Wi-Fi Trades Spartan's Super Shiny Shop! Y Exclusives! LF: Shiny Protean Froakie!

RE: Spartan's Super Shiny Shop! Shiny Espurr, Dragalge, Pyroar and More! Y Exclusives too!

Will a shiny chandelure be a good offer for you??
RE: Spartan's Super Shiny Shop! Shiny Espurr, Dragalge, Pyroar and More! Y Exclusives too!

And JCG, ill probably go with the poliwhirl

Sounds good. PM and we can set up a time. Im good basically whenever
RE: Spartan's Super Shiny Shop! Shiny Espurr, Dragalge, Pyroar and More! Y Exclusives too!

Updated : Looking for a shiny protean froakie! PM if you are willing to trade for something on my list.
RE: Spartan's Super Shiny Shop! Shiny Espurr, Dragalge, Pyroar and More! Y Exclusives too!

shiny poliwrath for shiny honedge?
Added Another Espurr, Charizard EV trained comes with Charizardite Y free and Ninjask

TheRoyalXerneas said:
Will a shiny chandelure be a good offer for you??

Yea sure, I just caught another so chandelure would be good.
Spartansn1p3r said:
Friend Code: 1607-1589-3809
Time Zone: Australia East Coast (EST)
Times Available: 4-7PM Weekdays, 9AM-5PM Weekends

Please Note: I do not IV breed or Hack/Use a Cheating Device, I specialize in Shiny Pokémon.

Ordered from lowest value to highest
Teddiursa (Gummy Bear)
Espurr (female) X2 (Caught another)
Charizard (With Charizadite Y, Ev trained and IV's in Hp and Attack)
Ninjask (Mcspeedy, Ev trained in speed and has IV's in HP and Sp.def. Baton passer)
Y exclusives - Yveltal and Mega stones

Services Offered:
SV hatching (3577)


-Shinies, Preferably 6th Gen, starters or Popular OU pokemon
-X exclusive Mega stones (especially charizardite x)
Looking for a shiny protean froakie, don't care about iv's, pm if you have one and are willing to make a trade for one of my shinies
Hopefully we can make a trade, Thanks for your time

Successful trades
-Dracaufeu Shiny Honedge for Shiny Larvesta and Xerneas

Interested in a shiny modest Braixen for one of the Espurrs? If not then maybe Pyroar?
Lizbien said:
Spartansn1p3r said:
Friend Code: 1607-1589-3809
Time Zone: Australia East Coast (EST)
Times Available: 4-7PM Weekdays, 9AM-5PM Weekends

Please Note: I do not IV breed or Hack/Use a Cheating Device, I specialize in Shiny Pokémon.

Ordered from lowest value to highest
Teddiursa (Gummy Bear)
Espurr (female) X2 (Caught another)
Charizard (With Charizadite Y, Ev trained and IV's in Hp and Attack)
Ninjask (Mcspeedy, Ev trained in speed and has IV's in HP and Sp.def. Baton passer)
Y exclusives - Yveltal and Mega stones

Services Offered:
SV hatching (3577)


-Shinies, Preferably 6th Gen, starters or Popular OU pokemon
-X exclusive Mega stones (especially charizardite x)
Looking for a shiny protean froakie, don't care about iv's, pm if you have one and are willing to make a trade for one of my shinies
Hopefully we can make a trade, Thanks for your time

Successful trades
-Dracaufeu Shiny Honedge for Shiny Larvesta and Xerneas

Interested in a shiny modest Braixen for one of the Espurrs? If not then maybe Pyroar?
Yea im Interested, 1 Espurr coming to you in the near future.

legend-tamer said:
shiny golurk for shiny charizard? you can keep the mega stone if you i want i allready have both.
If the Golurk is holding a good item I might trade, the charizard IS fully ev trained and probably one of the more sought out ones due to it being a starter.
legend-tamer said:
Heracrossite? I want to keep my charizardite x.

Maybe even my absolite?

Im not interested Sorry. Thanks for offering anyway
ShinyVincent said:
I`m intressd in Espurr, i can trade you Chandelure for it?
Sorry I got the exact same offer from someone else, sorry.
MountainDrew said:
Would you be interested in a shiny protean greninja? If so I like your shiny charizard
I am Most definitely interested, PM me when you are ready.
Ekeae said:
Would you trade your shiny Dedenne for a Shiny Seaking?

No sorry, I am addicted to 6th gen Shinies "D