[Alternate Format] Complete Palace

Keeper of Night said:
And currently I'm really thinking about DCE. What is your opinion about that card? Is it balanced? Should it get some kind of limit?
This is easy. Limit each deck to 4 max special energy. That way, in decks that would use, say, DCE and Plasma, they have to choose and they wouldn't be as fast due to lack of acceleration. Decks that only use DCE... I don't know if they're imbalanced or not. So far, it seems fine to me.

Hmm... I'll think about that. At the moment, DCE is not that dangerous, but it can change anytime if a new booster comes out with a new list.

Keeper of Night said:
•Vileplume (UD): Pokémon Power works only if it's the Active Pokémon. (Also treated as an ex.)
Lets fix this real fast.
Vileplume, when having to be active, is just a much much worse version of Gothitelle. Yet I don't see Gothitelle listed as an ex. Vileplume stops both players from playing trainers, Goth only stops the opponent.
I would either:
Make Vileplume an ex (or cost 2 stars?) and change the errata back.
Make Gothitelle an ex, and put Vilepume back to normal status with the change that it needs to be active.

Before we continue that, we need to make sure if the rules are consistent. And the problem here is the wording. For Ex-series (and before), it's obvious that Trainers are all kind of Trainers (Items, Supporters, and Stadiums). But for DPP sets, it's not. That's why I made Vileplume an ex and errata'd it, because I treated it as if it disabled all kind of trainers. Items, Supporters, and Stadiums too. In fact, I treated (almost) all DPP cards to work on all kind of Trainers, even if they mentioned other cards, like Gengar.

I'll fix it, and I'll write in the Errata that it only works for Items.
The official errata for the word 'Trainer' from previous sets is that it only applies to Item cards (cant get Supporters with Junk Arm, for example). Arent all 'Trainers' from WOTC banned anyway?
Keeper of Night said:
The official errata for the word 'Trainers' from previous sets is that it only applies to Item cards. Arent all 'Trainers' from WOTC banned anyway?

Yes, that's right. So, if a card mentions Trainer, it's just Item from now on.
Sheodon said:
Keeper of Night said:
The official errata for the word 'Trainers' from previous sets is that it only applies to Item cards. Arent all 'Trainers' from WOTC banned anyway?

Yes, that's right. So, if a card mentions Trainer, it's just Item from now on.

So Vileplume wouldn't be able to lock Supporters anyway, and does the same thing as Gothitelle.
Keeper of Night said:
Sheodon said:
Yes, that's right. So, if a card mentions Trainer, it's just Item from now on.

So Vileplume wouldn't be able to lock Supporters anyway, and does the same thing as Gothitelle.

Yup, and it's actually balancing out the lock decks. Removed Vileplume (UD) and Dark Vileplume erratas, Vileplume (UD) is now only an ex, and that's all.

Aerodactyl also have been removed from the "errata list".

April 2014
(Work In Progress!)​

The format is now supporting ALL sets!!!

  • 1 LV.X Card per Deck

1 Star

  • Holon's Castform
  • Unown R (LA)
  • Unown Z (SW)
  • Crobat G (PL)
  • Pachirisu (GE)
  • Feraligatr Prime
  • Emboar (BW 20) (Inferno Fandango)
  • Machamp (SF)
  • Blastoise (Base, BC) (New)
  • Alakazam (Base) (New)
  • Arceus (Colorless / AR5) (New)
  • Donphan Prime (New)
  • Crobat Prime (New)
  • Kingdra Prime (New)
  • Reuniclus (BW) (New)
  • Holon Transceiver
  • Cyrus's Conspiracy
  • Pokédrawer +
  • Seeker
  • Pokémon Collector
  • Hypnotoxic Laser
  • Virbank City Gym (New)
  • Eviolite (2 Stars -> 1 Star)
  • Hard Charm (New)
  • Darkness Energy (Special)
  • Metal Energy (Special)
  • Double Rainbow Energy (New)
  • Double Colorless Energy (New) (Not sure about it!!!)

