RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers, etc. W: anything good!
@Techdeck101 you have pretty good stuff, but I am just looking for a little more for everything to trade such good stuff. Could you list your top priority?
@Afro-G thanks, I like it too!

Absol G would be about $10 shipped so I need more back...I would do it for some combination of Rhyperior X, Gliscor Lv. X, legend pieces, a couple of Azelf League Promos, Blaziken FB, Charizard AR, Spiritomb LP, Seekers, or Pokemon Communications. Make an offer please
@Decmaster your Regigigas Lv. X, Lucario Lv. X, 2 Smeargle UD, and Mewtwo MD RH for Raichu Lv. X and Mew Prime? I can readjust this with a little extra for 2 Mew Prime if you would prefer that. I have 6 Kingdra UL (regular rare, right?) as well
@Hikikomori-san your Glaceon Lv. X, Dusknoir Lv. X, Blaziken FB Lv. X, Kingdra Prime, 2 Broken Time-Space, 2x Blaziken FB, Call Energy, Gyarados SF RH, and a couple of legend pieces could cover Leafeon Lv. X+a Gengar Prime...if you want to upgrade past to another Gengar Prime instead of Leafeon then more lv x and legend pieces could work, also interested in the sleeves. I am a little hesitant on parting with Gengar Prime, I am hoping to get a god offer from someone, but you have some good stuff.
@mlouden03 all of this for all 4 cards you asked for? feel free to counter, we can focus on a gengar prime if you want
2 dialga palkia sets, Smeargle UD RH Base: Alakazamx2, Blastoisex2, Venusaurx1 Jungle: Jolteon Fossil: 1st ed. Articunox2, 1st. ed Dragonitex3, 1st ed. Gengar, 1st, ed Moltres Team Rocket: Dark Charizardx2 Gym Heroes: Blaine's Moltres, Rocket's Moltresx3, Rocket's Scyther, Sabrina's Gengar Gym Challenge: Blaine's Arcanine, Blaine's Charizard, Rocket's Zapdos, Sabrina's Alakazamx2 Neo Genesis: Meganiumx2, Meganiumx1 Secret Wonders: Lugiax2 Promos: Ancient Mewx2 Mesprit Lv. X, Mewtwo Lv. X, Dusknoir Lv. X, Regigigas Lv. X
I have a feeling we might not get anything traded though based on your 2 Gengar Prime offer.
@EriqDeSmasher You have plenty to get there. Here is my intial offer and others I like, feel free to counter:
Darkrai & Cresselia Legend Top x1 99/102, Darkrai & Cresselia Legend Bottom x1 100/102, Palkia & Dialga Legend Top x1 101/102, Palkia & Dialga Legend Bottom x1 102/102, Arceus LV. X x1 94/99, Arceus LV. X x2 95/99, Arceus LV. X x1 96/99, Smeargle UD, DCEx4, Charizard x2 AR, Rhyperior LA 145/146
other wants:Gliscor LA 141/146, Mewtwo DP48, Vileplume UD, Professor Oak's New Theoryx4, Expert Belt x4 87/99, Garchomp (holo x2) 5/147, Blaziken FB (holo x1) 2/147, Wailord (R/H x1) 47/147, Pokemon Rescue x2 115/127, Energy Gain x2 116/127, Latias x1 HGSS10, Latios x1 HGSS11
@the crippler 18 interested in all your ex ultra rares, legend pieces, Scizor prime, and the Smeargle UD / Azelf LP / BTS you already mentioned...make an offer on the deck boxes and we can go from there?
@El Radar are you offering 1 Machamp SF and 1 Mewtwo MD for 1 BTS? I will accept that if so. also if you would rather key in on the energy LMK. I can trade you a lot!
Interested in: Donphanx2, Mesprit, Arceus set, Snorlax Lv. X, legend pieces, Spiritomb LPx4, Crobat you want Gengar Prime badly enough to give up a lot or would you prefer a more even heeled trade for any of the Lugia Legend/Machamp Prime/Pokemon Collectorx3? LMK.
@konter_j8902 lots of legend pieces, Victory Medals, Blaziken FB are all I want from what you have, but we could definitely work toward Gengar Prime, or multiple Mews, whichever.
@DarkPkmnTrainer I am not really interested in the initial Gengar Prime offer, but the expansion for Uxie Lv. X was pretty nice...would you do one less legend piece for Uxie by itself? If you want to up the Gengar offers I am interesetd in Gengar Lv. X, Blaziken FB Lv. X, Scizor Prime (NM only), Machamp Prime, Call Energy, and Poke Turn.
@Perfect_Chaos could you throw in a Junk Arm and a Yanmega Prime?
@Xander all your legend pieces & promo Torterra + Empoleon for 1x Landmin 4x Sableye 2x Cherrim? You asked for a ton and there is not really much I want, just shooting in the dark here.
@braves11 I would do it if you also threw in Rayquaza C Lv. X and Charizard G Lv. X. If this is too much for you, then I would take less without Kabutops if that was what you wanted.
@Cris that sounds good, private message me your address please.
@Gengar_is_Pwnage I am sorry but you have nowhere nearly enough for a Gengar Prime.
sorry that this turned into such a monster reply, I hope I did not get anyone mixed up...