Annular Eclipse TONITE 5-20 USA sunset-ish/5-21 ASIA morning

South in Asia, Much of Australia, South in South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Antarctica ? For the total in November.

Are you watching it live right now? Liinnkk???
Huh. Those glasses look nifty, I'll have to get a pair! (along with some old fashioned 3D glasses for that occasional 3D YouTube video, art piece and Minecraft 3D)

EDIT: SHEESH. NASA's website is just chock full of interesting information! its pretty much over tho

I cant wait for the delta aquarids or the lunar eclipse this year too I am requesting those days off for sure :p
Oh dear, it has been a while...

Just reading through, but I wanted to let you know that something even more spectacular is going to happen soon. The transit of Venus in front of the Sun. On June 06, Venus will pass in front of the Sun, and it'll be visible from Earth. See the link below of the actual time when it will happen, since the time of the transit depends on your location. Anyway be sure to see it, since this will be a once in a lifetime experience, a next one doesn't occur until 2117. Most of you live in the USA, and are pretty lucky, especially if you live near the west coast. It's worth seeing it, even though you may have to get up at 5:00 AM.
Pokequaza said:
Oh dear, it has been a while...

Just reading through, but I wanted to let you know that something even more spectacular is going to happen soon. The transit of Venus in front of the Sun. On June 06, Venus will pass in front of the Sun, and it'll be visible from Earth. See the link below of the actual time when it will happen, since the time of the transit depends on your location. Anyway be sure to see it, since this will be a once in a lifetime experience, a next one doesn't occur until 2117. Most of you live in the USA, and are pretty lucky, especially if you live near the west coast. It's worth seeing it, even though you may have to get up at 5:00 AM.

Really? I HAVE to see this! Thanks a lot!

On topic, I didn't see the solar eclipse. Darn! That'd have been exciting. I even brought some sunglasses, but my brother broke something anyways :p
Yep! I actually have known about the transit of venus for a while after 2004. I actually have a draft saved for ToV, the lunar eclipse, and the june meteor shower ^-^ it has showing dates and tips on it im about to post it!