Writing Pokémon Legacy (Chapter 50 is online, ''book 1'' closed!) Waiting on comments!

RE: James' Fanfic contest entry[still needs a name]

Well, unfortunately not a new chapter guys, but I've decided to give you a new piece of fan art... only this time hand made! It shows ''Team Omega'' (or at least as they are codenamed), and all of their members.

For anyone who's curious, Shannon is the one standing in front, with her arms behind her back, Jason is the one with his glasses on, and who's pointing his finger, Dennis is the one standing (to the viewers) left side of Jason, and Thomas is the only one without a cap.

Please comment! :D

RE: James' Fanfic contest entry[still needs a name]

OMG... so much happens in a couple of days... CURSE YOU WORK! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MAKE ME MISS THE FUN! D:

... that aside, wow... Shannon finally pissed off, the Wish that I 256.23% forgot about comes back, Thomas turns out to be a freakin TRAITOR, and it seems that Brian already has someone else in his "interests"... hmm...

At least their mission is clear-cut now - get in, save Bob, get out. Simple, right? Wrong. Expect a lot more to come from this before it's over! We have a definite talent in the art of concealment here... and surely the fact that Brian can stay in motion during the Apocalypse is meaningful somehow?

All I can say is, I'm staying tuned to this one! :D
RE: James' Fanfic contest entry[still needs a name]

hmmm.... so only Matijs (and maybe Gamercal;)) like my drawing...?:( lol, I'll be adding the next chapter later on today, just for now here's a bigger picture of Jason for you guys, please comment on it(unlike the previous picture...!:p), as well as a picture of the shady figure Brian saw standing on the rock in the other dimension...!(for those of you who wonder, yes, it's the same figure in the background of the previous picture). Note that both were just simple sketches, so don't look too harsh on them, ok...?:p Also sorry about the size, I had no option to adjust them for now...! :(




The shady figure on the rock(sketch):

RE: James' Fanfic contest entry[still needs a name]

ncie drawings,

youre on a roll man,
keep that up

RE: James' Fanfic contest entry[still needs a name]

well, as I promised, here it is: the next chapter! Not too much to comment on, except that this is a rather ''funny'' chapter...!:p



Chapter 23: Homecoming of the hero…?!

So this boring elevator is still on the move, and I’m almost falling asleep. Whether it’s a disease I have, or just a plain habit, but the longer I stay inside those boring elevators the drowsier I get...

’’Feeling drowsy...?’’ Freya asked all of a sudden.
’’Y-Yeah… It’s this elevator… well, not just this one…’’ I said while yawning.
’’You’re getting drowsy from elevators…?’’
’’Yeah, those lights make me drowsy as they are quite boring…’’
’’Well, I know a way to stay awake, are you interested?’’

I looked at Freya, and I saw the naughtiest look anyone could have in his or her eyes in Freya’s eyes. I couldn’t help but blush while looking back at her, as I couldn’t even imagine what she was aiming at…?

’’S-sure…?’’ I said carefully.
’’Alright, that’s the spirit!’’ Freya shouted out loud all of a sudden.

Freya moved her hand towards the control panel of the elevator, and pressed a large button which stated ’’emergency’’. From the speaker inside the elevator a man began to talk.

’’Elevator 48B, what seems to be the problem?’’
’’There is no problem. I just want you to deactivate the power on this elevator.’’
’’W-What do you mean ma’am…?’’
’’You heard me. Deactivate the power. Deactivate it NOW.’’
’’Y-yes ma’am.’’

I sat shocked in my wheelchair. There was nothing I could do, as I sat stuck. In the older days elevators were running up and down by the use of ropes, but in these times everything was replaced by sheer power. The energy would manipulate the gravity, instead of a rope pulling the elevator up and down. So in other words, asking to disable the power for this elevator was like cutting the ropes for it… and we were up very high…! I could slowly hear the engines stop working.

’’Well, are you ready Brian?!’’ Freya asked.
’’I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for this…!’’
’’Well, I’m positive you won’t fall asleep now!’’’
’’Well, I’m pretty sure abaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!’’

Before I could finish my sentence the elevator fell down with rapid speed. The speed was so intense that Freya, my wheelchair, and I were all lifted in the cabin, and it was as if we were floating in outer space. I couldn’t complain to much tough, since Freya floated right next to me, in a perfect angle…! We then began to shout at each other, since we wouldn’t be able to hear each other otherwise…

’’So, how about it now, Brian?!’’
’’W-well, I’m sure that I won’t fall asleep now…! But what if we crash land with this thing?!’’
’’Don’t worry about that! The elevator will regain its power before we hit the floor!’’
’’That really makes me quite confident…!’’ I shouted sarcastically.
’’I’m glad about that!’’
’’I was joking!’’
’’Yeah, as if I couldn’t tell!’’

