Machamp SF Counters


Feel the thunder!
I plan on playing a legend deck for my next tournament and know that machamp will be a huge problem as its pretty much an auto-loss. Is there anything I can add to counter a machamp SF that will take up a small space in my deck.

I know about uxie X but i don't have the money for one, are there any other solutions??
^You're running a Legend deck and that's clunky...?
Anyways, you can try Toxicroak G PL (#40, I think). If you do, it's a good idea to add in Skuntank G and at least 1 or 2 psychic energy if you don't already have that type...
It would help if we knew what legend card you're basing your deck around as just throwing Machamp counters at you won't help if it requires you adding an additional energy type just to cater for that tech and thus lower consistency.
As far as legends go, DCL, RDL, and SRL can all one-hit Machamp. (Of those three, RDL is by far the best choice.) As far as others go?
Like Scizor said, one of the best counters is Toxicroak G from Plat, and that is really the best Machamp counter when combined with Skuntank G and a Stadium. Another suggestion (which I heard from a friend) is to use Deoxys-Def from the LA set; it basically does the same thing as Croak for PCC and also reduces its own damage, plus it takes 1 less bench slot and doesn't need a stadium. (They've got similar HP too, with Deoxys having 10 more.) In that regard, after you get Deoxys-Def to attack, it can keep rolling for a while. The only downside is that Deoxys doesn't get the benefit of E-Gain/SPRadar/Poke Turn, but since you're running a Legend deck I don't think that'll be an issue - or getting a DCE onto Deoxys for that matter.

Pick your poison.
What most people don't get is that you cannot directly counter Machamp. People are in the past--when you would play 3 SF champ and 1 Champ X. THEN countering Machamp was easy. But now if you try to counter them, they will just have Hurricane Punch or Champ Buster set up. As an experienced Machamp player, the only way to beat Machamp is to use lots of hand disruption, early trainer lock (Vileplume is not an example, but tomb x2 is, or SF Gastly), or donking them. Of course, there's always that thing people call luck, which is Machamp's downfall.

In conclusion, unless you see Machamp decks a lot, then you shouldn't run a counter. Especially in Legends. But if Machamp is played as a tech, then play a counter listed, or the everyday Honchkrow/Drifblim.
the legend deck i'm playing is a KGL deck, I'm only using water energy with the hope to deck out the opponent so adding drifblim will probably be the best route I think. Thanks everyone for their input
My Solution is to shove it inside a raging inferno.
OR, you can just play Diachomp with Croak w/Anti.

Tech'd champs are easily smashed by one-shots, tbh. It is full champ builds that I'm worried about with the basic decks I'm running.
seriously, what is your legendary you're basing it off of? I run ho-oh, Suicune&Entei, and Raikou&Suicune legends in my legend deck. with Feraligatr Prime and Blastoise UL to give them all water energy. gatr/blastoise also lets me move water energy onto the Ho-Oh, then it's poke-body treats the waters as fire. not a whole lot of people expect a fire from the sky attack in a water deck, but it happens. only run water and DCE in that deck, so no bursting inferno or thunderbolt spear but it works. and since Ho-Oh is the only one that discards, using 10 water energy is super easy to maintain without fisherman.
As he said, he uses Kyogre/Groudon.

Electabuzzy, what do you run WITH KyGro? I mostly see folks running Feraligatr with him...I'd focus on Gatr when faced with Machamp and forego the KyGro during that specific matchup.
What I use is Slowking (HGSS) and/or Chatot G to control their draws, along with Giratina Let Loose. That with Absol G Lv.X to Lost Zone their Machamps or Machops and your good to go.