Scariest Nightmare / Dream?

RE: Scariest Nightmare/ Dream?

Dave Cosgrove, from South Beach Tow, turned me into a lobster lady last night to suit his evil agenda, apparently.
RE: Scariest Nightmare/ Dream?

I never have nightmares, and most of my dreams are filled with fantasy worlds and plots rivaling even the best of blockbusters. Avatar ain't got nuttin' on my dreams! :p

Though I rarely remember my dreams, what little I do remember from my last one was that I was involved in a relationship with a small, yet perky, breasted female Ghost, and apparently we could make physical contact. But I was just lucid enough to be paranoid that that physical contact may not last...

(She wasn't a Ghost for the whole dream, she was alive, then died, becoming a Ghost later on in the dream. Though I don't think I viewed her in a romantic light until after her death, and the mourning I went through made me realize it.)
RE: Scariest Nightmare/ Dream?

^ I can't even begin to comprehend the horrors that you had to endure.

For me, ever since I've learned to gain a low level of lucid control over my dreams, I haven't had many nightmares at all. One prominent one that I can remember though involved me at an airport, trapped in a shop where my family and friends were being melted into goop by monsters, and barely escaping, but not before having to fight off the ninjas they sent after me with my trusty lance, and ended up receiving some backup from Mitchell Musso who decided to join the fray on my side.

And another when I ran into a naked Weeping Angel. That was purely terrifying.
RE: Scariest Nightmare/ Dream?

My worst one was when I was five and I had this dream where I saw a woman screaming with blood going down her face. Freaked me out back then.

Edit: Does favoriting a post on here mean you like they had that dream or you think that dream is terrible?
RE: Scariest Nightmare/ Dream?

None recently, but a few months ago - I can still remember it - I woke up sweating, my eyes tearing up, my heart beating fast, I had trouble getting back to sleep (I just rolled around in bed for almost an hour)... my terrible nightmare was one of my phobias (dying in a natural disaster separated from family)

Try to and keep it short: I was shopping with family in a store, grandma asks me to get the car closer to the front of the store due to her bad knees, as soon as I reach car, a tsunami devastates the city - I can't find any of my family.... can't remember much more I wake up (my symptoms I described above)
RE: Scariest Nightmare/ Dream?

TwistedTurtwig said:
And another when I ran into a naked Weeping Angel. That was purely terrifying.

But was the Weeping Angel hot? Okay, yeah, I really shouldn't joke about Weeping Angels. They are serious business...

That is an episode that HAD to be watched with the lights on. >_<
RE: Scariest Nightmare/ Dream?

One time I drempt about Godfather 3 and that the main character committed suicide before the film was finished filming.
It took me 2-3 hours to get back to sleep.
RE: Scariest Nightmare/ Dream?

Those dreams where you're falling at high speed towards the ground and when you hit you wake up all sweaty and stuff.

The night after I saw "The Conjuring" I had a nightmare. I dreamed that I was that little girl the mother in the film wanted to kill. The people were searching for me, and when they eventually found me they yelled out my location. I then saw the mother crawling towards me in high speed with this insane face and seconds later I swear I could feel her hands around my throat.

I was traumatized after that dream, but I eventually got back to sleep after watching Failarmy for a some hours.
RE: Scariest Nightmare/ Dream?

Sheriff_K said:
TwistedTurtwig said:
And another when I ran into a naked Weeping Angel. That was purely terrifying.

But was the Weeping Angel hot? Okay, yeah, I really shouldn't joke about Weeping Angels. They are serious business...

That is an episode that HAD to be watched with the lights on. >_<

No, in fact, it was traumatizingly ugly. And no Tennant, I will not just deal with it. ^^^
RE: Scariest Nightmare/ Dream?

So, the most recent one that has been happening to me for the past like three weeks every night.

Standing in waist deep water, a dark dreary atmosphere with rain and lightning. I look around me to see all my friends that I hang out with floating, face down in the water. And I can't do anything, so I just sit there and watch, as their bodies decompose and rot away. The most disturbing thing...

While the bodies are decomposing, one of my friends stands up and looks me in the eye, says, "You'll never know unless you ask." Then the skin falls from her body and her bones turn to dust.
RE: Scariest Nightmare/ Dream?

