Playthrough DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl! Finished!

RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl!

That is an acceptable suggestion. Marked down for Hippowdon.
RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl!

The results are in! It took quite a bit of deliberation in the end - mostly me deciding whether I wanted to go with Heracross or Hippowdon. The downside to Hippowdon is that I'd be taking too much damage from my own sandstorm! So, in the end, I went with Heracross.

Here is the final draft of the team I'll be using to go through Pearl:

  • Turtwig as a starter, named TorTERROR
  • East Sea Gastrodon named Barbados (male) or Aphrodite (female)
  • Gengar named Geist
  • Crobat named Crumpets
  • Heracross named Thorne
  • Weavile named Carlos (male) or Carmen (female)

If honey trees prove too cumbersome, I will be trading over a Heracross in HG (at level 10) at the time when I would normally acquire honey. (In fact, I think I might do that just to save time.) I'll be starting over my current file after I milk it for a few Heatran, which I lack a good one of.

Thank you for all of your input! It definitely wasn't easy picking from so many suggestions, but it definitely did help! (Weavile was partly my own suggestion, given my team's glaring weakness to Psychic.) As I play the game I'll post periodic a Nuzlocke, maybe! This should be fun.
RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl!

DNA said:
  • Turtwig as a starter, named TorTERROR
  • East Sea Gastrodon named Barbados (male) or Aphrodite (female)
  • Gengar named Geist
  • Crobat named Crumpets
  • Heracross named Thorne
  • Weavile named Carlos (male) or Carmen (female)

Omg yes you picked Thorne ;-; Wow, that team is awesome. So looking forward to this run. :3
RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl!

I've never used Heracross before ever (not even in competitive) and I figure this is a great place to start. Same with Hippowdon, so I was really torn between the two.
RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl!

DNA's Pokémon Pearl Run-Through
Prologue: Welcome to the World of Dolo!

So, I think I'm finally ready for a run-through of Pearl. I get everything I need ready - game, snacks, logbook, pillows so I can play in comfort - everything. In fact, I get so comfortable that I end up drifting off to sleep, not to mention I was tired from the day before just doing lots of stuff. I end up having to get shaken awake.

<~Pride> Hey DNA
<~Pride> Wake up; it's been almost 30 minutes
<DNA> wait, Pride?
<DNA> where am I?
<DNA> and why do you look like Professor Rowan​

Pride explains to me that he's working on creating his own Pokemon game, with gym leaders, routes, the whole deal, and he wants me to test it out. He didn't have much to work with, so he used Pearl as a base, and since I'm planning to play through Pearl, why not try his game instead? The offer seems acceptable to me, so I take it.
I thought about naming my rival bacon, since in baconlocke he did that for me, but TDL and I talked about it and...

[23:00] <&DNA> pc: DNA
[23:00] <&DNA> rival: bacon
[23:00] <&DNA> IT'S PERFECT
[23:00] <~unsheathed> except bacon isn't an annoying little *censored* looking to sue you
[23:00] <&DNA> yeah i guess not
[23:01] <&DNA> i'll name him teapot
[23:01] <~unsheathed> HA​

"An excellent choice," Pride said. "I was planning to cast him in that role anyway, since I'd already cast everyone else and everything was all full."
"Wait a sec," I go. "Do you mean to tell me that you're just planning to re-cast everyone in Pearl to your wishes, and then just name the game 'Pokémon Dolo Version'?"
"...Maybe," he answers, eyes shifting, and offers me a Mike's Hard Lemonade as thanks for helping him out with his game. Not wanting to besmirch Pride's hospitality, I drink it, but it was a little too much for me to handle, so right after finishing it I fell unconscious.

I woke up the next morning with a hangover in a bedroom in Twinleaf Town, overhearing a TV special about a red Gyarados and hoping that Pride didn't cast Amt as Maylene.

<DNA> hey Pride?
<DNA> you know when I said we should hang out more?
<DNA> this isn't exactly what I meant
<~Pride> :p

I sluggishly get out of bed, trying to at least get a running start, but I can't, because I notice I'm not wearing any shoes indoors. Figures. As I get down the stairs, some woman I've never even met told me that Teapot was looking for me and says it's an emergency. Then she goes back to watching TV. Thinking I have probably been carried to an asylum of some kind, so I slowly walk out the door. As I do so, the strange woman tells me not to enter the tall grass because of wild Pokemon. I don't want to offend her, so I smile, thank her, and show myself out.

