PlumeTomb's one great flaw!!! (How SP's can beat it!)

You cant assure that you wont draw into an SP radar or extra Aaron's. Im not saying that Gengar will win this matchup, but it's harder for dialga than you might think. If the gengar player can keep the gengar X from dying, your screwed. If you can kill it and keep DGX out, you win. It pretty much depends on how early each player gets DGX/Plume out to lock bodies/trainers.
If I draw into one, I'll either use it, or put the stupid thing back with SP Radar.
One question. How would palkiachomp do vs plumetomb decks? I have a power lock so they can't use uxies. And they can't fill their bench since i can send stuff to the lost zone then.

stage 2s arent a problem when you have 4 spiritomb 4 BTS and 4 rare candys. with uxies azelfs bebes and alot of other search cards. its almost impossible not to have gengar or vileplume set up on t1-t2. when i play my vilegar i almost always have both setup by t2 and can start cranking out poltergiest hits.
Rikko - fair enough. I hadn't really banked on you using DGX as your attacker. I figured it'd bench sit without special and could be pulled up with Reversal and sniped around. In any case, you can't OHKO my Gengar X. If it gets within KO range, I'm probably just going to retreat and Hunter it back into my hand, send up a benched Gengar and level that one up right away. In that case it becomes a game of whether or not I can draw into Hunter more quickly than you can draw into your Power Sprays. With all those SP Metals attached, though, DGX will still be pretty hard for Gengar to KO.
Banuffin, Dialga just simply doesn't get setup in time. Also, they wont be spraying 4 times in a row unless they are really terrible at this game. Instead, they'll play a heavier search card count, although even then, Genplume will already be up 3-4 prizes before DGX hits the field.
Yeah, Gengar won't be hitting for 0-40. He'll Poltergeist you if he does at least 70. If he doesn't do at least 70 he's going to Shadow Room you. I fail to see how Gengar will EVER hit a Dialga G X for less than 60.

Unfortunatley I don't have anything else to really say right now since I haven't tested against him yet. =/
^DGX is resistant to Gengar, so it's actually really easy for the damage to be limited to >40
I take back my resolute stance in my last post. DGX can win match-ups, but you still need a little luck to not let them get too far ahead. If you can't get a Cyrus early, or don't play DGX, it's really hard to get those Trainers/Supporters out of your hand and extremely easy to get behind fast.

It usually takes 3 turns max for them to set-up a Vileplume and Gengar if their smart.
Now I'm stuck with the option to either play DGX, or not...
I really don't want to add the Call and Metal in though :\ so clustered when you don't need it...
i have tested the matchup against dialgachomp. and i beat it every time. by the time they get dialga g lv.x out they usually have at least 5 trainers in their hand. which means i can KO dialga even with the resistance. dialgachomp is so easy for vilegar to beat, because dialgachomp runs and depends on ALOT of trainers. with a trainer lock it takes one more turn to set up a chomp to snipe. no poketurns to return stuff like crobat g and damaged cards to your hand. unless they get great top deck its hard for them to get a dialga g lv.x out and for them to dump all the trainers in their hand for me to not ko it by the time its out. and gengar lv.x just gets rid of dialga. ive tested this matchup alot. and my vilegar has never lost
hamsword - Have you been playing a moron? The whole point is to limit their damage! DON'T SEARCH OUT THE TRAINERS. Burn them when you have DGX out! Put them back! Don't search for them! Attach Special Metals!

AbsentGravity - I agree with you in full. :)

SotS - Always stay one step ahead. Only use a pokemon with a power if you can get it immediately off the field again.

Darkartisan - You are an idiot. From observing your previous posts, I can determine that you have NO clue what you're talking about.

banuffin - I agree. Fair enough.:cool:

So you're saying you're only going to play DGX for ONE turn, and then scoop him up with Turn/Healing Breath the next? Doesn't sound that good an idea... Especially since you need Turns for 'Bats.
I never said that. I never even hinted at that. I said anything with powers. Where are you getting this?
Yeah.. Ignore my posts, I thought DGX had a power. -.-

But if you ask me this match-up is a 50-50. They both mess each other up. Gengar in the beginning, and DGX later.
IMO by the time dialga hits the field the game will already be one sided... gengar's way easy. Rikko your saying you gotta play smart with your dialga and trainers to be successful... but dont forget that the vilegar player isnt a moron, he will counter you if hes smart and has a strong build. And just like that, how are you gonna save all your powersprays until dialga hits the field?? 4 cyrus's conspiracy in your hand?? nah Gengar is gonna poltergeist you so you probably wont have all the powersprays your talking about if you dnt wannt be eaten alive by gengar.
SotS, I'm sorry, but I'll have to disagree. BubbleTea's right in the fact that you're gonna get PWNed before you can do anything with Dialga G LV.X...if that was what BT was trying to say. You may save the Spray, but that only boosts Poltergeist to do so much more damage. I think we're going more 60-40 IMO, but it depends. If you can throw out the Luxray GL LV.X and bring up the Oddish and KO it, then you're gonna win. You're gonna need a good hand to win this game, and take out that Vileplume before it's too late.
I really don't think he is an idiot at all. In fact, I think he's come up with some pretty good ideas about dialga chomp. And almost everyone at my league plays dialgachomp (including dmaster) so I have had a lot of experience playing against the deck (and they play it right). Your scenario is the ideal situration, while his is the realistic situation. Now, I really don't think you have the right to be calling him an idiot just because you have different opinions. It is possible to limit your hand of trainers, but it's not easy. If you have a hand fulll of unusable supporters, and you cant put them back into the deck with SP radar because you have to grab sprays, you may well get one-shotted by gengar. It's not as easy a matchup as you seem to think, although it can be won, depending on the specific techs you run, like a third Bebe's.
The real way for SP's to beat Polterplume is:
-more supporters
-Dialga G tech (1-1)

Another way to score prizes is Driflim FB. I will be testing that tonight.
I figured out the other day that a good way for SP (specifically luxchomp) to have the upper hand on this deck is to play 3-1 luxray. luxray+DCE start against spiritomb makes it so much easier to get it out of the way. also, playing bannette as a mewtwo counter is good too. you can BTS to bannette thanks to them probably playing one, then use its power to discardd T/S/St that you dont need.