Art Gallery Delta's Magical Art Factory - Amelia & Yeward

RE: Delta's Magical Art Factory - Pen tool in SAI...pretty useful...

Some Loser: A+...4 STARS!

Ice Arceus: Cool beans. Thanks a lot :]

SuperArtNinja: They helped bring X-2 over to the PAL reason so they played a role in the downfall. Oh and don't worry, you'll be seeing a lot more disturbing faces in this thread.

No update today other than I have made a tumblr. It's a little baron at the moment but I'll soon make it look refreshing.
I don't know why people knock it, it's a pretty cool website. So follow or watch or whatever people do on it. It's unlikely that NSFW stuff will be going up. That's not my kinda style B[

EDIT: 300 posts WOOOOH!
RE: Delta's Magical Art Factory - My tumblr is up!

Followed you on Tumblr, although all you'll ever see me do is just reblog anime gifs.

RE: Delta's Magical Art Factory - My tumblr is up!

Does anyone do anything else on tumblr?

'Scizor'? More like 'She saw...ore'...AMIRITE?

No I don't have fantasies of Big Boss being fe-male. Most of the time anyway.
This was mainly to practice drawing faces.

RE: Delta's Magical Art Factory - My tumblr is up!

This is the first real drawing in my new sketch book. I haven't read new Soul Eater in forever so I don't know if Crona's gender has been revealed :/


...completely and irrecoverably insane right? And like a main antagonist now or something.




Delta said:
Delta said:
I'll update with more Deadpool if I can find the wire that links to my tablet .-.
RE: Delta's Magical Art Factory - Beware! Grayscale!

I like the shape on Mighyena's ears. I think they're pretty cool, but I think Mightyena's neck is a little long.
RE: Delta's Magical Art Factory - Beware! Grayscale!

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind the next time I draw a dog or a wolf, which most likely will not be anytime soon. Maybe a Manectric when I get good enough.

Sorry but these are a little hard to see. I'd adjust the levels of brightness but I can't be bothered to open up Photoshop.

RE: Delta's Magical Art Factory - Beware! Grayscale!

Oh stawp.

I'd like some feedback on this if possible. I've lightly sketched out the rest of the original sketch which I rubbed out because I didn't think it looked right. Even if erase everything up to the start of the beard I think the face is a little too wide. What do you guys think?

EDIT: *Looks at avatar*
Oh wait nevermind.
RE: Delta's Magical Art Factory - Beware! Grayscale!

My advice is to put more depth into the nose. I'm not sure what your order is concerning the facial structure or the facial hair, but if you draw the structure first, the do the beard and mustache, it'll come out a little more correct.
RE: Delta's Magical Art Factory - Beware! Grayscale!

I did draw the base and then add everything else afterwards, but I erased the entire right side because I didn't think it looked right.

I hope this will come as a surprise but there is a splash of colour here. I used Water Soluble pencils because that was the only thing at hand as odd as that sounds. I'm fairly pleased with this but I'm thinking of redoing this so the pencil lines are clearer are the colours aren't as grimy. I started this around 3pm on Saturday and I've been making changes to it constantly until present.




RE: Delta's Magical Art Factory - Now Featuring Two Colours!

Spatula hands? I smell DLC.
RE: Delta's Magical Art Factory - Now Featuring Two Colours!

SuperArtNinja: D: aw naw!

Some Loser: I would never not use this skin.

Here is an updated, still in progress, Maya.

And a quick self-portrait

RE: Delta's Magical Art Factory - Now Featuring Two Colours!


Torkoal lineless

And I don't even know what this is.
RE: Delta's Magical Art Factory - Now Featuring Two Colours!

I like Torkoal. I swept Steven with him once in my Ruby version. It was awesome. Curse, Amnesia, Flamethrower, Body Slam. He was, the great wall of death.
RE: Delta's Magical Art Factory - Now Featuring Two Colours!

Haha, yeah, Torkoal is pretty cool. A few Iron Defense and Amnesia and it becomes a beast.

Now here's something I haven't properly drawn since I was in an actual art class. Still life!


RE: Delta's Magical Sketchbook - Traditional Art until Tablet is Found!

A little Gargoyle concept art I'm working on. Thought I make use of the not-so-generous set of colours I have.

RE: Delta's Magical Sketchbook - Traditional Art until Tablet is Found!

Ok so here is a drawing I am very proud of. This is far better than my previous drawing of Big Boss and I knocked it up in about 15 minutes too.

RE: Delta's Magical Sketchbook - Now Updating with Good Drawings!

RE: Delta's Magical Sketchbook - Now Updating with Good Drawings!

I like these headshots you got here, very nice shading and eyes, which is something I mess up a lot, honestly. Keep up the good work!