Avatar: The Legend of Korra

RE: The Legend of Korra

Glace said:
What I expect to happen is Korra beats Amon, but not Hiroshi Sato. After Maku starts crushing on Korra, Asami gets jealous and joins her dad.

I'm really not seeing this. Asami stated herself that she loves to watch pro-bending, and hates the anti-bending revolution. Joining the anti-bending revolution just out of revenge over a relationship problem is kind of... dumb.
RE: The Legend of Korra

Just caught the episode. It was just as great as it was predictable.
Turns out Amon is Ghetsis...sort of. I didn't expect him to be Tarlok's brother, but given the bloodbending resistance; I'm not terribly surprised. The lame Makorra is confirmed. Totally called Korra losing her bending, getting it back from spirit-Aang, and then restoring other people's bending.
So, yeah, good episode; nice characterization, nice fight scenes.
RE: The Legend of Korra

I knew
Amon was a bender! I predicted it episode 3 but my friend were like impossible. The ending was rushed but it was still good. The only thing I got out of Iroh was an ear ache from the 2 girls screaming about how cute he is
RE: The Legend of Korra

I only watched this show because the antagonist's name is the same as mine and I'm really glad started watching it.

About the finale
I was slightly disappoint when Korra didn't really have a full conversation with Aang.
But other than that I loved it.

Cinesra said:
I laughed when I heard his voice. It totally doesn't match the way he looks.

I thought that too, but apparently it's the voice actor's normal voice. [He's in his 30s]
RE: The Legend of Korra

The last episode was fantastic.

Well, I'm going to be honest, I love surprises. So I never looked at the internet's theories and such about the upcoming events in the show, nor did I ever spend some deep thought in it myself unless it's in looking back on the events that have already occurred. I was a little awkward while watching Korra'a and Mako's romance, since I feel that in order to express feelings as big as love you would have to spend more time with that person, like a year or so. But that's just my personal opinion, so feel free to not throw that in my face and express your truly romantic real life story about how someone fell in love with another person within a month.

My favorite scene was when Tarlok and Noatok were riding on the boat, and Tarlok set it to explode. I just feel like in a way they both knew that there was no way for them to live without eventually turning into a form of their father. I feel that Tarlok felt the need to rid of himself and his brother for the better of the world, and did as such.

And my favorite thing about the show entirely so far is the children watching. Finally we have a show that gives them a glimpse of what is going around in other countries, how government is changing around the world, some for the better and some for the worst. And even though this is just a little taste of how bad it can get, at least when those kids get older they can say "oooohhhh yaaahhhh...."

Well, that's my rant.
RE: The Legend of Korra

As everyone else said already, the finale was amazing. :p
Honestly, I was surprised to find out the Amon was Tarrlok's brother. I could tell he was a bender from the beginning of the series but the whole story about Amon was not what I expected at all. I was hoping he'd be Aang's rebellious son or something like that. Anyway, he was one of my favorite characters even though he had evil intentions.

I think one of the most powerful scenes in the entire series was when Tarrlok blew up the boat. It isn't often when they use the death element on a main character and they executed that flawlessly in the last episode. It's a shame about Noatak though.

Overall, the finale was extremely well done. I would've liked more episodes before a finale but I won't complain. ;)
RE: The Legend of Korra

[5:47:30 PM] Alex Hedge: he takes the fireferrets bending
[5:47:41 PM] Zorua: the fireferret has bending?
[5:47:43 PM] Zorua: lol
[5:48:23 PM] Alex Hedge: I'm joking O_O
[5:48:26 PM] Zorua: oh omg
[5:48:27 PM] Zorua: I would've died

Yeah, Zorua is catching up still.

It's not a shame Noatok died, it is just a shame they were raised that way. Noatok still had bloodbending, and Tarrlok ended a dangerous line of bloodbenders
[5:53:13 PM] Zorua: i accidently clicked on the spoiler
[5:53:14 PM] Zorua: >_>
[5:53:19 PM] Zorua: didn't read all of it though thank god
[5:53:43 PM] Alex Hedge: :/
[5:53:45 PM] Alex Hedge: you did
[5:53:53 PM] Zorua: I got up to Notatak
[5:53:54 PM] Zorua: and stopped
[5:54:04 PM] Alex Hedge: haha Notatak

People how are behind, don't read the spoilers.
RE: The Legend of Korra

I don't really get what you're saying except that you support KorraxBolin shipping.
[You should probably spoil that]
RE: The Legend of Korra

This love triangle reminds me of Twilight. x_x Come on guys, it really doesn't matter that much...The characters will hook up with whoever they want to and the story will go on.

I'm curious to see what they do in the next seasons as it seems they wrapped up Season 1 nicely in a neat little bow. I should also say that the Finale exceeded my expectations greatly. It was simply amazing.

dmaster out.
RE: The Legend of Korra

zoroarkmaster said:
I don't think Korra should get to be with that reatarded jerk poopybag named Mako. Borra FTW

Well, beyond spoiling it for the others, insulting those with different abilities isn't so cool either.

Looking forward to the next season. I haven't been disappointed yet, and this season should have some moer of the oldies involved! And Bumi!
RE: The Legend of Korra



HolyMackerel said:
She's looking forward to the next season.

I guess I'm pretty hyped too, although I thought the series would be a one time thing.
I wonder who the new antagonist will be.
RE: The Legend of Korra



Why yes, I did get these from Smogon.
RE: The Legend of Korra

Well, this certainly warrants a bump.

Korra is renewed through Season 4!!

Now I'm seriously even more pumped (if that was possible). I was concerned that this was going to be a shorter series, but I am very pleasantly surprised.

dmaster out.
RE: The Legend of Korra

Some details about book two have been released, and this looks a lot more pleasing than book one. Book two will feature more "Avatar" than book one, where Korra enters the Spirit World. More details about the Avatar Cycle are also supposed to be featured.
RE: The Legend of Korra

Wizard said:
I don't really get what you're saying except that you support KorraxBolin shipping.
[You should probably spoil that]

BORRAAAAA!! I will go down with my ship!
I mean, come on guys, it makes more sense than Makorra doesn't it?
Mako: Korra, I can't stand you, and you annoy me, but I love you, so kiss me.
Korra: Omygosh I love you so much, Mako and I don't even know why!
Bolin: Korra you're beautiful and smart and funny and sweet and I love you cause all that.

I'm really excited for the next season...like...REALLY excited. I've been trying to watch all of ATLA so I get the full Avatar experience. Which reminds me, I should be watching it now....

EDIT: Please don't start a flame war over my Borra-ness. Expressing my opinion, yo. Not trying to start a fight.