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RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

That theory about the amount of feathers showing is flawed in the fact that this isn't a static sprite, it's an animated 3D model that moves. What are the chances of the leaker taking 2 pictures of the same pokemon in the EXACT same moment during it's idle animation? Not very likely.

Assuming that it's real, we haven't seen what the back of the pokemon looks like or how many feathers it has in total. It might not have wings, it might have a cape like a Luchador wrestler, which looks about right judging from the pictures.

For comparison:
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

AAHHH. I just thought of something!!!

Okay, so that "Hawlucha" thing? The feathers in one screenshot look rounded, while the feathers in the other look pointed.

If you look at the screenshots again, you can see that one is male and one is female.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

It did originate from 4chan, but I won't be surprised if it is the real deal. The first picture posted was that of ''Hawlucha'' in battle, 4chan demanded a picture of its summary for proof, and got it as well. Eventually they asked for a picture of the final starter he choose, and we got Greninja. I'm not an artist, but the time between the leaks weren't enough for him to ''just'' photoshop another image. Unless he somehow had it all planned out..?

SavvyJackal said:
AAHHH. I just thought of something!!!

Okay, so that "Hawlucha" thing? The feathers in one screenshot look rounded, while the feathers in the other look pointed.

If you look at the screenshots again, you can see that one is male and one is female.

Both are male. The quality isn't great, and the pictures are taken from different angles, not to mention that half of it isn't even visible in the battle screenshot. They could very well be the same Pokémon, it's just that the pictures aren't great in quality.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Hawlucha seems interesting, it'd be nice to see more pictures from different angles to determine whether it's real or fake. I personally wouldn't mind if it was real, it seems like a rather cool design.
Maybe it'll be the first fighting/flying type?

In response to the 'feathers are pointy/rounded' thing: I'm pretty sure they're the same in both images; it's just the angle that makes them look pointed in the battle shot.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

They're both male? :|

If you look in the top right corner of the "rounded feathers" screenshot, where the gender symbol is supposed to be, you can see a very faint version of the female symbol. When I tilt my iPhone to the side, the red/pink "♀" becomes even clearer.

Though you could also be right about the angle thing. I see what you're saying. :eek:


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RE: Rumors & Speculation

Pokequaza said:

Greninja look too much fake for me . If it's real then i say good bye to Froakie . If Froakie turn to something like this with a long tongue around his neck and pretend to be a scarf . I can't stand it anyway :(
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

SavvyJackal said:
They're both male? :|

If you look in the top right corner of the "rounded feathers" screenshot, where the gender symbol is supposed to be, you can see a very faint version of the female symbol. When I tilt my iPhone to the side, the red/pink "♀" becomes even clearer.

Though you could also be right about the angle thing. I see what you're saying. :eek:

That's probably just because of your phone.
On my screen I can see it is the blue male symbol.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Razmos said:
SavvyJackal said:
They're both male? :|

If you look in the top right corner of the "rounded feathers" screenshot, where the gender symbol is supposed to be, you can see a very faint version of the female symbol. When I tilt my iPhone to the side, the red/pink "♀" becomes even clearer.

Though you could also be right about the angle thing. I see what you're saying. :eek:

That's probably just because of your phone.
On my screen I can see it is the blue male symbol.

Well now I'm disappointed. I thought I discovered something! XD

Oh well. So, Froakie's rumored final evolution uses its tongue as a mask/scarf thing? That's... odd. >_>
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

What happened to Froakies bubbles? Also, I can't seem to see the torso.

rdecargh said:
Hi I wanna share some new info about XY with you, I dont know if new or anything, just be kind with me:

-aerodactyle will have a megaevo
-exp.share can be activate to share exp with ALL Pokémon in the team
-some place have 3d actually but overworld is 90% without it
-teamflare uses a lot of houndour / zubat etc. classic Pokémon from rival team
-circlepad=rollerskate / direction buttons=running
-you can choose 4 obj to be used with Y
-pokedex is 3d so be sure to slide up the 3d slider!
-binacle is n.21 Pokémon in the coast pkdx, its like a sea creatures with two heads -anemon I think their called?- (i guess its evolution will have three...) and its rock/water

thanks! see ya! I love u

4 objects to be used with Y? What does that even mean?

I find it funny that the Pokédex is in 3D, yet the 2DS comes out the same day as XY.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

rdecargh said:
Blob55 said:
What happened to Froakies bubbles? Also, I can't seem to see the torso.

4 objects to be used with Y? What does that even mean?

its like zelda or something, you can assign 4 objects, when u press Y you have all four on screen and according which direction you press (left up down right, with the directional buttons) you immdiately choose one of them, easy right? thanks I love u too

So only 4 registered items? Didn't BW2 have at least 5?
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Greninja's design makes no sense. First of all, where did the bubbles go? Second, why add darker colors to Frogadier's color scheme only to revert back to the light blue and white from Froakie? Also, that tongue...it seems like an obvious rip off Lickitung, and GF generally doesn't copy prominent features like that. I really do hope it's fake, it looks like an abomination.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

rdecargh said:
hawlucha is real trust me, dont know the other since I didnt choose the froggy
hawlucha is nr.89 in the coast pkdx, its flying/fighting type which is pretty cool story bro right?
its 0,8m and 21,5kg. thanks you too
Okay, so which starter did you choose? :p
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

I posted this on a different forum, but i'll post it again here:
To people complaining that the Froakie evolution doesn't have bubbles, I'm assuming that the bubble part of Froakies design comes from the fact that some frogs make nests made of bubbles.

It makes sense that Froakie, essentially a baby frog, would be carrying the bubbles from it's nest with it.

As it becomes an adult, it no longer needs the bubbles.
RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers

Also i don't understand why the complain about that Greninja. Earlier, they said the evo looks too much / too identical with it's previous form. Now when it look different they complain it with being no resemblance at all. Seriousy, people :v

Anyway i'll take the Greninja and Hawlucha with a grain of salt, it won't be bad even if it's real though. For Greninja, if it's really tongue then it looks weird, i mean the tongue supposed to circle the head first tthen let loose on the back right? Just hoping that it's some random scarf.
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