Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"Done with the room..."
Drake catches up with the rest of the students.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

*Heads to a building that only looks to have three floors, but is huge in width and length*
"This is our Academy. There are over 1,000 classrooms in this building. We also have 13 Battle Stadiums, 25 labs, and a PC room where we hold all of our students pokemon. Now, lets go inside to see our future classrooms."
*heads inside the building*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"Nice building. Holy I envy your gramps. Owning all this."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

whispers to wes "Are we allowed off school grounds mate?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"Probably not. But that wouldn't stop me. Or you."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

Mack smirks "fair enough"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"Since we are all going to the same core classes, let me show you where they are in preparation of your first day."
*heads down the hall and into one of the calssrooms. Inside this particular classroom there are many posters of Mathmaticall eqations*
"As you probably guessed, this is your math classroom."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"Here, you will be taught by Proffesor. Dietz Advanced Math. Now, lets head to World Studies."
*walks outside of the classroom and down the hall and into another one*
"This is Professor Jones classsroom. He is a fabulous teacher."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"what does Prof. Jones teach us?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"Okay, now Advanced Literature..."
*walks across the hall into a class room filled with papers scrawled all over the floor*
"Oh!, I guess Professor Mary forgot today was the tour guide...she can be somewhat messy.."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

Yokokina Tour Guide Form

Name: Lupus Vile
Gender: Male
Region you lived in: Johto
Personality: Silent, Mean, Controlling
Special Skills: Great Literature and Artistic skills
Extra Curricular Class: Drawing 101, Painting 101 and Pokemon Battling 101
Appearance: Black hair covering one eye, Lime Green eyes, scar over left eye, small pointed nose and a growing, black moustache...
Background: Raised in Johto, Lupus never got along with other people other than his parents, his scar was caused by an Absol and since then, they have always been his favourite pokemon...
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