The elevator was still increasing the pace in which it descended, and due to the air pressure in the cabin, Freya and I began floating closer to each other. For a moment everything became quite tense, as we slowly floated towards each other with both of us pointing our heads towards each other… What’s more, our lips would meet if we continued like this! I blushed at the thought of it, Freya and myself kissing while floating… What a weird thing to do! But while I looked at Freya I could see her blush just as well, and I had no doubt she had noticed it as well. At the same time the gravity pulled Freya’s jacket up, ripping some of the buttons open. We continued floating and we both said nothing. We’d see what the time would bring us… But right before our lips met, the elevator got its gravity back on, and Freya, the wheelchair, and I collapsed to the floor… Me at the bottom, my wheelchair sideways on my back, and Freya on top of the wheelchair… The speakers of the elevator activated again.

’’You are almost at your destination. We switched the power back on right before you arrived. Oh, and lady Freya, please don’t ask such commands in the future while having a patient who is still recovering with you…’’
’’Yeah, yeah, cut that bogus. I know what I’m doing.’’ Freya said slightly annoyed.
’’Y-yes ma’am…!’’

The speakers shut off, and after a moment the door of the elevator opened. To my shock Daniel was already waiting on the other side, while I was still in this rather awkward position…

’’B-Brian…? W-what are you…?!’’
’’I-it’s n-nothing Daniel!’’
’’Were you just molesti-’’
’’Young man! Mind your own business!’’ Freya said all of a sudden as she closed her jacket.
’’W-what do you mean…? H-he wasn’t mole-’’

Freya slapped Daniel in the face before he could finish his sentence.

’’Look at your older brother! Do you think he’s healthy enough to molest me?’’

Daniel looked at me, and saw I was totally covered in bandages. Even tough I had my clothes on, you could still see them clearly on my hands and feet, and partly on my neck as well.

’’Well, now you mention it…’’ Daniel said while rubbing his cheek.
’’Exactly! Now hurry up and get your brother in his wheelchair.’’
’’Y-yes ma’am Freya!’’ Daniel said while saluting.
’’I expect you two being in the hall by five minutes at most.’’

Freya then walked off ahead, and Daniel helped me get into my wheelchair.

’’Why did you salute to Freya, Daniel…?’’
’’What…? Don’t you know…?’’
’’Know what…?’’
’’Lady Freya is the one in charge of Jupiter’s section of the base while Jupiter isn’t around!’’
’’You say what…?!’’
’’Yeah, she’s like the big boss while Jupiter’s out on missions.’’
’’I didn’t know that…’’
’’Well, we better hurry up and get to the meeting hall quick… Lady Freya’s temper isn’t something to sneeze at…! And if we’re too late…’’
’’Well, let’s roll then!’’ I said after finally sitting back in my wheelchair.
’’Roger that!’’ Daniel said.

Daniel began running to increase our movement rate, and we literally raced trough the hallway. Up the hallway I could see a big door where a lot of light and noise was coming from.

’’What’s up ahead…?’’ I asked.
’’Oh, you’ll see!’’ Daniel said, and he gave a final spurt to his running.
’’H-hey…?! What the…?!’’

We then ended up in the meeting hall of Jupiter’s section of the base, and I entered on a large stage, high above most other ’’new’’ grunts. I recognised some faces from the recruitment survey, and they were all former participants. As soon as Daniel and I came racing in, I could see Freya stand on top of another platform, which was floating in the air. She also had a headset on, and she began talking to the crowd underneath me.

’’Ladies and gentlemen, here he is, Brian Shephourd!’’

All of a sudden everyone underneath me began applauding, as if I was some sort of hero who had returned after a long journey… I then looked around me on the stage, and I could see Cody standing not too far away from me. There were other persons on the stage as well, but I didn’t recognised any of them at first glance… But then Cody looked at me, and our eyes met. I could see that burning desire to fight in his eyes again, and it was as if we were about to battle each other again. But then Freya’s voice came between us. Not only that, while she spoke her platform flew across various places of the meeting hall. Team Galaxy surely was great in producing cutting edge technology, that’s for sure…

’’As you all already know, the people standing on the heightened stage are the new leaders you all will have to obey. These new leaders are still under the direct command of the superior grunts, as well as under me and Jupiter herself. You will all be appointed to a different person on the heightened stage, and two persons on the heightened stage will form one unit, together with any members they have under their command. Due to Brian Shephourd’s injuries the training program got a little delayed, so you all will have to work a little harder to catch up with that!’’

