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I'm Back! Elbow's Trade Thead 4 Nats/Worlds!

RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

Hey, Elbow! I'm interested in your Shiny Dusknoir, X2 Bicycle, X2 Enhanced Hammer, and XX Float Stone. I have a Colress FA (slight edge wear), Garbodor (RH, some scratches, slight edge wear), and a Blitzle BC (70HP, slight edge wear). Let me know your values on all of them, and I can make an offer; thanks!
RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

Frost Mage said:
Hmmm... I remember that you're not interested in the Giratina EX FA, so what else do I have, hmm... Any interest in those Level Xs on my list?

I'm not interested in older cards much... sorry

Four Arms said:
Hey, Elbow! I'm interested in your Shiny Dusknoir, X2 Bicycle, X2 Enhanced Hammer, and XX Float Stone. I have a Colress FA (slight edge wear), Garbodor (RH, some scratches, slight edge wear), and a Blitzle BC (70HP, slight edge wear). Let me know your values on all of them, and I can make an offer; thanks!

I really like the trade...I don't have many float stones and I'm not sure about my enhanced hammer count, but I think I can do 2 of all of the trainers you want. PM me to confirm.
RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

Elbow said:
Four Arms said:
Hey, Elbow! I'm interested in your Shiny Dusknoir, X2 Bicycle, X2 Enhanced Hammer, and XX Float Stone. I have a Colress FA (slight edge wear), Garbodor (RH, some scratches, slight edge wear), and a Blitzle BC (70HP, slight edge wear). Let me know your values on all of them, and I can make an offer; thanks!

I really like the trade...I don't have many float stones and I'm not sure about my enhanced hammer count, but I think I can do 2 of all of the trainers you want. PM me to confirm.

That wasn't an offer, lol. I could do your offer plus 1 more of any of those Trainers (In order, Float Stone > Enhanced Hammer > Bicycle). Let me know; thanks!
RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

Four Arms said:
Elbow said:
I really like the trade...I don't have many float stones and I'm not sure about my enhanced hammer count, but I think I can do 2 of all of the trainers you want. PM me to confirm.

That wasn't an offer, lol. I could do your offer plus 1 more of any of those Trainers (In order, Float Stone > Enhanced Hammer > Bicycle). Let me know; thanks

The only one I can do 3 of is of Bicycle...
so my:
Shiny Dusknoir
2 float stone
2 enhanced hammer
3 bicycle

Colress FA
garbodor DRX RH
(No Blitzel because I'm gonna trade it with soldiers spirit)

SoldiersSpirit said:
Understandable, I could throw a tool scrapper in

Ok, so my:
Steelix Prime
Slowking Prime

Max potion
tool scrapper

PM to confirm
RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

Would you happen to be interested in a Professor Juniper FA?
RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

Daenordus said:
Would you happen to be interested in a Professor Juniper FA?

Yes, but not as much as the other FAs cuz I have 4 prof junipers already.
RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

BUMP (3 outta 3???)
I have taken down many of my exs and trainers from trades recently, so I will update again tomorrow with more details.
I have gotten most of my deck needs...except for some things that will be coming in the mail soon, so I'm basically fine at the moment, I am really just looking for deck upgrades.
Added in PSA 3 Charizard, PM for pics.
I know that you aren't supposed to trade if a card is in your deck, but if a lower repped person downgrades first then I don't have to worry about the deck maybe not having what it needs for a possible upcoming tournament. If this is not allowed still, could someone tell me please... so I don't get banned.
@SoldierSpirit you never confirmed the trade with me...is it still on? PM if you are still interested.
@Daenordus I am still interested in the Prof Juniper FA, I might have been a little unclear..see anything of worth to you?

Blasting off again!
(200th post!!!)

That would be bump 2 :p ~M68
RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

Yes that would be allowed if you do not post the part about having it in your deck. Just post by it saying that you only wish to downgrade it, not including the part about a lower rep, or remove them from your list entirely.
RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

Muddy68 said:
Yes that would be allowed if you do not post the part about having it in your deck. Just post by it saying that you only wish to downgrade it, not including the part about a lower rep, or remove them from your list entirely.

Will do that tomorrow, bumped already today.
Thanks for the info though...!
RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

No, you need to do it now. Just because you edit your thread doesn't mean you need to bump it.
RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

Muddy68 said:
No, you need to do it now. Just because you edit your thread doesn't mean you need to bump it.

Ok, sorry for the confusion, and done!
RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

Hey perhaps we can work out a trade. Please see my thread. Also major updates on new cards, figures, and plush will come within the next few days.

blitzle which set do you want, im sure i have plenty of all blitzles.
tool scrapper x 2
see my thread

BINX wants (most wanted at top)
shiny dusknoir
palkia EX
promo thundurus EX
p freeze absol xx
1 reverse holo shadow triad
1 reverse holo unleashed set- rare candy- this version only
N xx
colress xx
dark patch xx
float stone xx
xx hypnotoxic laser

Maybe P blast - kyurem EX, 2 tool scrapper and as many blitzles as you need for your shiny dusknoir??
RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

Binx345 said:
Hey perhaps we can work out a trade. Please see my thread. Also major updates on new cards, figures, and plush will come within the next few days.

blitzle which set do you want, im sure i have plenty of all blitzles.
tool scrapper x 2
see my thread

BINX wants (most wanted at top)
shiny dusknoir
palkia EX
promo thundurus EX
p freeze absol xx
1 reverse holo shadow triad
1 reverse holo unleashed set- rare candy- this version only
N xx
colress xx
dark patch xx
float stone xx
xx hypnotoxic laser

Maybe P blast - kyurem EX, 2 tool scrapper and as many blitzles as you need for your shiny dusknoir??

I am already trading for the deck needs, but I do kind of want that kyurem EX PLB. I can do my Palkia EX and some other trainers for it...updating my list a bit later, so I will know what I have to trade.
RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

BUMP! (1/3)
I haven't been so active lately due to school, but I'm back!
I mainly updated my page with recent deck additions...I managed to get a FA Colress, Shiny Max Potion, Shiny Garbodor (plus 3 RA ones), and the blitzle I needed for the deck...in less then a week! Sweet!
Just a side note that I do not need to much at the moment...so I am not surprised if no one will have any trades for Elbow until Legendary Treasures...but we'll see.
Thanks for reading!
RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

Would you do ether Shiny Rayquaza or Shiny Virizion for Shiny Garchomp?
RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

BlackMaid97 said:
Would you do ether Shiny Rayquaza or Shiny Virizion for Shiny Garchomp?

I would do it for Shiny Virizion...PM me for confirmation.
RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

Bump (1/3)
RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

What are the conditions of the following...

x1 Shiny Emboar
x1 Shiny Rayquaza
x1 FA Mewtwo EX
x1 FA Shaymin EX
x1 Palkia EX
Let me jnow then ill make an offer.
RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too!

SoldiersSpirit said:
What are the conditions of the following...

x1 Shiny Emboar
x1 Shiny Rayquaza
x1 FA Mewtwo EX
x1 FA Shaymin EX
x1 Palkia EX
Let me jnow then ill make an offer.

Emboar has minor scratches on the back...and is a little uncut...but is pretty mint condition.
Rayquaza has some pretty bad backware...but not horrible. You could see that it's not perfect, but front is pretty new.
One of the mewtwos is pretty close to mint... some front scratches, the other has edgeware and front scratching too.
shaymin is pretty scratchy on the front and the back. Plus some edge ware.
Palkia has one very minimal corner wear...but basically mint.
If you are still interested then what would your deal be?