Forgot to add her - fixed!
"Mega" Hoopa looks like it's from Dragon Quest (in my opinion) due to the crazy hair, demon-like horns, pointed tail, random-ass appendages, a body structure that makes no's just...Dragon Quest.Mitja said:don()shinobi said:it still looks like something from Dragon Quest :V
For all we know, you might say the same thing to this kind of ripped model of ANY pokemon if you didn't know it beforehand though.
I mean you're not even being specific as to why it looks like something from dragon quest.
does this look like something from dragon quest? why? why not? xD
scattered mind said:Found the full list to anyone who can't find it: (There will be 4 move tutors)
Tutor 01: Bug Bite
Tutor 02: Covet
Tutor 03: Super Fang
Tutor 04: Dual Chop
Tutor 05: Signal Beam
Tutor 06: Iron Head
Tutor 07: Seed Bomb
Tutor 08: Drill Run
Tutor 09: Bounce
Tutor 10: Low Kick
Tutor 11: Gunk Shot
Tutor 12: Uproar
Tutor 13: Thunder Punch
Tutor 14: Fire Punch
Tutor 15: Ice Punch
Tutor 01: Magic Coat
Tutor 02: Block
Tutor 03: Earth Power
Tutor 04: Foul Play
Tutor 05: Gravity
Tutor 06: Magnet Rise
Tutor 07: Iron Defense
Tutor 08: Last Resort
Tutor 09: Superpower
Tutor 10: Electroweb
Tutor 11: Icy Wind
Tutor 12: Aqua Tail
Tutor 13: Dark Pulse
Tutor 14: Zen Headbutt
Tutor 15: Dragon Pulse
Tutor 16: Hyper Voice
Tutor 17: Iron Tail
Source 3:
Tutor 01: Bind
Tutor 02: Snore
Tutor 03: Knock Off
Tutor 04: Synthesis
Tutor 05: Heat Wave
Tutor 06: Role Play
Tutor 07: Heal Bell
Tutor 08: Tailwind
Tutor 09: Sky Attack
Tutor 10: Pain Split
Tutor 11: Giga Drain
Tutor 12: Drain Punch
Tutor 13: Air Cutter
Tutor 14: Seismic Toss
Tutor 15: Shock Wave
Tutor 16: Water Pulse
Source 4:
Tutor 01: Gastro Acid
Tutor 02: Worry Seed
Tutor 03: Spite
Tutor 04: AfterYou
Tutor 05: Helping Hand
Tutor 06: Trick
Tutor 07: Magic Room
Tutor 08: Wonder Room
Tutor 09: Endeavor
Tutor 10: Outrage
Tutor 11: Recycle
Tutor 12: Snatch
Tutor 13: Stealth Rock
Tutor 14: Sleep Talk
Tutor 15: Skill Swap
Same with normal Glalie. And Mega Audino.Reggie McGigas said:Also Mega Galie has the worst shiny change of all. It just changes eye color. That's literally it. Evolution is described as an Evolution beyond all Evolution, a transformation found only in the Kalos region.
Auride said:I'm very interested to see just how some of these megas preform! Most of them seem to have taken the right direction with things.
I'm a bit disappointed to see that Mega Audino is almost completely outclassed by Cresselia in terms of mixed-walling. It's lower speed (for Trick Room), better typing, and somewhat more diverse support movepool might give it an edge, but I don't think it will ever be worthwhile to sacrifice your mega slot just for your Trick Room setter. Oh well...
Camerupt may be my new favorite Trick Room sweeper. It's bulky, slow, and has an excellent movepool for doubles. Eruption and Earth Power are going to hurt coming off that base 145 Special Attack (and Sheer Force for Earth Power).
bbninjas said:My favourite shiny would have to be camerupt - that glossy black works really well with the red and browns.
I have and always will hate Beedrill shinys - i really hate the choice of that green.
Anyone can help me confirm this? I can't seem to find a source anywhere. :/Apparently, there is 7 more item slots where the Mega stones are. There's potentially 7 more Megas.
thegrovylekid said:
bbninjas said:My favourite shiny would have to be camerupt - that glossy black works really well with the red and browns.
I have and always will hate Beedrill shinys - i really hate the choice of that green.
Beedrill is my favorite Shiny everOtherwise, Mega Audino looks no different from Normal audino.
Edit: Mega Beedrill has the lowest stat on a mega, with a Special attack stat of 15. Oh, well!
I've seen the list you're talking about and apparently it's incorrect.destinedjagold said:I saw this post from another forum...
Anyone can help me confirm this? I can't seem to find a source anywhere. :/Apparently, there is 7 more item slots where the Mega stones are. There's potentially 7 more Megas.
...or I may just be not looking hard enough? Dunno...
[# 752] [#Swampertite]
[# 753] [#Sceptilite]
[~ 754] [~Sableyite]
[~ 755] [?Beedrillite]
[~ 756] [~Galladite]
[~ 757] [?Pidgeotite]
[# 758] [#Metagrossite]
[~ 759] [Sharpedite]
[~ 760] [Slowbrotite]
[# 761] [#Steelixite]
[~ 762] [?Altaritite]
[# 763] [#Glalitite]
[~ 764] [?Lopunnite]
[~ 765] [?Audinite]
[~ 766] [?Diancite]
[~ 767] [~Cameruptite]
[~ 768]
[~ 769] [~Salamancite]
[~ 770]
[~ 771]
[~ 772]
[~ 773]
[~ 774]
[~ 775]
NO MORE MEGA EVOLUTIONS - Mega Stone Index Numbers Dumped from Mega Evolution Map Files:
752 - 80 BP Fling 1/92 - Swampert
753 - 80 BP Fling 1/75 - Sceptile
754 - 80 BP Fling 1/8F - Sableye
755 - 80 BP Fling 1/7A - Altaria
756 - 80 BP Fling 1/6A - Gallade
757 - 80 BP Fling 1/78 - Audino
758 - 80 BP Fling 1/8D - Metagross
759 - 80 BP Fling 1/74 - Sharpedo
760 - 80 BP Fling 1/8E - Slowbro
761 - 80 BP Fling 1/7D - Steelix
762 - 80 BP Fling 1/82 - Pidgeot
763 - 80 BP Fling 1/6B - Glalie
764 - 80 BP Fling 1/7B - Diancie
765 - Key Item (Usable)/23 - Not a mega stone.
766 - Key Item /10 - Not a mega stone.
767 - 80 BP Fling 1/7E - Camerupt
768 - 80 BP Fling 1/8A - Lopunny
769 - 80 BP Fling 1/88 - Salamence
770 - 80 BP Fling 1/77 - Beedrill