I looked to the large mob of people underneath me. They were all applauding to us, and to think I was chosen to be the leader of some of them… That was great…!

’’Then, without any further ado, I’ll announce which two leaders will be forming each group.’’

The large crowd began to applause, whistle on a high pitched note, and cheer loudly. I simply allowed myself being swallowed by the crowd’s enthusiastic comments… And I can tell you, it felt great…!

[End chapter 23]
RE: James' Fanfic contest entry[still needs a name]

nice, I like the chapter, it's really funny:D;)
RE: James' Fanfic contest entry[still needs a name]

That chapter was FUNNY! Really, it was great!

The drawings look great, too. I really hope there'll be some
more chapters soon!
RE: James' Fanfic contest entry[still needs a name]

Hey there! I'm afraid that I won't be adding a new chapter anytime soon, but as a little reward for you to wait, here's a REALLY exciting chapter... I hope you all enjoy it, and PLEASE COMMENT!!!!! Team Galaxy's base was ''raided'' just a while ago by the codenamed ''team Omega'', and brian ahs only just recovered from his meeting with Jason... But there's little rest for him and the other Team Galaxy members, since a new intruder has already appeared! [Expect the next chapter around February 9th or so...!]


[Also please note my fanfic entry ends with this chapter! ;) Note that the story will still continue afterwards! So don't expect a new chapter til at LEAST January 31th.]


Chapter 24: The returning of…?!

’’So, does every grunt have a leader with him now?’’

Freya’s voice boomed trough the hall while she was racing trough the sky on her disk. In front of me were five persons standing, and one of them was Daniel. There was a girl with long blond hair, a guy which had a rather rough haircut with his back hair pitch black, and his front hair also blond, a guy with pointy black hair and a headband to keep his hair up, and a last guy that just teleported up to my platform this instant… And it was no other then Matthew!

’’Alright then, since all the grunts have gathered at their respective leader’s platforms, it’s time to announce which two leaders will be forming groups. Group one will be made by Bill and Christina. Group two will be formed by Avian and Jennifer. Group three will be formed by Kenneth and Peter. The last team will be made by… Brian and Cody.’’

I looked in shock, but I had already seen it coming. Cody and I were the last two persons left anyways. It still was a nasty thought that I had to team up with someone who I have had such a fierce battle with before.

’’Alright, all leaders and grunts, gather on your team’s platform. You have twenty minutes to get to know each other. Enjoy that time. I’ll be giving new orders afterwards. That’s al for now.’’

Freya literally flew off, and her disk landed next to a sort of control room, which obviously also served as an observation room. Then I got distracted by some shouting very loud as he came running towards me… and it wasn’t just any random person… It was Cody…!

’’BRRRRRRRRRRRRRIANNNNNN!!!’’ Cody shouted loudly while running.
’’C-Cody…?! What the…?!’’ I said as I saw he wasn’t slowing down even while close.
’’How dare you got the nerve?!’’
’’W-what do you mean…?!’’
’’How dare you be all wrapped up in bandages like that?!’’
’’What the…?!’’
’’The only one who is allowed to beat you up… is me!’’
’’Cody, you gotta slow dow-’’

But I was too late. Cody had already run towards me, and he made a full crash into me and my wheelchair. We both fell over, and we almost fell off the platform we were standing on! All grunts from both parties were looking at our silly play on the platform with a rather disapproving look…

’’Dude, get a grip on yourself man!’’ I said while trying to crawl up.
’’You better be ready to battle Brian…!’’
’’What…? Why?’’
’’Because I simply have to beat you this time!’’
’’Dude, we’re on the same team!’’
’’I don’t care! You know what? You’re the ONLY person I lost against during the recruitment survey…!’’
’’So…? We can’t win ‘em all?!’’
’’I wouldn’t have any trouble with it normally, but then you go and get yourself all beaten up, and end up in the medic wing of the base!’’
’’Hey, I didn’t want to go there in the first place?!’’
’’I don’t care! Because you had an automatic pass from any fight from that moment on, you always kept holding one rank above me!’’
’’Is that what’s this all about…?’’
’’Of course! So if I beat you, we’re even!’’
’’Just cut the crap! We only have twenty minutes before we have to start training in the first place, so I’d like to use that time to meet my own team members and yours!’’
’’Well, whatever… Just know that I want a rematch anyhow, team members or not!’’
’’Just shut it!’’