2 Stars

  • Claydol (GE)
  • Azelf (LA)
  • Cleffa (NG) (New)
  • Sableye (DEX) (New)
  • Magnezone Prime (New)
  • Accelgor (DEX) (New)
  • Uxie (LA) (3 Stars -> 2 Stars)
  • Cessation Crystal
  • Luxury Ball
  • Junk Arm
  • Lost World
  • Broken Time-Space (3 Stars -> 2 Stars)
  • Dawn Stadium (3 Stars -> 2 Stars)
  • Holon Circle (3 Stars -> 2 Stars)
  • Boost Energy
  • Scramble Energy (New)

  • Sableye (SF) (New)
  • BW-on EXs and M-EXs
  • Promo/Jumbo Cards
  • ALL Trainers from sets released by Wizards of the Coast (Base, Jungle, Fossil, Base Set 2, Team Rocket, Gym Heroes, Gym Challenge, Neo Genesis, Neo Discovery, Neo Revelation, Neo Destiny, Legendary Collection)

The following Pokémon are treated as ex (You take 2 Prize Cards if you Knock Out an ex Pokémon. All effects which affect Pokémon ex cards will affect these cards too. Their name is ALSO changed so they do not work with LV. X cards.)

  • Virizion (EP, NV)
  • Terrakion (EP, NV)
  • Cobalion (EP, NV)
  • Thundurus (EP)
  • Tornadus (EP)
  • Landorus (NV)
  • Articuno (ND)
  • Zapdos (ND)
  • Moltres (ND)
  • Reshiram (BW, PF)
  • Zekrom (BW, PF)
  • Kyurem (NV, DV, PF)
  • Black Kyurem
  • White Kyurem
  • Keldeo (BC) - both
  • Genesect (PL)
  • Yveltal (XY)
  • Xerneas (XY)
  • Mewtwo (LT)
  • Ampharos Prime (New)
  • Typhlosion Prime (New)
  • Tyranitar Prime (New)
  • Machamp Prime (New)
  • Raichu Prime (New)
  • Kingdra (PF) (New)
  • Spiritomb (AR) (3 Stars -> Ex)
  • Vileplume UD (New)
  • Garchomp (DE 90) (Dragonblade) (New)
  • Trevenant (XY) (New)

No longer on the list

  • Evosoda


  • Mysterious Fossil: Can evolve into ANY Fossil and Restored Pokémon.
  • Slowking (NG): Pokémon Power works only if it's the Active Pokémon, but works for Items, Supporters and Stadiums.
Sheodon said:
Nano Shinonome said:
Hey! I just made an account to post here, but I wanted to see how my Darkrai deck would do in this thread! I am looking to make the flow of this deck a bit better. I have playtested this deck with a friend some, and won most times (7/1).
  • 1 Darkrai Lv.X
  • 1 Darkrai EX LT
  • 1 Darkrai GE
  • 2 Deino DE
  • 1 Zweilous LT
  • 2 Hydregion DE
  • 2 Pawniard PF
  • 2 Bisharp PF
  • 2 Zorua XY
  • 2 Zoroark BWP

Total Pokemon: 16


  • 2 Roller Skates XY
  • 1 Red Card XY
  • 1 Team Flare Grunt XY
  • 1 Shadow Circle XY
  • 4 Hypnotoxic Laser PS
  • 3 Colress PS
  • 2 Ultra Ball P.B
  • 1 Computer Search BC
  • 4 Pokemon Catcher EP
  • 3 N DE
  • 1 Bianca EP
  • 2 Virbank City Gym
  • 4 Professor Juniper DE
  • 1 Superior Energy Retrieval PF
  • 1 Castaway ex-CG
  • 2 Eviolite NV
  • 1 Energy Search BC
  • 1 Rare Candy P.B

Total T/S/S: 35


  • 8 Darkness Energy
  • 1 Rainbow Energy XY

Total Energy: 9
Anyways, please review! I just recently got into deckbuilding and put together some cards that I thought would work.

The point of this deck is to get out Darkrai EX/Lv. X. If that fails, use other attackers.

First of all, I'm not sure if this it the ideal topic to post your Deck, especially because your Deck is currently illegal for this alternative format. EX Pokémon from Black and White and X/Y Series are illegal in this format, which means you cannot use them in your Deck.

Also, in order to balance the gameplay, we added some cards "stars". This is an important aspect of the game, because a Deck can only contain up to 4 stars, if you exceed the limit, your deck is not allowed (again). Let's see the upcoming new list, April 2014 in order to fix the Deck.

- Eviolite is a 1 Star Card, you use 2 copies: 2 Stars
- Virbank City Gym is another 1 Star Card, 2 Copies: 2 Stars
- 4 Hypnotoxic Lasers: 4 Stars

Which means that you exceeded the limit by 4 Stars, since you use 8 Stars. You must remove 4 of the aforementioned cards, and the Darkrai EX should be replaced by another card, and voila! The Deck is allowed here. :)

(If we're using the March list, then Eviolite is a 2 Star Card, and 2 copies means 4 Stars, so the Deck is exceeding the limit by 4 again because Virbank is not limited there.)

