Finished Mad Libs! Round 2: Coffeehouses

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RE: Mad Libs!

1) boiling
2) rope
3) knifing?
4) fishing
5) 13
6) golden
7) gunship
8) rotisserie
9) A
10) nutritious
11) adjective
12) u w0t m8?
13) walrus
RE: Mad Libs!

TokyoToots said:
1) boiling
2) rope
3) flexing
4) fishing
5) 13
6) golden
7) gunship
8) rotisserie
9) A
10) nutritious
11) shaven
12) u w0t m8?
13) walrus

Full list
RE: Mad Libs!

WanderingWolf said:
Confused my verbs with my describy thingies. >_<

3: Flexing

That's another participle
"He is flexing"
"He has been flexing

Try flexible or flexed (flexed is harder to use in context)
"He is flexible"
"His muscle looks flexed" (not even sure of that counts as an adjective or gerund. But for time sake, it's an adjective"
RE: Mad Libs!

Ugh, sorry, really tired. Stuffing up everything today... might help if I didn't stay up until 4 each night but meh

Attempt 3 for 3: dumb
RE: Mad Libs!

1) boiling
2) rope
3) dumb
4) fishing
5) 13
6) golden
7) gunship
8) rotisserie
9) A
10) nutritious
11) shaven
12) u w0t m8?
13) walrus
Book: Peace, Love, and Mad Libs

Dear Diary: What a boiling day! I forgot my gym rope, so the dumb teacher made me do a hundred fishing jacks. I was late getting to homeroom, and the teacher made me write 13 times, "I promise not to be golden ever again." As if that's not enough, I was in the bathroom, and I dropped my report in the gunship! I can't turn in a soaking wet rotisserie, so I'm probably going to get an A! Did I mention someone spilled a bowl of nutritious soup all over me at lunch? And worse than that, I bit into an apple at lunch and cracked the filling in my shaven molar. u w0t m8?! I guess I just got up on the wrong side of the walrus this morning.

Do you like the story? Do you want round 2? Do you want me to tell you the theme beforehand next time? Is there really a meaning to these questions? Was this at all fun? All will be revealed and more, next episode!
RE: Mad Libs!

TokyoToots said:
I was in the bathroom, and I dropped my report in the gunship!

I always hate when that happens. Stupid gunships.
RE: Mad Libs!

That was really interesting... I'd be excited to see what would happen in a second round with a different topic, so I'd certainly want another :D
RE: Mad Libs!

You should've stuck with flexing, WW. I don't care if it's not an adjective, you should've kept it. "My dumb teacher" sounds soooooooooo boring compared to "my flexing teacher".

I would definitely be up for another round. There's definitely room to experiment with this concept; you could do it where we know the story, or we just know the title of the story, or having people submit 2 words for each empty space, and you would read the story twice, but with different submitted words, and so on.

I vote we try it where the story is revealed, and see how people like it. Then if we hate it, we'll stick with the original story.
RE: Mad Libs!

This needs a round two. I would have shared it with others but that would cause them a case of permanent LOLing.
RE: Mad Libs!

I'd be up for a second round! The first one turned out well, from the look of it, and I used to love doing mad libs when I was younger.
RE: Mad Libs!

This time, I'm gonna tell you the theme and book first. Here's a long one this time.
Book: Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Libs
1) Noun
2) Noun
3) Adj.
4) Adj.
5) Noun
6) Adj.
7) Adj.
8) Noun
9) Plur. Noun
10) Type of Liquid
11) Plur. Noun
12) Verb
13) Noun
14) Plur. Noun
15) Adj.
16) Type of Liquid
17) Plur. Noun
18) Body Part
19) Verb
20) Plur. Noun
21) Plur. Noun
22) Body Part
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