I have no idea where to start looking for Teapot, so I head out of town. Either he's already way ahead of me, or the resident bouncer will stop me and tell me where to go. Sure enough, it's option B, as usual. So I head over that way.

*** Teapot has joined #twinleaf
<Teapot> DNA
<Teapot> wtf are you doing here
<DNA> I could ask you the same question
<DNA> and since when are you blonde
<Teapot> doesn't matter
<Teapot> just go to #lake
<Teapot> I have to show you something
<Teapot> make it snappy or you owe me a million dollars
*** Teapot has left #twinleaf
<DNA>, how hard am I dolo'ing right now
<DNA> come to think of it
<DNA> how hard is Teapot dolo'ing right now
*** Teapot has joined #twinleaf
<Teapot> wait, forgot to mention
<Teapot> we're going laddering on PS too
<Teapot> go import a team or you owe me ten million dollars
*** Teapot has left #twinleaf
<DNA> .....
<DNA> I give up​

I finally manage to decipher his insane rambling and head towards Lake Verity, since I'm apparently the only one who knows what he's doing at this point. Teapot asks me if I know about a red Gyarados report, to which I said 'no; I was having a hangover at the time'. He told me some guy on ladder was top 5 with a red Gyarados and he wanted to beat him, really badly. He wanted me to come along for moral support and to try and beat him with my own ladder team. I thought about bringing up the fact that I don't use simulators, but I let it slide since it's kinda cute to watch him ramble.

We finally get to Lake Verity and find that Pride and his lovely young assistant who I don't recognize at all gazing out over the lake. They looked like they were sightseeing, so I let them be. And suddenly they noticed us.

<~Pride> Oh, hi guys
<DNA> hey Pride
<Teapot> yo
<~Pride> I was just leaving, actually. I'll see you later
<DNA> k cool, have fun
*** Pride has left #lake
*** Bellomence has left #lake
<Teapot> WAIT
<Teapot> WHAT
<Teapot> WAS THAT
<DNA> yes, Teapot
<DNA> calm down
<Teapot> aapsifspofidspfoipsf
<DNA> dude it's not a big deal​

It took me about 3 minutes for me to get him to actually calm down. After that, his mind was back on laddering again. He walks forward into the tall grass and sees a briefcase. Well, I see a briefcase. I don't know what he sees. Probably a server. Then suddenly, we get jump-scared by some wild Starly. Teapot was surprised, but I saw it coming, because every cutscene like this has Pokemon attacking you.

<Teapot> no problem
<Teapot> I'll just use my ladder team and...
<Teapot> AGH
<Teapot> dammit DNA what do we do
<DNA> relax bro
<DNA> there's a conveniently placed briefcase here
<DNA> and it apparently has the Sinnoh starters in here
<DNA> 1 of each
<DNA> sweet
<Teapot> \o/
* DNA picks Turtwig
* Teapot picks Turtw--
<DNA> <3​

It's not long before the Turtwig and I, who goes by the name TorTERROR (not surprising, I think Pride left his stuff), roflstomp the Starly. Teapot decided to go with the Chimchar, since if he can't battle with TorTERROR like Pride, at least he can try to be like Kevin.
Then Bellomence comes up again, notices we took the Pokemon in the briefcase, looks at us, crosses her legs, giggles, and leaves without a word. As expected, Teapot freaks out again. I calm him down on the walk back to Twinleaf and wonder if we'll be branded as thieves.

Nah, probably not. This is Pride's game we're talking about. We'll be fine.

End of Prologue!

DNA's Team so far:
[sprite]387[/sprite] TorTERROR lv. 5


Yeah, this is how I'm going to do chapters. I have all the important characters cast as members of 'Beach (most are competitive battlers), though if you have any specific ideas, let me know. I'll see if they're better than mine. ;P
RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl!

[23:00] <&DNA> pc: DNA
[23:00] <&DNA> rival: bacon
[23:00] <&DNA> IT'S PERFECT
[23:00] <~unsheathed> except bacon isn't an annoying little *censored* looking to sue you
[23:00] <&DNA> yeah i guess not
[23:01] <&DNA> i'll name him teapot
[23:01] <~unsheathed> HA

* DNA picks Turtwig
* Teapot picks Turtw--

RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl!

You just made my day, DNA.
Unfortunately since you didn't go with any of my choices (</3) you'll be stuck with Turtwig and Zubat until after the second gym.

