Wi-Fi Trades MtheW's Trade Thread: not trading atm


What is MtheW? The world may never know.
Friend Code: 1075-1212-2287

Time Zone: Central Time

Evenings, 6 to 12 (or later)


IV bred Larvitar, Axew, anything in the dragon or monster egg group, really
(3 or more ivs)

I will no longer be listing specific IV spreads, just ask for what you want or need and I will let you know if I have it or when I can get it.


Manectric: Hp - 30 Atk - 31 Def - 30 SpA - 31 SpD - 21 Spe - 29

Evees, Absols, Fennekin, Charmander, and Torchic of various natures

Mold Breaker Excadrill

Shiny Poliwhirl (Woot!)

Shiny Ponyta

I can get version exclusives for Pokemon X. I am working on Masuda Methoding Evees (actually stopped doing this for now to breed larvitars) and chain fishing for some things, but otherwise I have modern Vivillon and I can search for things if you ask, if you just can't find stuff. Might trade some megastones (no version exclusive ones though)

Services Offered:

Nothing atm, finding that I don't have time to do much but breed my own stuff and trade :/


Will trade larvitar (or any other pokemon, except when noted) for shiny pokemon

Shinies wanted: Eevee, growlithe, rhyhorn, lairon, rufflet, axew, dedenne, munchlax, electrike, poochyena, houndour, teddiursa, snubbull (really want this), sentret, cyndaquil, totodile, staryu, koffing, cubone, ghastly, magnemite, slowpoke, ponyta, nidoran (male), zubat, pichu.

Any competitive (ou) pokemon with multiple flawless iv's
Any Friend Safari Ditto (two IV's or otherwise)
Any 3 or more 31 iv pokemon in the Field group
Male foreign language pokemon with egg types other than field/water 1-2

Please make any offers or ask what I would trade for your pokemon, either way works, might trade for things not on wants, and I might have some things not in my haves.
RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (IV'd Larvitars, 3 or more 31's each)

This is my bump for the week :)
RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (Pent Flawless Larvitar and Axew)

Well, bumpity bump again. Someone please post something haha. Will start breeding magikarp soon.
RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (Pent Flawless Larvitar and Axew)

Out of curiosity, would any of your larvitar happen to have their hidden ability (Sand Veil)?
RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (Pent Flawless Larvitar and Axew)

I'd kinda like a 3 or more IV larvitar i can offer a 4 Iv gible
RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (Pent Flawless Larvitar and Axew)

How about a 4IV pair Larvesta for a 4IV pair Larvitar? Larvesta are timid. I'll give you a pair to make 5IV for your pair to make 5IV larvitars.
RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (Pent Flawless Larvitar and Axew)

Sweet I can trade you a 4 iv larvitar for a gible. Is jolly fine? And male or female? If you want a nature other than jolly it will take a little while.
RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (Pent Flawless Larvitar and Axew)

MtheW said:
Sweet I can trade you a 4 iv larvitar for a gible. Is jolly fine? And male or female? If you want a nature other than jolly it will take a little while.

a male please
RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (Pent Flawless Larvitar and Axew)

Can I take a Mold Breaker Excadrill and your Jolly Axew off you for a Bold 3 IV Eevee with Wish and an Impish 3 IV Gligar with Immunity please?
RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (Pent Flawless Larvitar and Axew)

I have a Shiny Clauncher. If you want, you can check my list on Page 2 also. Interested in a Larvitar to be specific. :)

RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (Pent Flawless Larvitar and Axew)

Alright, didn't realize I had been swamped with replies. I promise to get back to all of you by the end of tomorrow and finish all trades then as well, if at all possible. My bad for not replying sooner.

AoH: I will check your thread for something, I don't really like clauncher much.

Freedomeon: I wish there was an eeveelution with your username as its name. Anyway, that trade will work out great. Edit: Could we change the gligar for growlithe off your trade thread?

PokeChimpo: Sounds great to me.

Dialkia198: Yes some of them do, but i'm not sure if any of the really good ones do. I will check for you by tomorrow sometime and update this post.