Seeing death all around me, yet being unable to move and save anyone (or at least partake in the killings).
I have recurring dreams about going back to school and flunking all my classes...scares the bejeezus out of me for some reason. I don't get it.
The worst dream I have ever had about that I am in a school, and there is a voice saying " I am gonna find you, I see you" I am just standing there terrified trying to run, then I see a girl with out a face walking so slowly, and She is like projecting her voice all around you. Then arms appear out the ground and hold me down. She then gets on me and cuts me, and then a giant black rod comes through my chest from behind. I waken up and cough up some blood, I apparently had a nose bleed while the dream was occurring and it really freaked me out.
I dreamed I was having a party and Spider-Man (I was six) told me there was an evil cat outside the fence of my back yard. There was no explanation why Spider-Man was at my party. Just deal with it. Anyway, I didn't believe him and then all the sudden the cat attacked me. I ran inside and for whatever reason the was a bunch of rocks in my house. I through them and the cat who then turned into a witch upon reaching my doorway, but her butt was to bug and she got stuck in the door frame and then she got arrested by the cops who came out of no where.
The End.
Once I had a terrible dream where pokemon was real, but very graphic. l was ten years old, and I got my first pokemon. Charmander. He was a little runt, and kept getting beat up by my friend's gyarados. eventually, my charmander died, but I made it to victory road. It caved in, and I was never to be seen again. I woke up from that dream... and I was in another dream. I was on a rollercoaster made of jellybeans.
Couple nights ago (Note this is weird >_>)

I had a weird dream I was in like some store and a guy went in a weird door. I hear some talking then a guy screaming like he's dying. I looked around then I see a parrot fly out. I try to hide but it lands right on the rock I'm hiding behind. I'm scared the freak behind the door will see the parrot, find me, and kill me so I take my hat and hit the parrot with it and it falls and dies. But another comes and I hit it and another comes and another then one comes and no matter how many times I hit it it doesn't move AT ALL and it stares at me with its creepy eyes and I was worried about the guy coming then I woke up freaked out. Then I looked at my Facebook and saw a message from a girl I used to like that made me smile and I started to forget about it.

Also once I woke up from a dream where I think I was hanging out with a girl in a place with random metal junk and when I went back to sleep my dream continued.

Also when I was young (7?) I had a weird dream where there was a mountain lion in my backyard. I tried to scream for my mom but no noise came out. Then I woke up, sat up, and yelled "YELL JENNY" (My sister). There was also a decorative plate that was hanging on the wall on my lap...

Another was like Jurassic Park-ish and a bunch of people were on a rooftop petting Brachiosaurus. Then there was a T-Rex and everyone but me and my parents disappeared. We jumped off the building and I told them to run from bush to bush. I did this and was eventually was in my yard. Two pokemon (Can't remember which) were staring at me through a window in my house and I realized I was dreaming (AS IF THE DINOSAURS DIDN'T HINT IT). I tried controlling my dream and when that didn't work I opened and closed my eyes over and over until I woke up in my bed.

I barely dream and when I do it usually has to do with a girl around my age. I'm not lonely.... o_e

Edit: Read through all the posts and my friend committed suicide in her dream and she said she "Went to the light" so you CAN die in your dreams

Also my friend has dreams and visions of the future... She had a vision about meeting me although she didn't know my name or username. Just my nickname "Fuzz." She also had a vision she thinks is of the future of me and her in a hotel hall and that sounds interesting to me since I only know her through the Internet.
Now that I'm working as a cashier, I have nightmares about Black Friday. Today, I had an Inception-like dream where I woke up the day after Thanksgiving, and was glad to go to work. Then my dad said it was Black Friday, and I woke up from the fear of said day.

Another one that happened on Friday night: I had a dream that my gf was killed. The last word I said to her was sorry irl because I had to work and couldn't spend time with her.

and a recurring night terror now since Saturday night: I'm apparently british with a sister and two brothers. Dad is an extreme liberal and has somehow been punished by having his youngest son turned into a homicidal freak. Basically, the son is now possessed, and is labeled by conservative media as 'gay' in a sense that he is a zombie possessed by the devil, and he only targets those who are of the male gender.
I left off from Dream 2 where sister was stupid enough to leave the keys to the locked door that held him next to the lock. some idiot probably let him out, and now we are evacuating London.
Dream 3: We somehow ended up in a hotel after escaping the crowd of people. The possessed boy is Aiden, and the other brother is Ethan. I'll try to actually become lucid tonight to get more info, hopefully successful. I hope to actually turn this into some kind of book or something, so i'll keep updates here.

I need help.
Red Rain, if I can offer you one tip to become lucid easier, it's to drink a tall glass of apple juice about a half hour before going to bed. That stuff works some serious wonders.