Guys, what do you think about the Owner's Pokémon? Do you think they should get some buff or some kind of help/errata? Currently they seem a bit useless since they lost all of their supports (trainers).

And currently I'm really thinking about DCE. What is your opinion about that card? Is it balanced? Should it get some kind of limit?

LV.X is still a question, but I'm actually getting used to the 1 per deck idea now.

Also feel free to share any idea to the discussion if you have!

Alright, sorry for being ignorant :( I will look into those and see what I can remove! The Darkrai EX is only in there because I needed another main attacker. The 1 Lvl. X rule is a good idea, by the way. Those can be very powerful and sometimes even imba when combined.
Nano Shinonome said:
Sheodon said:
First of all, I'm not sure if this it the ideal topic to post your Deck, especially because your Deck is currently illegal for this alternative format. EX Pokémon from Black and White and X/Y Series are illegal in this format, which means you cannot use them in your Deck.

Also, in order to balance the gameplay, we added some cards "stars". This is an important aspect of the game, because a Deck can only contain up to 4 stars, if you exceed the limit, your deck is not allowed (again). Let's see the upcoming new list, April 2014 in order to fix the Deck.

- Eviolite is a 1 Star Card, you use 2 copies: 2 Stars
- Virbank City Gym is another 1 Star Card, 2 Copies: 2 Stars
- 4 Hypnotoxic Lasers: 4 Stars

Which means that you exceeded the limit by 4 Stars, since you use 8 Stars. You must remove 4 of the aforementioned cards, and the Darkrai EX should be replaced by another card, and voila! The Deck is allowed here. :)

(If we're using the March list, then Eviolite is a 2 Star Card, and 2 copies means 4 Stars, so the Deck is exceeding the limit by 4 again because Virbank is not limited there.)

Alright, sorry for being ignorant :( I will look into those and see what I can remove! The Darkrai EX is only in there because I needed another main attacker. The 1 Lvl. X rule is a good idea, by the way. Those can be very powerful and sometimes even imba when combined.

No problem! Feel free to check out my deck Wyth Du, as it's a Darkrai Deck with 3 Darkrai GE, 1 LV.X and 4 Darkrai G (also with Sableye, but it's banned now, so it doesn't count anymore). You can try out something like that, with the Darkrai basics, and Hydreigon.
I have a couple different decks built now. Some are good, some are for fun.
If anybody wants a match, just send me a PM. :D
I'm working on my thesis at the moment, so I cannot be as active as I was, but a week or two and it will be done (and we can testplay a match or two). Until that, here's a topic to discuss.

What is your opinion about Owner's Pokémon? I think there should be a ruling to make Owner's Pokémon more useful. Here's my idea:
1. Gym Leader's Pokémon from Gym Heroes and Gym Challenge, Dark, Light, Rocket's, Holon's, Delta Species (!), Team Magma's and Team Aqua's are Owner's Pokémon. Team Plasma and SP are NOT (because of the different mechanics).
2. You can use 4 copies of a specific Owner's Pokémon and 4 copies of a "Vanilla" Pokémon, even if they share the same species (you can use 4 Blaine's Charmander, 4 Charmander AND 4 Delta Species Charmander in the same Deck).
3. When a card effect mentions a Pokémon's name, all Pokémon which shares the same concrete species counts. (Beedrill from Great Encounters has an attack "Band Attack". It also counts Beedrill G and Koga's Beedrill for that attack.)
4. Some cards will get an errata because the lack of "official" Owner's Pokémon support. For example, Dusk Ball will allow you to search for an Owner's Pokémon.

An alternative can be that you can use Owner's Pokémon along with the original Pokémon, and instead of getting "unofficial" support, they can evolve from vanilla to owner's and from owner's to vanilla.

Share your thoughts!
Erm, I hope you're listing some proposed changes rather than explaining how they already work, because Dark, Light and ESPECIALLY Delta Species are not Owner's Pokemon. The Delta Species symbol isn't even considered a part of the card's name. And really, I don't see why Delta Species Pokemon should change. (They're probably actually capable of competing with the current stuff in all honesty, factoring in the other changes like the absence of Pokemon-EX, and making Delta Species Pokemon a different name would also require you to use Delta Species base forms (say, Delta Dratini/Dragonair), limiting their usefulness further.)