...That's actually not too bad.
My argument is invalid!
Keeper gets his table flipped by DNA.
RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl!

Very fun! Sounds like this should be an amusing playthrough. :D
RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl!

I certainly hope it is!

Chapter 1 is all written up and ready to go, but I want to hold off and wait for more people to notice (especially the rest of the dolo crowd) before proceeding. But for those of you who really want a teaser, you may have one:

<+Teapot> so where have you been anyway
<+DNA> with your mom
RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl!

DNA, you're a god. I'd ask for you to stop beingg so cleverly awesome, but your plan is too genius, so I can't do anything. It's kind of sexy, yet scary.
HW approves!

also, inb4 I'm every single one of the Galactic Grunts' Bidoof.
RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl!

also, inb4 I'm every single one of the Galactic Grunts' Bidoof.
Have you heard of the term 'self-fulfilling prophecy'?
RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl!

I'm familiar with it's existance, but I'm not entirely familiar with it's meani-

I called inb4 on it...

RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl!

DNA's Pokémon Pearl Run-Through
Chapter 1: Class, Crumpets, and Attempted Suicide

So Teapot and I are walking back, after I've finally calmed him down. We decide to go double back to Twinleaf after Teapot realized the shame of not having a team to ladder with. Pride is there, says hi, and walks off again, inscrutable as ever. A bit later, the woman who's convinced she's my mother thinks I need to go visit Professor Rowan and apologize.

"Pride, madam," I correct her. "His name is Professor Pride."

Then she chides me for not wearing shoes. She's right; I had gone all the way to the lake and back without wearing shoes of any kind, and my socks look positively filthy. Fortunately, she has a new pair of socks to give me too, which I'm thankful for. Blisters and bites are no fun. Then she explains that, to use the shoes, I must hold down the B button.

"What the heck is a B button?" I ask.
"I... ..."
"...I'll be going now. Thanks for the socks."

It feels really good to sprint with these shoes, and the bouncer doesn't jump me again on the way out of town. I hang a right and am assaulted by another Starly almost immediately.

"No worries, bro," the Turtwig tells me. "I got this."
"Wait, you can talk?"
"Of course I can talk. It's going to make the journey more interesting. You think the Dolo-man wouldn't have me know how to talk?"
"Good point."
"Stick with me, kid. We'll go places."

TorTERROR is a true bro, tackling everything in sight and draining their blood experience points to receive more power. On the way, I get a Potion from a Mart employee doing some field work before arriving in Sandgem Town. Bellomence is already there, waiting for me, and so is Teapot. I get the feeling this is going to be a very persistent trend, where Teapot is trying so desperately to ninja me that he's trying to be first everywhere, since as soon as I see him, he runs off. I think he was humiliated enough by the prologue.

She leads me inside, and Pride is waiting for me. As usual.

<~Pride> so, how do you like TorTERROR?
<DNA> He's pretty cool. Don't know him that well yet, but he seems cool.
<~Pride> Sweet
<~Pride> hey, can you take this Pokedex and gather some data on Pokemon? I'm trying to teambuild and I'm out of ideas
<DNA> do I have a choice?
<~Pride> No :p
<DNA> then yes
<~Pride> hm!
<~Pride> Good answer!
* Pride gives DNA a Pokedex
* Pride sets mode +v on DNA
<+DNA> whoo \o/
<Bellomence> Same as always, DNA.
<Bellomence> Good. If you weren't, I'd have to kill you.
<+DNA> that's nice​

I swear the dialogue in this game doesn't make much sense. Oh wait, Pride told me he used Pearl as a base. No wonder they were spouting cheesy lines. Welp, for now I have to go along with Pride's little game, so let's see where this leads me.

So then I go back outside and Bellomence gives me a tour of the town, specifically the Pokemon Center and Mart. I told her I already know what both of these places are already; I've been playing Pokemon games for years. She responds with a "I know you know, but I'm getting paid for this, now hush". After that, she tells me to go back to Twinleaf and say goodbye to my mother, then walks off giggling as usual towards Route 202.

...Since the woman isn't my mother, I ignore the suggestion and go to Route 202, but Bellomence is waiting there and pushes me back.

