The Official Set Rotation Topic - (DP-on)

RE: The Official Set Rotation Topic - What sets will be dropped?

They announced it!
RE: The Official Set Rotation Topic - What sets will be dropped?

csponsler said:
They announced it!

As I said before it will be DP-on!!
RE: The Official Set Rotation Topic - What sets will be dropped?

Hear the good news :] I like this a lot. Most diversity.
RE: The Official Set Rotation Topic - What sets will be dropped?

Canis Lupus said:
It's DP-on; the woman who was running my BR today told everyone there. She said they'll officially announce it soon.

I like how everyone ignored me. :)

Nice to see that it's officially confirmed.
RE: The Official Set Rotation Topic - What sets will be dropped?

Wowzers! DP-on again will be brilliant. They are going to be releasing 4 sets next season, making 6 Platinum sets. Does that mean they'lll rotate 7 sets next year to catch up?
RE: The Official Set Rotation Topic - What sets will be dropped?


RE: The Official Set Rotation Topic - What sets will be dropped?

Great, Gardellade will continue. And Claydol will also continue, with Unown G.
RE: The Official Set Rotation Topic - What sets will be dropped?

Yes! My trading my left leg to get Claydol will not be in vain! Macheap will not conquer the TCG world! I'm very happy.
RE: The Official Set Rotation Topic - What sets will be dropped?

Yes. Rhyperior, Magnezone, and Electivire from DP are still around as are Raichu MT, Pikachu MT, and Gardey stuff from SW.

It is truly a great day!
RE: The Official Set Rotation Topic - What sets will be dropped?

This rotation is awesome. Losing nothing means we don't have to worry about a terribad metagame or taking apart any of our decks. Nice to see POP keep DP-on for another year.
RE: The Official Set Rotation Topic - What sets will be dropped?

I'm indifferent. Kinda wanted one so I could get rid of cards...

dmaster out.
RE: The Official Set Rotation Topic - What sets will be dropped?

I am stunned! No rotation means we still have a HUGE pool of cards to chose from. SO that gives us like 4 of each Empoleon, Turtwig and Infernape to choose from? 5 Infernape if you count the SP version. I don't know what else to say about this news. Will be interesting to see next years rotation.
RE: The Official Set Rotation Topic - What sets will be dropped?

it's exactly as I figued least now I know what to be looking for
RE: The Official Set Rotation Topic - What sets will be dropped?

oh no! I just started play TCG and it seems like i have to buy older sets to be able to even get to swedish finals next year, darn it.....

Atleast i know now what decks and what tactics they will use so maybe there will be some good out of this hmmm'
RE: The Official Set Rotation Topic - What sets will be dropped?

This may as well be closed now as it has been announced that it is DP-On for another season.
RE: The Official Set Rotation Topic - What sets will be dropped?

Deck Master said:
I don't think they will rotate the sets. They might skip this year and then make it SF-On while taking out the Unown's altogether,


HA! Isn't that something?;)

RE: The Official Set Rotation Topic - What sets will be dropped?

I'm so mad that there is no rotation next year. Unown G makes so many decks unplayable.
RE: The Official Set Rotation Topic - What sets will be dropped?

this is terrible now where gonna be stuck with all the current metas unless something amazing turns up so much for trying to catch up with everyone else andfinding away to beat a new meta from square 1 whats the point in having a huge resource set from day one people won't know where to focus if they start now