DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Which game should I get Diamond or Pearl? :headbang:headbang:headbang
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Neither. Get Platinum. It's far superior to both Diamond and Pearl, which are both pretty lousy games in comparison.
also, emoticon overuse = bad
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Should be in Gen 5 Q/A...

He gets the same amount that basculin gives out. If basculin gives out 2, then solosis gets two.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

^Oops! I'm so used to posting in this thread. Sorry! I'll delete my post now. Thansk for your help!
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Hey guys.

So I have two Jolly Larvitars, one of each gender, but I want to use the one with better IV's. Which one is better? The IV's;

15/31/15/5/31/8 for the Boy

14/14/14/31/14/8 for the Girl
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

I'd breed a better one if I was you. But it depends on what role he's playing.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Yeah, that was my initial thought. I guess I'll just use the Everstone Method to breed again. I'll post a few more in a bit.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Sorry for n00bness, but how do Power Items help?

Edit: Went on Serebii.net and found it is Heartgold & Soulsilver onwards for the whole Power Items thing. Guess I'll have to just keep breeding and hope for the best.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread





Here's the other IV's I promised.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Best one so far is:

You could definitely do better, but that will be pretty good for now. What set do you plan on running?
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Now, I'll explain a little further. When you breed, 3 IV values are passed down from the mother (IIRC). When you give it the power item, it takes the randomization out of ONE of the IV's. If your mother has IV's like this: 1/4/31/5/2/3, than it's going to be hard to get good IV's. If her IV's are like this however: 31/31/26/19/6/30, your chances of getting good IV's on the offspring are increased.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Now, I'll explain a little further. When you breed, 3 IV values are passed down from the mother (IIRC).
Actually, it's 3 IVs total passed down from both parents, and this is how it works:

~The first IV passed down can be an IV for any stat from either parent. (I think this is the one that the Power item overrides.)
~The second IV passed down can be from either parent but it can't be HP.
~The third IV passed down can be from either parent but it can't be HP or Defense.
~If an IV passed down is from the same stat as a previous one passed down, it's overridden. For example, if the first one passed down is 30 Def, the second is 28 SpA (say from the dad), and the third one is 6 SpA (say from the mom), the baby will get x/x/30/6/x/x.
~All other IVs that didn't get something passed down from a parent are assigned a random number (between 0 and 31).

Because HP and Defense are harder to pass down, if you have a parent with 31 HP or Def it's a good idea to have that as the Power item. If there are 31s in other stats they can still be passed down randomly, but if you have a 31 HP/Def you will most likely want to preserve that.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

how can i catch raikou entei latios
w/ the nature that i want?
once that i've encounter them their nature and stats are set?

help pls

version: soul silver
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Without hacking, you cannot change the nature and IVs once you've let them start running around to my knowledge, so the only legit way would be to start a new game. When you get to Burnt Tower, save before you encounter the dogs, and you'll have to catch them without saving again. If they have good IVs and Nature, keep them, if not, reset the game and you'll be back at the Burnt Tower. Its annoying, I know, but thats the only way to legitly do it.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

This would have been true for earlier roamers, but SS is different. If you trigger a roamer, save before you catch it. If it has the stuff you want, keep it, and if not, don't fret. Simply restart, encounter the roamer again, and knock it out. Now go defeat the E4, and any roamers you knocked out will be back at Burnt Tower, waiting to be triggered again (I forgot how this works with Latios, but I think it pretty much works the same way [I have never tested this stuff, but I'm about 90% sure that it's true]).
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Since Steven leaves Johto after making the trade with him, I'm not sure if Latios/Latias will continue roaming if you KO it...like Chariblaze I've never tested it...I think once you KO the Dragon it will just restart automatically...just my guess.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

i catch entei w/ calm nature and i reset it because i dont want it
do synchronize ability copies roaming legends nature? because i use my mild umbreon when i catched entei and entei nature is calm
if i KO raikou entei and latios, after defeating the E4 again they will respawn?
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

1. Synchronize doesn't affect roamers, to my knowledge.

2. Yes, defeating the E4 should let them respawn with new natures and IVs.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

so, since i catch entei w/ calm nature, i will do now is faint it then defeat E4 right? (i did not save it i reset it)
i did not catch raikou yet but i encounter it already if i defeat the E4 will raikou respawn and become new ?
how about latios i did not yet encounter it but it is already roaming and i can track him w/ my pokegear does it have it set nature?

so all i need to have is LUCK to get the desired nature i want?
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