I kicked Cody off of me, and crawled my way back into my wheelchair. Cody then stood back up as well, and both of us stood in front of our group.

’’Alright then, grunts, please introduce yourselves, as well as your abilities.’’ I commanded.
’’My name is Ben. I specialise in aggressive fighting.’’ One of my grunts said, and it was the one with the headband.
’’I’m Iris.’’ The only girl on my team started. ’’I’m not too good with pokémon yet, but I’m doing my best.’’
’’I’m Curt.’’ The one with the black and blond hair said. ’’I have no specialty. I’m an all-rounder.’’
’’I’m Matthew. I have no specialty either, but my Snorlax and Munchlax are a force to be reckoned with.’’
’’My name’s Daniel. I specialise in two versus two battles, but I can manage on my own too.’’

So far for my team. Now about Cody’s team… I saw Cody’s team was made up by five other guys, so Iris was the only girl in our group… One of them was quite chubby, and he had these small eyes paired with a short red haircut. An other guy had glasses, and his brown hair was partly covering his eyes. There also was this tiny guy, with a messy orange haircut that curled several ways. In the back of the scene was a rather dark figure, he didn’t look too much from Cody actually, only he seemed more calm. And lastly we had this guy with a tanned skin, and he was bold.

’’I’m Tucker. I specialise in defensive abilities.’’ The chubby one said.
’’I’m Riaz. I also specialise in aggressive battling.’’ The tanned one said.
’’I’m Kennedy. I also have only recently started pokémon so I’m still learning my specialties like Iris.’’ The small one said.
’’I’m Johan. I prefer to use psychic types over any other type.’’ The one with the glasses said.

It then went quiet for a while, and I looked at the shady guy in the back.

’’And you are?’’ I asked.
’’My name is Eric. I specialise in dark type pokémon. I’m not too active during the day tough.’’
’’Well, glad to meet you all. I’ll now introduce myself. My name is Brian. I specialise in no certain aspect myself, but I rather battle in an aggressive way since I want battles to last as shortly as possible. I’m looking forward to work with you all.’’
’’Well, I can’t stay behind then, now can I? I’m Cody, and I’m an aggressive player all the way. Interfere in my business and you’ll regret it. That’s all there is to know about me.’’
’’Yes sirs!’’ All grunts in front of us said, while saluting at the same time.
’’Well, at ease. We’ll just wait until we are given more orders, I suppose.’’ I said.
’’Orders are for wimps. Let’s make some real riot out here!’’ Cody said impatiently as ever.
’’Cody, cut it. We’re the leaders of this group, and we should give the good example!’’
’’Fine, fine… Why do you have to be so boring Brian…? With pokémon like ours, we could totally wreck this place anyway!’’
’’I know, but I don’t want to wreck the place anyhow. If you’re really that excited to set your pokémon loose on something, just wait until we get orders to train.’’
’’Whatever…’’ Cody said as he walked off for a bit and then sat down on the floor like a bored child.

I could then see Freya come out of the control room, and she was already back on her disk again. She was hovering trough the air once more, and began giving us orders.

’’Alright then, I hope you all had plenty of time to get to know each other? The actual training will now begin.’’

As Freya said that, the platforms began to descend back to the floor, but each platform was guided trough a different pipeline. Each pipeline ended in a different training facility, and the training facilities were separated from each other by these huge transparent walls. This whole idea was certainly something to suggest back at the PMC base, since compared to Team Galaxy’s base our base was like an old fashioned building. As soon as all platforms were down to the ground, Freya began to talk again.

’’Alright, each group is in their respective training ground. Each training ground specialises in a different type of training, so all groups will have to work in different shifts. Once a group has finished the training, they will move on to the next training ground when the other group is done there. Are there any questio-’’

But before Freya could finish her sentence a huge red light turned on all across the base, as if it was a flash light, turning on and off all the time… And it even was a large emergency light! Then the speakers went on…

’’Attention all members! We have an intruder! I repeat, we have an intruder! We have no idea where he’s headed yet, but he’s near the training area’s side of the base. Please take caution with approaching the intruder.’’