<Bellomence> Silly DNA, didn't I tell you to go say goodbye to your mother?
<+DNA> Bella, this is just a simulator. She's not my mother.
<Bellomence> Why not just go back and be nice for once?
<Bellomence> Besides, she might give you something more than just a pair of shoes.
<+DNA> I don't really think that's necessary
<Bellomence> Well, I'm getting paid for this, and you're not, so I advise you do as I ask.
<+DNA> ...fine...
*** DNA has left #route​

Before I leave Sandgem Town and backtrack, I go by the Poke Mart and buy 11 Poke Balls (+1 Premier), as is custom for me, and hop off rather low ledges to get back to Twinleaf. I tell my 'mother' that I'm going off on a Pokemon journey at the behest of Professor Pride, and she pretends to be worried, but then just says she's okay and goes back to watching TV. She also gives me a magical Journal that automatically records everything I do. It's kinda creepy, watching the words fill in like that.

Then some other woman comes in. She claims to be Teapot's mother and says that he left something behind, and asks me to deliver it. It's a parcel. Harmless enough, I think, but I really doubt this is Teapot's mother. Regardless, I am amused at Teapot rushing off and forgetting things in an attempt to be more ninja than me, so I say I'll deliver the Parcel.

I quickly hightail it out of Twinleaf, say goodbye to the nice bouncer, and run back towards Sandgem. On the way there I catch a lv. 3 Bidoof (with the help of TorTERROR) and name it Slave 0. I feel I may need it later. I want to try and catch a Starly, but TorTERROR tackles it a little too hard. Meh, it's no big deal, I'll catch one later.

I go back out to Route 202 (after healing up TorTERROR and Slave 0) and hope that Bellomence doesn't block me this time.

<Bellomence> Very good, DNA.
<Bellomence> Now I'm going to show you how to catch a Pokemon, so pay attention.
<+DNA> But I already know how t--
* DNA sees where this is going
<+DNA> Carry on.​

She sends out a Piplup, pounds the Bidoof once, then throws a Poke Ball at it. "Our Bidoof is way better," whispers TorTERROR, but she pays it no mind. Then she gives me 5 more Poke Balls so I can catch some of my own.

"Couldn't you have told me you were giving me these before I bought 10 of my own?" I ask.
"I could, but that wouldn't have been as fun," she responds, then she crosses her legs, giggles, and walks off, as usual. I feel as if I am finally free at this point and have free reign to do as I please, so TorTERROR and I brace ourselves and get ready to roflstomp some trainers. This is going to feel good.

After catching a Starly and naming it Slave 1 (because hey, Defog), some 8-year-old tries to jump me.

<PBGuest> hey you!
<+DNA> what do you want
<PBGuest> you are a Pokemon Trainer!
<+DNA> ...yeah...?
<PBGuest> I also happen to be a Pokemon Trainer!
<+DNA> that's nice
<PBGuest> Our eyes met, so battle we must!
<+DNA> I didn't look at you
<+DNA> I was walking by minding my own business and you tried to jump me
<PBGuest> ok here's my FC 57a8ds64ts98g4s98d
<+DNA> go away
<TorTERROR> don't worry I got this​

It doesn't work very well, and TorTERROR dream-smashes him and his lone Starly. This cycle repeats itself for a while, occasionally with TorTERROR wanting to go back and hit on the nurse at Sandgem's Pokemon Center. By the time we get to the end of Route 202, TorTERROR hits level 9 and learns Absorb.

<TorTERROR> aw yeah absorb
<TorTERROR> time to test this bad boy out
<TorTERROR> hey you stupid starly
* TorTERROR Absorb
* Starly takes 2 damage
* Starly Tackle
* TorTERROR takes 3 damage
<+DNA> you just healed for 1 and then got hit for 3
<TorTERROR> ...yeah let's just go to the center​

I enter Jubilife and Bellomence is already there waiting for me (figures). She drops that Teapot was at the Trainer's School, so I might as well head that way to deliver this parcel.

I know about the Poketch test thing in Jubilife, but apparently I have to go 'brush up at the trainer's school' first. Annoyed already with these NPCs, I go do that to hurry up the plot.

*** DNA has joined #trainerschool
<+Teapot> o/
<+DNA> \o
<+DNA> wait why do YOU have voice
<+Teapot> Pride gives +v to anyone he gives a Pokedex to in this game
<+Teapot> anyway, I memorized this blackboard that has all the special conditions on it, and what they do
<+DNA> right
<+DNA> because you didn't know what they did before
<+DNA> what are you, a TCG player?
<+DNA> I bet you turn asleep Pokemon to the right as well
<+Teapot> LOL
<+Teapot> ^5
<+DNA> ^5
<+Teapot> so where have you been anyway
<+DNA> with your mom​

After I explain that the woman claiming to be his mother gave me this parcel to deliver, I give him the parcel. There are 2 Town Maps in it, so Teapot gives me the other one. Not like I really need it, since I know Sinnoh like the back of my hand.

