State of the Names

Does the lack of creative names bother you?

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Flyphan was often called Dumbo in MD-on, just to say

I like the idea of creative names, but whenever I tell someone I'm running Seven Claws, nobody would understand.

"I'm running Persian Lock"
Decmaster said:
I was unaware of this. I didn't really play in that time. However, it's still a better name than Gardevoir + (Other main attacker here).

Sometimes as a joke I would call my GG Gardelade (Fusion of Gardeveoir and Gallade but the name kinda sounds like Gatorade.)
Gatorade. That's an origanal name. GG had many names. It'd call it Gatorade.
I thought Gatorade was Feraligatr Prime + something else...I think that name has been used before...
I call me deck: YaMegaKingChi



Please help my uncreative mind
Wouldn't it be YanMagneKingChi? Maybe Flies, Magnets, and Seahorses? Or Sonic (Yanmega's Sonicboom) Attraction (Magnezone's magnetism) Wave (Kingdra's Water type)?
ZPS: Zippity
Donchamp: Mah Elephant (Donchamp is really easier to type though)
Reshiboar: Bacon w/ Whites
Magneboar: Bacon Magnets
Megazone: Flyzap
Lostgar: (This is fine IMO)
Yoshidude10 said:
I don't really think names change the game IMO, it's just a perk that people like to "intimidate" the opponent. If your deck's name is something like ROFL(Reshiram Owns For Life), then your opponent will probably laugh.
...who tells their opponent what they're running...?
Pokefan4000 said:
...who tells their opponent what they're running...?

This is a very very valid statement.

I know I don't.

Yeah, I think we should actually have real names for decks, not just Pokemon Name Combinations
It's really not a perk. It's more like something for when you T2 at Worlds and want to show off your cool deck name in stores.
I guess just because it's so people will recognize the deck right away so other people don't get confused. I like to name decks though even though I have only named like 2. One was Battletoads and Double Dragon which was a game I used to play and consisted of the Poli-lines and Palkia Lv.X. I also named Magneboar Pyromaniac. Its pretty simple to figure out (Theres fire in the deck and Magnezone is a magnet. Magnets attract. People who are attracted to fire are called pyromaniacs. :D).
Tyraniking said:
ZPS: Zippity
Donchamp: Mah Elephant (Donchamp is really easier to type though)
Reshiboar: Bacon w/ Whites
Magneboar: Bacon Magnets
Megazone: Flyzap
Lostgar: (This is fine IMO)

Eggs and Bacon.. it would be funny if somebody was eating eggs and bacon while playing this deck.
Flyzap :p.

Good names.

Pokefan4000 said:
...who tells their opponent what they're running...?


Tyraniking said:
It's really not a perk. It's more like something for when you T2 at Worlds and want to show off your cool deck name in stores.

Well, one person got 1st with Luxchomp, and named the deck Luxchomp...
glaceon said:
Well, one person got 1st with Luxchomp, and named the deck Luxchomp...
Actually, it was "LuxChomp of the Spirit." So considerably different... although still along those lines.
@Glaceon: My point is that even though people use common names for Worlds decks, people who use the original names make their deck look cooler.
yeah anybody who makes a rogue deck and gives it a special name instantly claims that deck as theirs in my book. and they'll also get awesome points in my book as well.
Combining the title Pokemon into a name for the deck is fine, so long as it's catchy, like Luxchomp or Megazone/MegaJudge. If it's UmbreVileMukPluff or Donmegaark, then we have a problem. There can be creativity in combining Pokemon names as well, such as Raybees and Rambo (Reshiboar).
Darkvoid57 said:
I call me deck: YaMegaKingChi



Please help my uncreative mind

Call it YMCK and you'll get a cookie.


I like to give my decks original names. My opponents never know what I'm playing when I tell them I'm playing VaVo (Vast Volcano -> Reshiram/Typhlosion) for example.