Right after the speaker had finished it’s message, a large part of the outer wall was blown to pieces as a large Rhyperior came barging trough it. Out of all the smoke a shady figure walked forwards.

’’Rhyperior, return!’’ A booming voice sounded.
’’Great, just my luck!’’ Freya shouted enraged. ’’First we have these weirdo’s in capes all over our base, and now a new intruder…?! Screw this, Go! Metagross!’’
’’That’s not too smart young lady…’’ The shady figure said. ’’Go! Charizard!’’

A metagross and a Charizard entered the battle, but the shady figure started talking right away.

’’I’d love to play with you for a while young lady, but I don’t actually have the time… So let’s finish this quickly Charizard!’’
’’Haha, you think I’m just some sort of pushover?!’’ Freya said as she became even more enraged.
’’No, not at all. It’s just you simply can’t manage to win this one. Charizard, Blazing Kamikaze!’’

I was shocked by that sentence. In front of us the Charizard let loose a combination of every fire move you can imagine, then it flew up high, and crash landed like a large meteor into freya’s Metagross. The brutal attack fainted Freya’s Metagross in an instant. But in using the attack, the trainer’s Charizard fainted as well…

’’W-Who are you…?’’ Freya asked astonished while returning her Metagross.

The shady figure returned his Charizard and stepped out of the smoke. I didn’t believe my eyes. The person lifted his shades which reflected silver like in the light slightly, and I could see his eyes looking at all of us.

’’Well, it would be nice if you had introduced yourself as well… But anyways, here I’ll go…’’

I swallowed at the sight of who this person was, and only if he said that name I was positive of it…

’’Pleased to meet you. My name is... Max Shade IV...!’’

[End chapter 24]
RE: James' Fanfic contest entry[still needs a name]

omg what is max doing there
and why is max there?

tell us more quickly because i cant wait till they get to some fighting
or some missions

RE: James' Fanfic contest entry[still needs a name]

davincio said:
omg what is max doing there
and why is max there?

tell us more quickly because i cant wait till they get to some fighting
or some missions


lol, as far as I know this is my 1st post without a chapter/picture here, but anyways...!:p

You better read up Davincio, there won't be a new chapter till quite a while...!;) I'm gonna focus on artwork for the fic first now, since the competition is almost over! ;)

Greetz, james:D
RE: James' Fanfic contest entry[still needs a name]

The arrival of the time traveler... at least now we know somewhere where he's been for the last 15 years! :p

Pretty cool stuff... although it's TYPICAL to pick the fat guy as the defensive one D=

Still, nice to see Matthew show up again :D. His Munchlax was brilliant :D

Cody and Brian, LMAO. SO saw that coming ;)

Brilliant entry for Max BTW - and good to see one of Freya's pokes... Blazing Kamikaze FTW! :D

Is it just me, or do ALL of our pokemon in these fics have some sort of kick-butt attack that is technically impossible, but makes for awesome reading? Apocalypse, Kamikazes, the nature of my Shadow Ball... they're all supernatural, even by the standards of pokemon :D

Keep up the awesome work! I'm assuming you decided to up the amount of work for your fic from Chapter 13 or so that you said to cut off at before? :p

Just take your time and good luck with the contest! :D
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future[James' Fanfic contest entry] (Chapter 24)

Just for the ease of some readers, as well if anyone wants to start reading this story, I added an ''Library'' to the first post, which will serve as an index. In it is a link which will automatically take you the the chapter you want to read! Chapter 25 is on it's way, altough I have no idea when I will post it! :p

I hope you're all pretty excited for the next chapter! ;)

Greetz, James:D
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future[James' Fanfic contest entry] (Chapter 2

yeah we are, so please hurry it up :D

RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future[James' Fanfic contest entry] (Chapter 24)

haha, alright then, here it is, chapter 25! Stuff might get really tense when this situation goes on...?!



Chapter 25: Calling the pursuit!

’’Oh, please, don’t bother answering my introduction. Some of you might have a small clue of who I am, but I’m not here for some love from any fans I might have.’’ Max said calmly.
’’Fans…? Love…?’’ Freya said astonished.
’’Look, just let me pass trough and leave, and we’re all get happy out of this one, right?’’
’’I’m sorry Max… But I’m afraid I can’t let you slip away so easily…’’

Freya stepped forwards in Max’s direction. Every single other person in the training field, including me, could do nothing else but simply look in awe at the sight. I assume all the other people were simply scared of Max’s pokémon’s brute force, seeing the entrance he made with his Rhyperior. But for me, it was different. I bet Daniel was just as shocked as me, since we both learned the full history of Max Shade IV back at the PMC base… I was also impressed by Freya’s cool attitude. She had done research on so many things in her life already, she simply must have stumbled upon the name Max Shade IV already and know who he is, right…?