<+Teapot> so
<+Teapot> the map says we should go to Oreburgh next
<+DNA> no it doesn't
<+DNA> it's just because we've played this game before and we know we're supposed to go that way
<+Teapot> good point
<+Teapot> welp time to go train
<+Teapot> \o
<+DNA> o/
*** Teapot has left #trainerschool​

Because I am a TCG judge and already know what all the Special Conditions do, I leave shortly thereafter. I am then accosted by an older eccentric gentleman who tells me how wonderful Poketches (Pokemon Watches) are and that I should have one. TorTERROR remarks that he doesn't need a watch since, being a Grass-type, he's already a natural sundial, but the man ignores him and tells me to find three clowns. Since it's broad daylight in Jubilife right now and there are no alleyways, I think it's safe to assume they won't violate me, so I play along.

I'm pretty sure the answer to every question is 'Yes'.
Poketch get. It comes with apps 1-5, except for 3. Poor design, probably. Meh, I'll come back to it later. I know they give out more apps when I get more badges, so I put that on the to-do list.

<TorTERROR> did you really need that, bro?
<+DNA> better than the bottom screen being useless
<TorTERROR> good point.​

I head out to Route 203 and...

<+Teapot> aaaaahahhhhfaa
<+Teapot> DNA
<+Teapot> im durnk
<+Teapot> Lets battel
<TorTERROR> wow bro
<TorTERROR> are you dolo'ing right now
<+Teapot> dont get cocky kid
<+Teapot> ths isnt ovr yte​

Yes, the rival actually does say 'Don't get cocky, kid! This isn't over yet!' during the fight. Like a true bro, TorTERROR takes the reins and makes quick work of his lv. 7 Starly, that only growled at him.

<TorTERROR> sweet
<TorTERROR> one down
* TorTERROR throws Slave 1 at incoming Chimchar
<+DNA> okay, why would you do that
<TorTERROR> to get rid of the -2 Atk, obviously​

I have Slave 1 Starly growl at Chimchar until he goes down, which turns out to be 3 growls. When TorTERROR comes out, all the mini-Kevin does is Leer at him, leaving him to just be tackled to death.

<+DNA> so why again did you let me growl your Chimchar 3 times?
<+Teapot> i ment 2 click scarch
<+Teapot> but hit leer
<+Teapot> dolo
<+DNA> go home Teapot
<+DNA> you are drunk
<+Teapot> fien
*** Teapot has left #route​

I wonder if that's the last I'll see of drunk Teapot. Well, whatever. I try not to think about it and just go back and heal up TorTERROR, who is looking mighty fine right now. I know there's a small cave coming up right before Oreburgh, so I'll probably get a Pokemon off of that. After all, it's on my list!

I hit Y to use the Bicycle to speed things up, but then realize I don't have it yet. Since I only have 1 Pokemon at this point, I try and sneak past as many trainers as I can, which turns out to be all of them. On the way, I run into a wild Abra, and throw a Poke Ball at it, because force of habit. It shakes 3 times and breaks free. I get mad, but don't stress over it. I'm now at the cavern, which is Oreburgh Cave, and...

<Zubat> Why hello there, old bean!
<+DNA> wait, what?
<+DNA> is that a talking Zubat?
<+DNA> with a monocle, no less?
<Zubat> Indeed, good sir! I feel it accentuates my class.
<+DNA> You don't even have eyes; how does that work?
<Zubat> In time, my good man.
<TorTERROR> let's take this guy with us
<TorTERROR> we could use some more class
<TorTERROR> also there's only 1 of me right now
<Zubat> Excellent suggestion! I am of one accord with you.
<Zubat> Will you not accept me?
<+DNA> sounds good
<+DNA> welcome aboard. what's your favorite food?
<Zubat> Why, crumpets, of course.
<+DNA> your new name is now Crumpets
<+DNA> now let's go toughen you up
* Zubat is now known as Crumpets
<Crumpets> Marvellous. Let us away to the battleground, shall we?​

