Acting like an idiot in school

I screamed out super asian rice and the whole class and my teacher started laughing and the I said thank yo many much.
superfoof said:
I screamed out super asian rice and the whole class and my teacher started laughing and the I said thank yo many much.

lol. Were there any Asians that got offended? :p
In eighth grade, a friend of mine pulled out my chair during History, and I fell. Of course, everyone who saw laughed at me, but I wasn't in any pain so I just laughed it off. To get revenge on him, towards the end of the class I pulled out his chair. He fell and hit his head on the corner of a desk. Everyone laughed...until he started crying. And of course, (just my luck), the teacher saw me pull out his chair, and I was sent to the office. My first trip to the office. I was terrified. At least the principal was lenient, and let me go with a warning, being this was the first time I had ever been in trouble with a teacher/principal.
I've had quite a few stupid moments.

Best one would probably be from 5th grade. I was giving a speech for student council, and right as I ended my speech, I sneezed, and snot flew all over my teacher's podium. Guess who still got elected? :)

Last year I asked my algebra teacher to marry me in front of the entire class. I was broken hearted when she said no. She's also British, and one day we were talking about roller coasters, and she mentioned how she hated them. I said without thinking "That's unamerican!"
aggiegwyn said:
The stupidest thing I did in school was when a very, very, pervertede boy walking up behind me squeezed my butt, and called me a **** beast. I slapped him acroos the face, then kicked him against the lockers, and punched his nose so hard that it started bleeding. I kind of regret hurting him so bad, but in my school, what he did was a lot worse than what I did, so what I did was luckily called "self defense".
You should have killed his dog too. That would show him.
I haven't really blown up or anything like most of you. All I have done bad was skip class. The teacher of the class I was skipping was really stupid(still awesome though). He doesn't pay attention when he takes roll and he kind of skips over alot of people on the list. I ended up skipping class about 10 times that semester(4 days out of a week once), and never got counted absent.
Let me tell you a story that I still regret.

I was in Grade 4, and one of my friends had just admitted that she like a boy. I knew this boy, and I like them both as friends. I was very immature at the time, and I started name-calling at her. I started chanting in her face, some kind of combined word like "Gross and nasty" So, while I was yelling "Grasty" in her face, she started getting mad. After one last "Grasty", she yelled at the top of her lungs, "SHUT UP!"

I had never been told to shut up before, so I was stunned. One of my other friends tried to console me, but I rejected his offer and started to cry. I had to stop, or else I would have lost more friends. She never talked to me again, and I still regret doing that. It was immature, and I feel deeply sorry for hurting her feelings. She was such a good friend too. She was always there. I felt so stupid after that. I still wish I had changed my actions.

There. Now you know my deepest regret. Well, one of them, anyway.
Feels good to get that off my chest.
I'm 5th grade I jumped out of a like 7 foot tree onto a lunch table... It was awesome don't regret it.
hatedisc said:
You should have killed his dog too. That would show him.

What would killing his dog do? -_-

Oh. BTW: Cool! You're not banned anymore. =D

sturtle said:
Let me tell you a story that I still regret.

I was in Grade 4, and one of my friends had just admitted that she like a boy. I knew this boy, and I like them both as friends. I was very immature at the time, and I started name-calling at her. I started chanting in her face, some kind of combined word like "Gross and nasty" So, while I was yelling "Grasty" in her face, she started getting mad. After one last "Grasty", she yelled at the top of her lungs, "SHUT UP!"

I had never been told to shut up before, so I was stunned. One of my other friends tried to console me, but I rejected his offer and started to cry. I had to stop, or else I would have lost more friends. She never talked to me again, and I still regret doing that. It was immature, and I feel deeply sorry for hurting her feelings. She was such a good friend too. She was always there. I felt so stupid after that. I still wish I had changed my actions.

There. Now you know my deepest regret. Well, one of them, anyway.
Feels good to get that off my chest.

Oh... Well that sucks. But she's being a bit harsh by not forgiving you after all that time. Especially since it's over something so small. : /
Rikko145 and I had some stinkbombs. They are fun to set off on the schoolbus. We didn't get caught. Later that night we took them to leauge withus. It was fun. The end
hatedisc said:
You should have killed his dog too. That would show him.

Funny. I actually know where he lives, and he doesn't have a dog, actually.
Let me just say a boy has never dared to touch me without my permission again.
Typhlosionwolf said:
What would killing his dog do? -_-

Oh. BTW: Cool! You're not banned anymore. =D

sturtle said:
Let me tell you a story that I still regret.

I was in Grade 4, and one of my friends had just admitted that she like a boy. I knew this boy, and I like them both as friends. I was very immature at the time, and I started name-calling at her. I started chanting in her face, some kind of combined word like "Gross and nasty" So, while I was yelling "Grasty" in her face, she started getting mad. After one last "Grasty", she yelled at the top of her lungs, "SHUT UP!"

I had never been told to shut up before, so I was stunned. One of my other friends tried to console me, but I rejected his offer and started to cry. I had to stop, or else I would have lost more friends. She never talked to me again, and I still regret doing that. It was immature, and I feel deeply sorry for hurting her feelings. She was such a good friend too. She was always there. I felt so stupid after that. I still wish I had changed my actions.

There. Now you know my deepest regret. Well, one of them, anyway.
Feels good to get that off my chest.

Oh... Well that sucks. But she's being a bit harsh by not forgiving you after all that time. Especially since it's over something so small. : /

Well, I never did say sorry. I was too ashamed. I regret that as well.
Earlier this school year I was supposed to get in a fight with this kid after school who would keep saying he'd beat me up and that morning before the fight he made five excuses why he couldn't go and he basically hid out in our gym until someone went to get him and he ran out and saw me and ran to the parking lot somewhere, was funny since literally like half the school was there. I regret...NOTHING :)
Oboy170 said:
In 3rd grade there was this guy who bullied me and one day I got so tired of it that I chucked my chair at him. Luckily my teacher was VERY forgiving. The wierd thing is that I'm really good friends with the guy I threw the chair at now.

Something similar happened to me, too. When I was in sixth grade, there was this kid who always sat too close to me in science class, and one day I finally snapped and pushed him away when the teacher turned his back on us. He got up, picked up a microscope that had been on the giant desk we shared, and whacked me across the face with it and I don't really feel like getting into the rest of the details, but then when we learned that we both had a passion for Pokemon and everything about it later that year, we instantly became best buds. I have no regrets...except for the fact that I let him get away alive for striking me with lab equipment.
I hid loads of letters in the teachers desk saying I hate you from Katie*
And the rest of the people in my class except for this kid I hated called Brian. He got in massive trouble and got suspended. No one found out.

/anyone else in my class
One time in grade 3, someone (i forget who), made me cry so much at recess.... So much that I HUGGED THE SUPERVISION AID IN FRONT OF ALL MY FRIENDS!!! I was SO embarrassed!!!

And at the end of this school year, our class to a field trip to the beach nearby, and I was taking off my clothes (I had a bikini underneath), and this REALLY annoying kid walked by and called me sexy, so i scratched him as a joke, and made him bleed..... I felt really stupid because i commonly scratch people as a joke and it never makes them bleed..... Then i had to take him to the first-aid place by myself.... It looked really weird because I'm a girl.....and he was an (ugly) guy.... But I didn't really get in trouble... My teacher trusted me and I was a good student, so she understood that I didn't mean it. :)