’’I cannot let you pass Max, since I have a lot to ask you!’’ Freya shouted all of a sudden.
’’Well, I didn’t come here to simply have a nice chitchat with you lady. Get out of my way!’’
’’I already told you, I won’t let you!’’
’’Fine! Geez, why do you guys always play it rough like this…? Go! Espeon!’’

Max threw a pokéball from his waist, and an Espeon which was shining with psychic energy all over its body emerged on the battlefield. The red gem on its forehead shone a bright red, and it took on a battle stance as soon as it landed on the floor.

’’Espeon! Clear the path with a psychic attack!’’

Max’s Espeon’s gem began to glow with a brilliant blue energy, and all kind of people, including Freya were simply immobilised and lifted aside by a strong psychic force field. It was as if the crowd was split in two halves, creating a large road in between were Max could simply walk trough.

’’Way to go Espeon. Make sure nobody gets hurt. I simply want to do what we came for and leave as fast as possible.’’

Max’s Espeon nodded slightly, and then Max and his Espeon walked side by side trough the road made by Max’s Espeon’s psychic attack. Behind them the people were simply put back were they stood before being lifted. Once Max and his Espeon entered a platform that would lift them back up to the main meeting hall, Max’s Espeon lifted the psychic attack. Everybody was too shocked to do anything after what had happened to them, but Freya just pushed herself trough the crowd towards the elevator. Why was she trying so hard to go after Max…? Surely she wanted to know something important from him… Then she shouted the reason out loud towards the platform which slowly went up into the sky.

’’Max! You simply have to answer me! You’re one the last persons who saw my grandfather before he disappeared!’’

Max then looked surprised to Freya from on top of the platform. He looked questioning to Freya, but then he put his shades back on.

’’I’m afraid I can’t help you right now. If we ever meet again, be sure to ask me. Good luck until then.’’

Then Max’s platform made a final spurt up, and Max had left the training hall. I could see Freya running towards the first available platform going up. I decided to take action.

’’Alright team, let’s go on our first mission together.’’ I said a little nervous after what I had witnessed not too long ago.
’’What do you mean, sir Brian…?’’ Kennedy said.
’’We’re going after Freya and Max.’’
’’B-But sir, we aren’t given the orders to-’’ Riaz began to speak.
’’You do have orders.’’ I said strictly while cutting Riaz’s sentence.
’’And those are…?’’ Kennedy asked questioning.
’’You were all to obey Cody and me as your team leaders. So you better do so.’’

All my team members looked shocked at me. They knew I was right, but I understood their feelings. I still had my superiors, and they didn’t give me permission to go after Freya and Max in the first place…

’’I know what you’re all thinking. But don’t worry. If we’re getting scolded, I’ll take all the blame anyways.’’ I said as I tried to put them at ease for my order.
’’Shut it Brian.’’ Cody said all of a sudden.
’’What do you want this time, Cody…?’’
’’Don’t play the hero all by yourself. WE lead this team, so it is OUR team, and WE will take the blame if anything goes wrong, got that?’’
’’Sure, I’m glad we finally agreed on something.’’
’’Alright, let’s go then! I’m itching to beat that Max Shade IV guy to a pulp!’’
’’Cody, do you even know who he is…?’’
’’Does it matter? He looks strong, so I want to fight him!’’

I sighed at Cody’s blunt answer, but I understood it somehow. Cody was a quite aggressive guy, so I suppose the first thought he got when seeing Max was to fight him…

’’Well, maybe you’ll get your chance, huh? Let’s go.’’

Daniel began to push my wheelchair again, and my team and I moved up towards the last platform going up to the main meeting hall. Freya had finally netered the second elevator, and be fore she darted up she shouted a sentence which you could only understand if you listened really careful since her platform darted up the moment she stood on it.

’’You’re all dismissed for the time being. Return to your dorms at once.’’

Right after Freya’s platform had completely left the training field my team and I entered our platform.

’’Before we go up, I have to ask you something, sir brian.’’ Eric said all of a sudden.
’’What is it…?’’
’’What’ll be our plan of approach?’’
’’I’ll think about that while we’re going up. Our priority is to look out for lady Freya’s safe being.’’
’’What if that Max guy interferes with us…?’’