Oh, by the way, TorTERROR has a Hardy nature. Not good, but not really bad for in-game. Crumpets here has a Hasty nature, which is great, so I'm pleased about it. Back to Jubilife Center and beat all the trainers.

yes I know Oreburgh is technically closer but I want to use Crumpets, because Crumpets is cool

TorTERROR is happy to take the back seat and let Crumpets handle things for a while. He only has Leech Life and Supersonic, but he's pretty fast, something that TorTERROR really can't say. Unfortunately, Leech Life is super weak-sauce so he'll need some help from TorTERROR. The two of them are quickly best buds. I just kick back and let them do their own thing. Before long, all the trainers are wounded and shaking, with Crumpets actually making two trainers' Pokemon nearly commit suicide. Supersonic is nasty...when it decides to work.

One of the trainers remarked that she got a 'nifty-keen badge' from the Oreburgh Gym. Given how her 2 Pokemon are Starly and Bidoof, both level 5, I have no idea how she did that. Bribery, probably.

*** DNA has joined #oreburgh
<%NPC> Hey there, trainer!
<%NPC> If you don't have any gym badges, other trainers will look down on you like you're a total noob, right?
<+DNA> I guess so...?
<%NPC> So, I'll show you where the town's Pokemon Gym is.
<%NPC> Hey wait, is that your friend? He seems twitchy and impatient.
<+Teapot> oh hi DNA
<+Teapot> o/
<+Teapot> you finally got here?
<+Teapot> you're slow like always
<+DNA> I'll pretend I didn't hear that.
<+Teapot> the gym leader was here and I already beat him, but then he had to leave
<+Teapot> if you lurk in the channel he'll probably come back
<+Teapot> just type !challenge and you'll be good to go
<+DNA> I think I'll look around to see if I can find him. Thanks, though.​

Apparently the gym leader is in the mine, so I look around there. I put Crumpets up front to pick off weaker things, while TorTERROR waits in the wings for the things Crumpets can't handle...which I wager will be a lot. Freaking Rock-types.

<TorTERROR> hey isn't that...
<+DNA> sweet, I think that's him
<+DNA> !challenge
<@AoH> wrong channel bro
<+DNA> oh, right
*** DNA has left #mine​

I go back to the Oreburgh Gym, and surprise surprise, it's full of Rock-types. Crumpets says he'll sit this one out since Rock-types don't agree with him, but he adds that he'll put the kettle on, so that by the time we beat the gym leader, it'll be just in time for tea. Grateful for his hospitality, TorTERROR and I go and charge in towards victory.

The trainers don't prove to be very hard. Before long I'm ready to take on the leader.

<+DNA> !challenge
<@AoH> Welcome! This is the Oreburgh Pokémon Gym! I'm Roark, the Gym Leader! I'm but one Trainer who decided to walk proudly with Rock-type Pokémon! As the Gym Leader, I need to see your potential as a Trainer. And, I'll need to see the toughness of the Pokémon that battle with you!
<+DNA> neat. Did you script that?
<@AoH> yep.
<+DNA> I can tell
<+DNA> I don't think your name is 'Roark'
<@AoH> oops lol​

Me and AoH enter battle. It turns out to be a rather one-sided affair, with TorTERROR just Absorbing everything to death. AoH and I both knew this was going to happen, so we just decide to chat while our Pokemon battle it out. (Ah, I forgot to mention: his team is a lv. 12 Geodude, a lv. 12 Onix, and finally a lv. 14 Cranidos. Anyway...)

<+DNA> so Teapot challenged you first and won?
<@AoH> yeah
<+DNA> he has a Chimchar, though. I can't see that as being easy. If I didn't know any better I'd say it's impossible.
<@AoH> ugh
<@AoH> I swear, there was so much hax
<@AoH> he crit like
<@AoH> EVERY freaking turn
<+DNA> so he won by luck instead of skill?
<@AoH> pretty much
<@AoH> he was way too excited
<+DNA> lemme guess
<+DNA> <+Teapot> YES
<+DNA> <+Teapot> YES
<+DNA> <+Teapot> FINALLY
<@AoH> wow
<@AoH> that predictable, huh?
<+DNA> yup
<TorTERROR> I just crit Cranidos
<TorTERROR> let's go
<Cranidos> ffs​

AoH then gives me the Coal Badge, as well as the ability to use Rock Smash outside of battle, as well as TM76 Stealth Rock. He apologizes for the fact there was only one, but asks that I kick Teapot's ass every chance I get for being haxy against Cranidos. Wait, nvm. That's what the Cranidos wanted me to do. Still a shame about having only 1 Stealth Rock TM. This is in-game, so I may not need it. I'll hold on to it for now.