Edit: NVM AoH, clauncher works just fine.
RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (Pent Flawless Larvitar and Axew)

MtheW said:
Alright, didn't realize I had been swamped with replies. I promise to get back to all of you by the end of tomorrow and finish all trades then as well, if at all possible. My bad for not replying sooner.

AoH: I will check your thread for something, I don't really like clauncher much.

Freedomeon: I wish there was an eeveelution with your username as its name. Anyway, that trade will work out great. Edit: Could we change the gligar for growlithe off your trade thread?

PokeChimpo: Sounds great to me.

Dialkia198: Yes some of them do, but i'm not sure if any of the really good ones do. I will check for you by tomorrow sometime and update this post.

Edit: NVM AoH, clauncher works just fine.

Ok, I will get on in a few minutes, 5129-1202-7746 my FC.
RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (Pent Flawless Larvitar and Axew)

Haha, that would be super cool! :D that trade is good with me, I'll add your FC and you can find mine in my sig. I'm available until 5pm today and briefly after 11pm if any of those times work for you today?
RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (Pent Flawless Larvitar and Axew)

MtheW said:
Edit: NVM AoH, clauncher works just fine.

Well, here's the thing: TheRoyalXerneas, PokeChimpo, and you are all interested in that Clauncher (for a legendary, a 4 IV Larvesta, and a 4 IV Larvitar respectively). I'll go catch three more shinies and finish these trades one by one if that's alright with you. If not, I'll catch one for each of them and trade you the one I have now.

RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (Pent Flawless Larvitar and Axew)

AoH said:
MtheW said:
Edit: NVM AoH, clauncher works just fine.

Well, here's the thing: TheRoyalXerneas, PokeChimpo, and you are all interested in that Clauncher (for a legendary, a 4 IV Larvesta, and a 4 IV Larvitar respectively). I'll go catch three more shinies and finish these trades one by one if that's alright with you. If not, I'll catch one for each of them and trade you the one I have now.


That's fine with me, I can wait. Do what you think is best for you Aoh :D. Hopefully once it's my time to trade which ever Clauncher has a helpful Nature and at least 1 good IV. Patience is key!

Back on subject, I'll be ready to trade for the Larvitar when ever you're ready MtheW.
RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (Pent Flawless Larvitar and Axew)

Not sure what you would like for it, but I AM interested in a Pent Axew (the one without Sp.Def). Either CML, or let me know what you might like for it and I'll get it.
RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (Pent Flawless Larvitar and Axew)

Well, since there seems to be a problem with the clauncher thing, I am fine with not getting one. I wasn't terribly interested in the first place but couldn't find much else on your thread, but we could change it to an adamant honedge if that is easier for you. Super Sonic, sorry but I didn't really see anything I liked on your thread, besides maybe the HA ivysaur, but I have a trade set up with someone else for a HA bulbasaur already. If that falls through I will get back to you.

Edit: Super Sonic, if that DW dratini has its hidden ability and is female I would be fine with trading an axew for it. I may need to breed another axew for you though, because I only have two at the moment but I have somewhere around 5 eggs left in my box from my last breeding session that I can hatch. I can't trade the specific one you want because that one is my breeder, but hopefully I can hatch another one that will work for you.
RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (Pent Flawless Larvitar and Axew)

MtheW said:
Well, since there seems to be a problem with the clauncher thing, I am fine with not getting one. I wasn't terribly interested in the first place but couldn't find much else on your thread, but we could change it to an adamant honedge if that is easier for you. Super Sonic, sorry but I didn't really see anything I liked on your thread, besides maybe the HA ivysaur, but I have a trade set up with someone else for a HA bulbasaur already. If that falls through I will get back to you.

Okay, that does ease things a bit. One less Clauncher. :p

I should let you know that none of the Adamant Honedge I have currently have more than 2 perfect IVs.

RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (Pent Flawless Larvitar and Axew)

Well, I have traded with everyone but Freedomeon and Super Sonic. Hopefully we can get our trades in tomorrow guys haha!
RE: MtheW's MyPlayer Thread (Pent Flawless Larvitar and Axew)

What natures are your pent flawless Larvitar?
Notably looking for Jolly and Adamant.

You can check my thread if you'd like. From your wants I have pent flawless Drought Vulpix and Poison Heal/Quick Feet Shroomish.