, and the cryptic way she speaks combined with using very few words probably makes it nearly impossible to have a casual conversation with her.
Reggie McGigas said:
Kaiser Dynamo said:
I'm very afraid of the Fairy gym leader. Her pitch-black eyes stare into your soul...

My friend thinks she's an alien. His theory actually makes a lot of sense

-Her badge looks like half of a UFO
-Different eyes
-Odd Clothing
-Fairy Type user (Some Fairy types like Clefairy are space related)

After some thinking and research, I don't think Valerie is as akward as it seems.
Her way of dressing and the cloth itself is because she desires to become more like a Pokémon and because she was a model. Also, aside from the "wings" and "antenae", there's nothing else akward in her clothes and that we don't see already in gothics and lolitas.
As for the eyes, while that is not stated nowhere, we can think that those are not her eyes but contact lens instead.
Crasher Wake is the worst design of all Gym Leaders. He literally screams Fighting-type Pokemon user and yet, he is a Water type user. Really odd. Everything about him is so odd. His outfit, his drunky song, his mask. God, I hate his mask. I was about to said Fantine is probably worse than Wake but I didn't. She's literally close, though. :p

By the way, Olympia and Valerie are not that worst! In fact, they're my favorite! I love Olympia once I saw her, but love her way more once I know more info about her, she's really cool. Valerie is so beautiful, but not all Fairy-types are beautiful; some are ugly, some are mischievous, heck even evil. Her eyes are perfect example of that.
Gen 1: Misty. Her team is annoying, her personality is annoying, and I don't see why everyone likes her so much, aside from being from the Red/Blue games.

Gen 2: Morton. I just don't like Ghost Gym Leaders, and this guy is so overconfident. I don't like overconfidence in the least bit, as it can make even the most interesting character awful. His team is no fun to fight either, as you essentialy have to abuse Awakening Items, hope that his Gengar's Hypnosis fails, or use an over-leveled Psychic type.

Gen 3: Flannery. Her design is way too oblivious, and she just looks like the rude kind of person that would be texting on her phone when she shouldn't.you try to discuss something to her.

Gen 4: Fantina. I don't like Opera Singers, and her typing just doesn't make sense. Why not Psychic type? That would be more understandable! She is also very ugly.

Gen 5: Clay. Cowboys never strike me in the good kind of way. They are not that cool, and his team is an absolute pushover if you have a Water or Grass type. On my playthrough, I was able to sweep his entire team in 4 turns with just a Lilligant.

Gen 6: Wulfric. While I do like Ice Types, there is just something about Wulfric that is unsettling. He's that kind of person that you hate, but you don't know WHY you hate him.
I never liked Misty either. She's a favorite in both the games and anime, but in the games there's not really much to her personality and in the anime she complains about everything and her constant arguing and jealousy are extremely irritating. I can't stand short-tempered people, and I also can't stand people who get jealous easily.

And I feel like they should've given Morty a Misdreavus.

EDIT: ORAS spoiler warning (found within the demo's coding).
I liked Wallace's design and outfit in RSE. He was stylish, classy, and elegant. His ORAS outfit, though...now he just looks likes a creep that uses cheesy pick-up lines, and sees women as trophies that he's entitled to if he compliments and holds doors for them.
Seven is a Color said:
sees women as trophies that he's entitled to if he compliments and holds doors for them.

I don't know where you live, but around here, last time I held the door open there were ladies crawling all over me in 10 seconds flat. It was like Justin Bieber walking into a middle school for girls.