Disappointed in EX choices?

Does anyone have any proof EX's will continue into the XY series?
I actually rather doubt they will. New series seems like a good time to bring a new "powerful Pokémon" gimmick. Or a resurgence of an old, even. I wouldn't mind seeing Lv. Xs again, or a reworking of the Legends that actually made them worth playing.
Pokemon Ultra
Pokemon SP
Pokemon Prime
I could see Legend too but not as 2 part cards.
Promethean Pokemon
Dark Pokemon
I could also see them return to Lv. X
Supreme Pokemon
I don't know really. Lots of ways the TCG can go. Personally I want Dark Pokemon/Gym leader owned Pokemon to return. (That aren't just powerful basics)
MrSquarepants said:
Maybe something with DNA overdrive or overload or super fuse. :S

This isn't yu-gi-oh lol just kidding I would really Lille to see. It back like it used to where everything was a pokemon no primes or anything
Oh no i didn't mean fusion with teo beings I meant like "oh look this pokemon has the legendary DNA fused in it, it's HP and attacks are super powerful!" Meaning some random DNA merged with a Pokemon and it gained super powers LOL
evilpacman said:
I agree with Pokepuzzle. I liked the EX's being only legendary. Although, I think they dropped the ball on giving an EX card for the remaining legendaries, but if they are going to synch the TCG up with Japan, then I suppose its not so bad. I do wish they had given Articuno and Moltres a FA and squeeze Suicune in there somewhere.

Articuno EX did get a FA. Zapdos and Moltres didn't