Collecting The "Card Collector Help" Thread

I was going to catalog and organize my own, but I don't have all of them and not really sure how to figure out which ones I'm missing. I mean, some are kind of obvious, like the Gym Leader set, but not all of them.
Athena said:
I was going to catalog and organize my own, but I don't have all of them and not really sure how to figure out which ones I'm missing. I mean, some are kind of obvious, like the Gym Leader set, but not all of them.

I saw where a person says there are 56 cards.
Collect Entire XY Base Set? Possible? Affordable? Help!

I've been trying to collect all the Pokemon XY core set of cards. I bought two fat packs of boosters and I have quite a few cards that I'm lacking in my collection. My question is, is it possible to collect all the cards in a set? Is it affordable? Is it a common practice? I don't mind purchasing singles but I don't want to spend a small fortune to do it. I have a binder of all the XY cards I have in numerical order and I'd really like to "catch 'em all". :) Any advice/experiences/tips would be appreciated. If it's something that's too outlandish to accomplish, I'll focus on other things pokemon related. :)

Best regards,
RE: Collect entire XY base set? Possible? Affordable? Help!

It's certainly possible, and not really all that difficult if you're willing to buy singles. Trying to complete a set by buying packs is a lesson in frustration, especially with those SR/US cards, but many of those aren't prohibitively expensive if you buy them individually rather than buying packs and hoping to get lucky.

And, yes, it is certainly pretty common for people to try and complete full sets. You can even go one step up and get a "Master Set" which also contains all possible cards as RHs in addition to their regular print.

If you'd prefer to open packs rather than buy singles, your best bet would be to buy a full booster box online; you can get a box for about $100 or so including shipping either via Ebay or an online retailer. You'd only be paying ~US$2.80 per pack instead of MSRP, and you'll likely get a number of EXes and some FAs. You can then either trade/sell the bulk and duplicate cards to help complete the rest of the collection and then buy whatever you didn't pull.
RE: Collect entire XY base set? Possible? Affordable? Help!

If you don't mind us asking, how much of the set are you missing?
You can find the full set list on websites like here, and it would be helpful for us to tell you what the best route for you is.
If all you are missing are UR/SR (ultra/secret rares) then your best bet is to just outright buy them.
The more expensive and sought after cards like a Full Art Yveltal ex will cost you around $20
While cards that are less competitive like Venusaur full art will only cost you around $10.

But yes I agree with Athena, if you still got a good amount of the set to go, booster boxes are your best bet.
They come with higher pull rates, I think the XY boxes average out to around 4 UR/SR, and you'll get many of the other rares along the way.

Hope that helps, again, posting what you still need will really help us give you great advice :D
RE: Collect entire XY base set? Possible? Affordable? Help!

I was lucky to pull the more expensive cards like Xerneas Full Art in a promo box and 2 Yveltal FA's from loose packs at Walmart shortly afeter the set was released.

I did end up buying Blastoise, Venusaur and Emolga full arts, but they weren't that expensive.

Sometimes you don't want to pay 40 dollars for a single but pulling that card in a loose pack can be expensive if you aren't lucky enough to get it right away. I don't think there are any 40 dollar cards in XY base set though.
RE: Collect entire XY base set? Possible? Affordable? Help!

As it's been said it is possible and there are in fact people that do it. I collected master sets until Black White when my finances kind of went down a lot. How affordable it is depends on what you want to get and what you still need. It's easier when you don't care if you get a holo or reverse holo. or a non holo or reverse holo. If you want it all it's more expensive.

Really there comes a point when it's cheaper to buy singles than continue to buy packs. But if you need alot boxes are the way to go.
RE: Collect Entire XY Base Set? Possible? Affordable? Help!

I'd only buy a booster box though if you only have a couple full arts from a set, like if you only need 1 full art from a set I'd just buy it singly unless you can buy tons of packs.

Personally I think it's kind of pointless to collect Pokemon cards if you're just going to buy the complete collection online. For me I probably wouldn't bother collecting cards if I was going to buy all the cards online. It would be cheaper but I don't buy a million packs all at one time, I buy them gradually and eventually get the cards I'm missing. There's something personal about pulling the cards from a pack as opposed to buying someone else's card. But there's nothing wrong with buying cards. Especially if you're collecting one set and are tight on cash. I assume the op wants to pull some of the cards from packs, in that case a booster box would be good. Luckily there aren't any secret rares in XY base set.
RE: Double Crisis card count

Hmm, at first I was thinking they would be Secret cards or something, but re-reading it, the meaning in the text is pretty obvious. It means that one blister gives you 28 cards, which is due to each of the 4 packs containing 7. The 8 foils means there's a guaranteed 2 foil cards per pack. The entire set is comprised of 34 cards, which is further clarified after the bulk of the text.
RiversShock's interpretation is correct. The 28 cards and 8 foils is referring to how much you get from a single blister pack, not how big the entire set is.
Hi there, I'm currently working on fleshing out a collection of all the english printed Flygon cards and came across a slight query regarding Flygon 15/97 EX Dragon. On Bulbapedia it lists it as a non-holo rare, however I recently purchased three of this card - one in holo, one in non-holo, and one that has the silver "winner" stamp in holo. I know for a fact that the non-holo and "winner" stamped ones are legit cards, but the holofoil one strikes me as odd, given that it is not mentioned on Bulbapedia. A cursory Google search of "Flygon 15/97 holo" reveals plenty of the card on eBay and one instance of it being sold on Troll & Toad, so I would assume this makes it legitimate, but can anyone tell me where this card came from?
It most likely came from some the Value Products for that era of the TCG

Like those box's that had foil card an 3 packs inside.
Actually, it comes from the WindBlast Theme Deck. The Value Products of that time were usually POP pack cards.

So this is different. Takara Tomy are putting one Emerald Break card in a pack with sweets (Japan does this a lot so that they can sell it at supermarkets/ grocery stores)

EX card "Mega Rayquaza" "Rayquaza" are included in the lineup!

The card lineup are constructed by Pokemon cards and non-Pokemon cards (Support, items, etc.) are not included. 21 out of 22 types are "shinka" (lit. evolution) related Pokemon!

22 possible cards out of a 20 card box, the ratio and prices might not be bad for collecting EXs if there's more than Rayquaza in it.
Sounds like it is good for collection purposes only. Not sure if it would be for tournament play but yeah if you are a collector like me then yeah that is pretty cool.:)
Is it Just Me or Are the Newer EX Pokemon Easier to Pull Than the Old Ones?

I remember back in the days of the EX sets when I was a kid I would save up my money, go to the store and buy a bunch of packs of EX Hidden Legends, EX Crystal Guardians, EX Holon Phantoms, etc. (Those were the days when I really got into the trading cards. Anyway, out of ALL of the packs I bought years ago, I got maybe 2 or 3 EX pokemon, in TOTAL in my collection of cards. Now, just a week ago, I bought about 8 packs of Primal Clash and got 2 EX's (one full art!!!) and 1 Primal Kyogre EX. Before that, when Phantom Forces come out, I bought about 5 booster packs of it, and out of them, I got 2 EX pokemon. This begs me to question, are EX pokemon becoming that more abundant and easier to pull?
RE: Is it just me or are the newer EX pokemon easier to pull than the old ones?

Well, Primal Clash has insane pull rates. There are a lot of factors that go into pull rates such as the number of cards in the set, the amount of Ultra Rares in the set, and of course just plain luck. Primal Clash is rather small for a set, and it also has a large amount of Ultra Rares for a set. Those factors together lead to high pull rates. Legendary Treasures is another example of this.