How much do you care about famous/top players in the pokemon card game?


Aspiring Trainer
Hey whats up peeps

Just got finished with a interesting episode 4 of gotta win em all
Check us out on Podomatic or itunes

this week we came to the Question

How much do you care about famous/top players in the pokemon card game?

This came up because a friend of ours got his playmat signed by a famous top player. I honestly dont really care i mean its not like you become the Micheal Jordan of Pokemon so theirs no point. it is tight to hear about them every now and then but honestly i try to ignore them. only thing that's kinda kool being a top player to me is getting a worlds deck made after your real deck.
RE: Gotta win em all

In every game like Pokemon, there's bound to be some really great players. I don't mind them so much, their existence is only natural. My only annoyance is when good players get really arrogant and stuck up and just have an all around bat attitude. Some people don't understand that others prioritize fun in a game over winning. But what bothers me most of all is when people act like players that aren't so good at the game or don't perform in tournaments very well aren't important, and they just don't exist to them.
I personally think you should care about top players. Not just because "oh they're well known", but because there's a reason they make it to the top tables more consistently than nearly everyone else. Anyone can copy their list, that doesn't mean they'll win. It's so easy to misplay especially in this format and the best players know that one mistake can cost them a game - that's when they make it.

So don't underrate people who are "celebrities" just cause you're jealous.
I don't think most good players are "bad," per se. They are very good, and I don't think most are very arrogant. What does annoy me is when people see a good player, see them do something out of the ordinary, and the people copy them completely even if isn't even that good (Example: Vanniluxe).
I am not irritated by good players, but a lot of the people in my area (myself included) may tell the top two players in our area how the match went right after the round. It's fine with me, but probably not with them.

I personally think that good players are good ones to set your sights on, like "i want to beat that guy." They're solid players and are always going to be a good test of how good you are.
They give me motivation. There is this one guy at my league that always beats me, so I try to get better so I can beat him. Usually that is how things work for me. If I'm the best at something I usually quit because it's no fun to always win.
I guess I can't relate to this, because in my area, I'm consistently going undefeated and such.

But, back when I first started the game, I was played my little Absol G Lv. X deck, and I had my sights set on winning, and then on beating my my friend. It took 6 months of battle after battle, but I did it. Then we went to the league, and suddenly BOOM!!! I had another person to beat. He ran Luxchomp (as you know, if you don't run Diaglachomp, or Luxchomp, you suck) so I kinda just quit there.

There is bound to be extremely good players. If I ever could go to Nationals/Regionals, I'd love to meet some of them I've heard of.
I think it's cool to say that you met a really cool/experienced player. It's nice to meet people who really know about the game and have been a part of it for a while. But when you're battling them, the mindset has to be that he/she is just another player. Psyching yourself out could ruin you. So I try not to let it get to me.
Psyching yourself out against them will be your ruin. I know that because I lost to Jimmy McClure (2nd U.S. Nats 2011, Seniors) in States 2012 which caused my to drop from 3-1 to 3-3 at the end of the day. But I think they are really cool, and I personally want to meet J-Wittz some day. I do have some pretty cool players around where I live, like Pramawat and the aforementioned McClure, and I do enjoy watching them play.
Aaron Zheng <3

He's really the only big player I know, but the couple times I faced him I wasn't really psyched out or anything. A lot of the good players are really cool from what I've seen.
YES. I wanna meet J-Wittz. I feel like if I ever did battle him we'd just talk about Prof-It the entire match. He's the only guy I feel like I'd geek out about.
I met J-Wittz at worlds last year, got him to sign my mat and we played a really good game. It was really cool to meet him because at the time he was making lots of videos that were really popular and was a well known player. Still, just remember that they are people too, not the mythical creatures people tend to make celebreties out to be.
Personally I could care less about who they are and how famous they are. To me they are merely just the same as the average joe.
I think it's rad that there are people out there who have such a passion for the game that they become "famous" for the sole reason to promote the game. If any of you guys have ever watched The Top Cut, then you'll see that all they want to do is promote the game. I recently got really into pokemon, so I went online to check out some of the top players and everyone seems to be really cool dudes, I'd love to meet them. I'd like to famous in the pokemon community one day.
I think it‘s a good thing that the competitive pokemon scene has a face.

When playing against well-known players, however, I couldn‘t care less. They are still playing the same game as I am, which means I could beat them. Of course, they are above average in terms of play skill, but doing really well over the course of a season doesn‘t make them unbeatable on a match-to-match basis. And besides, I‘m pretty good too (sorry, this is my ego speaking), so I don‘t let who I‘m playing against make any difference.
Vablakes said:
I know that because I lost to Jimmy McClure (2nd U.S. Nats 2011, Seniors)
He really doesnt do well against unnoticed/rogue decks, but if he catches on, you lose.
When I took four prizes to his three, he caught on, buffed up a mewtwo, and X Balled the life out of my pokemon.
Vablakes said:
Yeah, I was using my Reshiboar. We got into a Mewtwo war, and after that I fell apart.

Oh cool. Then I know a lot of top players xD. As for my opinion of top players, It try to to freak out about seeing Michael Pramawat at a Battle Roads (coughTFWcough).
Yeah rogue decks can really throw off some competitive players who try to know everything about every deck. I nearly won the match that I lost at Grinders against a very talented player, simply because because he was confused about how to play against my deck, but it worked nonetheless. I managed to win one game, but a donk and time lost me the other two.