Counting the Species name amongst things breaks some things a LOT, also. Imagine a Stormfront Gyarados with 16 (17 if Shining Magikarp ended up working as well) Magikarp. (Delta, Giovanni's, Misty's and the original.) Band Attack counting Beedrill G in all honesty probably breaks Beedrill GE, too.
RiverShock said:
Erm, I hope you're listing some proposed changes rather than explaining how they already work, because Dark, Light and ESPECIALLY Delta Species are not Owner's Pokemon. The Delta Species symbol isn't even considered a part of the card's name. And really, I don't see why Delta Species Pokemon should change. (They're probably actually capable of competing with the current stuff in all honesty, factoring in the other changes like the absence of Pokemon-EX, and making Delta Species Pokemon a different name would also require you to use Delta Species base forms (say, Delta Dratini/Dragonair), limiting their usefulness further.)

Counting the Species name amongst things breaks some things a LOT, also. Imagine a Stormfront Gyarados with 16 (17 if Shining Magikarp ended up working as well) Magikarp. (Delta, Giovanni's, Misty's and the original.) Band Attack counting Beedrill G in all honesty probably breaks Beedrill GE, too.

Obviously, the main goal of these changes is to buff the original Owner's Pokémon (Team & Owner's Pokémon), not the others. That's why I suggested some ideas here, to tell your opinion. Maybe I'll drop the DS Pokémon from the Owner's Pokémon status, but Dark also needs the buff, even from the ex sets.

My real concept looks something like this:

1. Gym Leader's Pokémon (from Gym Heroes and Gym Challenge), Dark, Light, Rocket's, Holon's, Team Magma's and Team Aqua's are Owner's Pokémon. Team Plasma and SP are NOT (because of the different mechanics). Neither Shining or Delta Species.
2. Owner's Pokémon can evolve into Vanilla Pokémon and vice versa, but STILL you can use 4 concrete "Owner's Pokémon" and 4 vanilla Pokémon in the same deck (you can use 4 Arcanine and 4 Blaine's Arcanine in the same deck, and Blaine's Growlithe can evolve into a normal Arcanine). In any other cases, the name stays (for card effects, for example).
3. Some cards will get an errata because the lack of "official" Owner's Pokémon support. For example, Dusk Ball will allow you to search for an Owner's Pokémon.
Scorched Feathers said:
Awh, I want Delta Species to be owner's Pokémon just so I can play 12Ninetales.dek ;w;

Or there's an alternate method for this:

Owner's Pokémon = Delta Species. And the same rules apply to them.

There are a lots of possibilities, but I still want to give a little buff to Owner's Pokémon to see them in play.
Here's an updated list, and I hope that it will be the finished April list too. Still, share your ideas and thoughts about the list!

April 2014
(Work In Progress!)​

The format is now supporting ALL sets!!!

  • 1 LV.X Card per Deck
  • Owner's Pokémon from Gym Heroes and Gym Challenge sets are treated as Delta Species Pokémon. It means that they can evolve from their original forms, and also can evolve into their original forms. However, they share the same name, so you cannot use 4 Blaine's Charmander and 4 Charmander in the same Deck. However, any card referring to an Original Pokémon or a Delta Species card works on them. (For example: Abra from Mysterious Treasures can evolve into Sabrina's Alakazam, and Flygon Delta from EX Holon Phantoms works with Erika's Vileplume.)
  • Pokémon VS cards are allowed, and they are treated as Pokémon SP. Trainers are also allowed from that set.
  • Any cards mentioning "Trainer" cards only works for Items, won't work for Stadiums and Supporters.

1 Star

  • Holon's Castform
  • Unown R (LA)
  • Unown Z (SW)
  • Crobat G (PL)
  • Pachirisu (GE)
  • Feraligatr Prime
  • Emboar (BW 20) (Inferno Fandango)
  • Machamp (SF)
  • Blastoise (Base, BC) (New)
  • Alakazam (Base) (New)
  • Arceus (Colorless / AR5) (New)
  • Donphan Prime (New)
  • Crobat Prime (New)
  • Kingdra Prime (New)
  • Reuniclus (BW) (New)
  • Holon Transceiver
  • Cyrus's Conspiracy
  • Pokédrawer +
  • Seeker
  • Pokémon Collector
  • Hypnotoxic Laser
  • Virbank City Gym (New)
  • Eviolite (2 Stars -> 1 Star)
  • Hard Charm (New)
  • Darkness Energy (Special)
  • Metal Energy (Special)
  • Double Rainbow Energy (New)