I turned my wheelchair to face each member of my team, excluding Daniel who stood behind me, and Cody and Matthew who were besides me.

’’What I’m about to say now applies in ANY situation we might get into. The only persons allowed to ignore these orders are Cody, Daniel and myself. Is that clear?’’
’’Aye, sir Brian.’’ All the remaining team members said.
’’Good. In ANY case you’ll get into contact with Max’s pokémon, there is only ONE option. Do not hesitate to follow this order. The ONLY option is to FLEE. Did I make that clear?’’
’’And why is it that you, sir Cody, and Daniel are allowed to stay in such a situation?’’
’’First of all, Cody is allowed to stay since he wants to fight Max, and since Cody actually has a decent chance to hold Max down so that you can flee.’’
’’hey, what is that supposed to mea-’’ Cody tried to interfere, but I continued talking.
’’Secondly, I have to stay to report what I have witnessed during any encounter we may have had with Max. And lastly, Daniel is allowed to stay with me, since he’ll need to push my wheelchair when I’m unable to do so myself. Is it clear now?’’
’’Yes sir Brian. I have one question left tough. Who will lead us while both you and Cody are absent?’’
’’In that case Matthew here will have the leadership. Are we all clear now?’’
’’Aye sir brian!’’ they all said at the same time again.
’’Good, alright guys, here we go. Platform, activate. Destination: Main meeting hall.’’

[End chapter 25]
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future[James' Fanfic contest entry] (Chapter 2

Yes! More Chapters!!

The story's becoming more and more exciting!!!!

Can't wait for the next chapters!
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future[James' Fanfic contest entry] (Chapter 25)

This is getting hot again James!!! I want more!!!!!
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future[James' Fanfic contest entry] (Chapter 2

Well, since this is getting ''hot'', here's the ''hottest'' chapter for you all, as fresh as fresh can be! :D


EDIT: YES!!!!! 100th post!!!!!


Chapter 26: Battle between two legends!

We all were quite nervous on the platform. We were about to pursue Freya, who at that time pursued one of the most legendary man in PMC’s…, no, in the world’s history for those who know the tales and myths! We went up to the tube bit by bit, as all of our team member’s weight wasn’t speeding up the process of getting to the main meeting hall…!

’’Sir Brian, I need to ask you something.’’ Iris said all of a sudden.
’’What is it, Iris?’’
’’Well, why do we have to run from this Max person? We all saw what he did, but I doubt he’ll manage to hold against our whole team…?’’

I then looked Iris right into her eyes. I could see she became a little nervous from me staring like that at her, but I wanted to give her the most serious expression I could give her.

’’Iris, do you even know who that man actually is…?’’
’’Well, no, not really…’’
’’Well, listen up carefully everyone. The person we all just saw is a living legend. Max Shade IV is one of the legendary leaders of old of the Pokémon Masters Clan, and he simply disappeared one day.’’
’’So that means he’s reappeared today then…?’’ Ben added in.
’’Yes. But not only that, Max disappeared approximately three millennia ago!’’

All my team members were in shock, except for Daniel, who of course knew the legend himself. Cody was in shock, but at the same time I could see the excitement in his eyes…

’’So this means I’ll be facing an old fart, right?!’’ Cody said all excited.
’’Cody, please, let me finish my story.’’

I said a bit annoyed, as he insulted one of my leaders of legend, as well as one of Daniel’s.

’’Fine, whatever…’’ Cody said slightly annoyed.
’’Well, where Max has been all these three millennia is a mystery, but Max Shade IV also has a close connection to legendary pokémon. Furthermore, a Ho-Oh is his protector, and since Ho-Oh’s have the ability to reborn themselves, maybe Max has the same ability…? But even if he isn’t capable of being reborn, he also has a close connection with Celebi, so who knows from which time Max came to this place…?’’
’’D-does he also use legendary pokémon is his team…?’’ Ben said a little scared.
’’Not that I’m aware of. However, his legends tell that he calls upon some legendary pokémon to aid him if the battle gets rough. He’s also the only pokémon trainer to master all the elemental kamikazes attacks, and therefore holds the title of Pokémon Master.’’
’’It’s like that Blazing Kamikaze thing he did earlier, right?’’
’’Exactly. But we’re almost there, so simply keep in mind: Max Shade IV is or was one of the legendary leaders of the PMC, and not without a reason…! It’s WAY to dangerous to face him head on without any decent abilities, as well as a VERY good plan. Got that?’’
’’Yes sir!’’