I now notice that TorTERROR is only a small bit off of level 16, so I go to Route 207 and have him smack stuff, in the hopes that he'll evolve. ...Apparently Turtwig evolves later than 16, so meh, maybe later. Slightly disappointed, we go back to Oreburgh Center and find that Crumpets has prepared us some tea. The three of us sit down and drink it (it was boiled to perfection) and with that, our resolve is tightened to expand our team and take some names.

Also harass Teapot at every opportunity.

End of Chapter 1!

DNA's Team so far:
[sprite]387[/sprite] TorTERROR lv. 16
[sprite]41[/sprite] Crumpets lv. 10
[sprite]399[/sprite] Slave 0 lv. 3
[sprite]396[/sprite] Slave 1 lv. 3
[sprite]63[/sprite] Abra lv. 5 (still oblivious)
RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl! Ch. 1 up!

No one? really?

okay, I have a question for you guys.
I had most every major NPC cast as somebody, but I completely forgot about the escorts you meet throughout the game - Cheryl, Mira, Riley, Buck, and Marley.

Should I cast those as people here? and if so, who will be the representative person?
(note that if you suggest someone I might have already cast him or her already, so everything is a suggestion at this point.)
RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl! Ch. 1 up!

For what it's worth, I'm really enjoying reading along. I love that you're assigning people/personalities to the various NPCs, and especially the Pokémon; I'm not a particular fan of Zubats (who is?) but I really love Crumpets so far especially. I feel like there's probably a lot of chat in-jokes I'm not getting (though at least I've been a part of various IRC communities for the past decade+ so I understand the IRC lingo), but it's very amusing, regardless. I don't really feel like I have a lot of meaningful comments to contribute, which is why I haven't really said anything aside from liking your post, but I do like reading this and I am looking forward to your updates. <3

It's been a million years since I've plated DPPt, so I don't even remember the escorts, so I had to bulbagoogle them quick; I guess the proper fan term is "stat trainers" but I like escorts more, so screw the rules. I think you definitely out to cast them, especially considering the casting you've done so far has added a lot to the story. I wouldn't know how to suggest, though.
RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl! Ch. 1 up!

Didn't get to finish this til just now.
And, lol, I loved it. :D

I say cast the tag-alongs (that's what I always called them, was not aware they had a fan term).
Buck seems like he'd play an especially funny role. :p
Who to suggest for such parts though, I couldn't say.
RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl! Ch. 1 up!

I have taken your suggestions and I have now cast all 5 people.
Expect Cheryl to come up in chapter 3.

I love that you're assigning people/personalities to the various NPCs, and especially the Pokémon; I'm not a particular fan of Zubats (who is?) but I really love Crumpets so far especially.
Crumpets kinda reminds me of a friend of mine who would do playthroughs of games and he'd always have 1 Pokemon with a monocle drinking tea, and another one who was just a habitual drinker. Because this is dolo, everyone probably drinks to some degree, but I don't think anyone on the team is a raging drunk. Either way, Crumpets is partially inspired by my friend and his playthroughs. In fact, I think all the team is.

I feel like there's probably a lot of chat in-jokes I'm not getting (though at least I've been a part of various IRC communities for the past decade+ so I understand the IRC lingo), but it's very amusing, regardless.
I got the idea from baconlocke, which does a lot of the same (most of the jokes you understand if you've been around a while and/or lurk IRC), so part of it is knowing what peeps on chat do what. I do try to match the personalities as close as I can to the actual people.

I don't really feel like I have a lot of meaningful comments to contribute, which is why I haven't really said anything aside from liking your post, but I do like reading this and I am looking forward to your updates. <3
And for the most part, that does work. It means, at the very least, I know you're reading it. <3
I shall not fail to disappoint you all, and include utter hilarity every step of the way.
RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl! Ch. 1 up!

Well done. I don't even know when I last bothered reading a playthrough.
RE: DNA's Choose-My-Team Run-Through of Pokémon Pearl! Ch. 1 up!

This is a fun read! Liking it so far. :]

DNA said:
Should I cast those as people here?

Yes. I don't know about the rest of the NPC's, but please make unsheathed Gardenia. Not sure why, but it seems... fitting.