2 Stars

  • Claydol (GE)
  • Azelf (LA)
  • Cleffa (NG) (New)
  • Sableye (DEX) (New)
  • Magnezone Prime (New)
  • Accelgor (DEX) (New)
  • Uxie (LA) (3 Stars -> 2 Stars)
  • Cessation Crystal
  • Luxury Ball
  • Junk Arm
  • Lost World
  • Broken Time-Space (3 Stars -> 2 Stars)
  • Dawn Stadium (3 Stars -> 2 Stars)
  • Holon Circle (3 Stars -> 2 Stars)
  • Boost Energy
  • Scramble Energy (New)

  • Sableye (SF) (New)
  • BW-on EXs and M-EXs
  • Promo/Jumbo Cards
  • ALL Trainers from sets released by Wizards of the Coast (Base, Jungle, Fossil, Base Set 2, Team Rocket, Gym Heroes, Gym Challenge, Neo Genesis, Neo Discovery, Neo Revelation, Neo Destiny, Legendary Collection)

The following Pokémon are treated as ex (You take 2 Prize Cards if you Knock Out an ex Pokémon. All effects which affect Pokémon ex cards will affect these cards too. Their name is ALSO changed so they do not work with LV. X cards.)

  • Virizion (EP, NV)
  • Terrakion (EP, NV)
  • Cobalion (EP, NV)
  • Thundurus (EP)
  • Tornadus (EP)
  • Landorus (NV)
  • Articuno (ND)
  • Zapdos (ND)
  • Moltres (ND)
  • Reshiram (BW, PF)
  • Zekrom (BW, PF)
  • Kyurem (NV, DV, PF)
  • Black Kyurem
  • White Kyurem
  • Keldeo (BC) - both
  • Genesect (PL)
  • Yveltal (XY)
  • Xerneas (XY)
  • Mewtwo (LT)
  • Ampharos Prime (New)
  • Typhlosion Prime (New)
  • Tyranitar Prime (New)
  • Machamp Prime (New)
  • Raichu Prime (New)
  • Kingdra (PF) (New)
  • Spiritomb (AR) (3 Stars -> Ex)
  • Vileplume UD (New)
  • Garchomp (DE 90) (Dragonblade) (New)
  • Trevenant (XY) (New)

No longer on the list

  • Evosoda


  • Mysterious Fossil: Can evolve into ANY Fossil and Restored Pokémon.
  • Slowking (NG): Pokémon Power works only if it's the Active Pokémon, but works for Items, Supporters and Stadiums.
  • Holon Fossil: Can search ANY Fossil and Restored Pokémon.
  • Fossil Excavator: Works for Restored Pokémon (and Trainer cards too).
Owner's Pokémon from Gym Heroes and Gym Challenge sets are treated as Delta Species Pokémon. It means that they can evolve from their original forms, and also can evolve into their original forms. However, they share the same name, so you cannot use 4 Blaine's Charmander and 4 Charmander in the same Deck. However, any card referring to an Original Pokémon or a Delta Species card works on them. (For example: Abra from Mysterious Treasures can evolve into Sabrina's Alakazam, and Flygon Delta from EX Holon Phantoms works with Erika's Vileplume.)
I... hate you...
I'll never be able to use 12Tales ;w;
Scorched Feathers said:
Owner's Pokémon from Gym Heroes and Gym Challenge sets are treated as Delta Species Pokémon. It means that they can evolve from their original forms, and also can evolve into their original forms. However, they share the same name, so you cannot use 4 Blaine's Charmander and 4 Charmander in the same Deck. However, any card referring to an Original Pokémon or a Delta Species card works on them. (For example: Abra from Mysterious Treasures can evolve into Sabrina's Alakazam, and Flygon Delta from EX Holon Phantoms works with Erika's Vileplume.)
I... hate you...
I'll never be able to use 12Tales ;w;

This, or the other way (each Pokémon has its own name and evolution line), but in this case the evolution lines will be really specific and the splashability will be lower. That's actually a problem for Owner's Pokémon, and with this "fix", they are a bit more splashable and easier to search them.

Or I can dismiss this rule if people hate it.
So something like this?

The exact name of a Pokémon doesn't matter in case of evolving. Pokémon SP are exception of this rule.

It would mean that the following evolution line is legal: Charmander -> Blaine's Charmeleon -> Dark Charizard

If we apply this rule, we have still one question thought: Delta Species should count as original Pokémon or should be "different names"?
I'm not sure, I think they should be treated as owner's Pokémon. It'll make the game simpler while opening up more deck possibilities.