My team members saluted, and at that same time we arrived at the main hall. We all looked shocked, as almost the whole place lay in ruin. Walls were wrecked down, speakers lay broken on the floor while they had first been attached to the ceiling, and there was rubble everywhere. I decided not to waste any time, since we had to look for Freya as fast as possible!

’’Alright guys, we know what to do. Let’s scatter across the room, and look for clues on either Freya or Max.’’
’’Got it!’’

Everyone from my team, except for Daniel who was pushing me, scattered across the rubble and dirt in the room, and surely a very intense battle had taken place here…! Seeing the craters and rubble everywhere, two mighty forces must have met here before… I actually wondered if this actually was Freya and Max’s doing…? I could Imagine Max creating such damage with his pokémon, but Freya…?

’’Sir Brian! I’ve found lady Freya!’’ Ben said, and he waved us with his headband.
’’Alright everyone, meet up at Ben’s spot! Be careful tough! Who knows what still lies ahead!’’
’’Yes sir!’’
All of our team members rushed to Ben’s spot, and Ben lifted Freya from between some wreckage. She seemed unharmed, with the exception from a few bruises and scars. But apart form that, she was unconsciousness, so I had no idea how she was mentally doing…!

’’Freya! Freya, wake up!’’ I tried to shout a shard as I could, while slapping her face softly.
’’It’s no use Brian…’’ Daniel said from behind me.
’’Alright, we have to find out where Max went to. But in the meanwhile, some of us will have to stay with Freya and escort her back to the medic wing. Any volunteers?’’
’’I’ll go.’’ Matthew said.
’’I’ll go as well.’’ Riaz said.
’’I’ll go along to help them defend if anything comes up.’’ Tucker added.
’’Alright then, it’s settled. The three of you will take Freya to the medic wing. You can take the elevator there. It should take you to the medic wing immediately so you ca-’’

But before I could finish my sentence all the lights and power of the building turned off for a brief moment. After a while the lights turned back on, but that was due to the back up generator of the building.

’’Curse it, now the platforms won’t work anymore…’’ Cody said annoyed.
’’We’ll take the stairs, Brian. We have to get Freya to the medics fast!’’ Matthew said.
’’Thanks Matthew… Alright, let’s go people!’’

Matthew, Riaz, and Tucker went the other direction, while Tucker and Matthew were Carrying Freya.

’’Let’s go trough the main hallway, and follow the track of devastation… They ought to guide us to the ones who caused this…!’’
’’I can also send out one of my psychic types to scan the area…?’’ Johan suggested.
’’No, you’d better not. Max’s Espeon would notice that right away, and it would reveal us pursuing him. The best we can do for now is simply do it the old fashioned way, and that is to look clue by clue.’’
’’Alright then, let’s go!’’ Daniel said as he upped the speed in which we were walking.
’’Just be careful, as we don’t know what’s up ahead!’’

But as we came further down the hallway, we could hear the sound of two people giving commands to their pokémon, and the pokémon could be heard while battling fierce.


Cody shouted and he ran down the hallway even further, straight into the room where the sounds came from…!

’’Cody! Don’t! Get back here!’’

But I was already too late… Cody ran into the room that followed, only to be blasted back by a large explosion that also destroyed the wall of the room… Cody fell right in front of us, after rolling for a while over the floor…

’’Gah…! W-what the hell happened…?!’’ Cody said in pain, while trying to stand up.
’’I have no idea…’’ I said while shocked.

The wall was razed to the floor, and we could see two men battle fiercely with each other. One of them was Max Shade IV, with his Electivire in the fray, but the other man I didn’t recognise at first glance, but he had a Crobat out on the battlefield. The man wore a Team Galaxy outfit, so surely he was on ’’our’’ side. The man turned his head as soon as he saw us, and two ancient eyes looked at us a chilling look.

’’Ah, I see I’ve gotten some reinforcements…’’ The man spoke calmly.
’’R-reinforcements…?’’ I asked a little nervous.
’’Well, why so surprised?’’ The man asked me curiously.
’’W-who are you…?’’

I asked even more nervous as the man was simply glaring at me with his cold eyes… Then man then turned around to face us all, and began to talk…

’’Please tell me you do recognise me…? Don’t tell me you don’t even recognise your own leader…? For I am Team Galaxy’s Leader, Cyrus…!’’

[end Chapter 26]