RBY 42 chocolate's Blue Version Nuzlocke

42 chocolate

42's Blue Nuzlocke
More than an Ideal

So yeah, welcome to my definitely-not-inspired-by-any-of-these-other-threads-with-Nuzlockes-in-them Blue Nuzlocke Challenge!

My Rules:
1. If a Pokémon faints, it is considered dead, and must be released.
2. Only the first Pokémon encountered in an area may be captures.
3. All Pokémon must be nicknamed.
4. Rule 2 applies even with no Poké Balls.

Part 1
I rush through the beginning, naming myself OPPOSE and my rival CONFORM, get the potion and pick Charmander as my starter, who I nickname LIBERTY.
Rival Battle time! Overall, a really easy fight, but his Squirtle did take a decent chunk of HP from LIBERTY.

On Route 1, I encounter something my first time through, so I go ahead and grind, also getting the potion from the Mart clerk. Once LIBERTY reaches Lv. 8, I go to get the ‘dex.

Then, back through Route 1 and on to Route 22 to take on the league get my second Pokémon and not battle CONFORM! And the first Pokémon is a Spearow! I’m going to catch it, ‘cause who doesn’t want a Spearow? :D (other than those haters who like Pidgey more.)

So I go to my bag, and…

No Poké Balls.

Potion x3 is the only listing.



No Spearow for me. Back to Viridian, then, and onto Route 2 to catch my real second Pokémon.

Part 2:
First Route 2 Pokémon is a Pidgey.
And… I forgot to buy Poké Balls. Again. –hits self in confusion-
Back to Viridian, again, and I buy 5 of them. Now, some grinding on Route 2, then into Viridian Forest.

Now, I can catch… a Caterpie! The ultimate destroyer of worlds! Well, a Butterfree should be good against Brock, at least. (Confusion) I nickname the Caterpie FREEDOM, go back to heal, then get on my way to grind in the forest. –sunglasses-

On the first trainer, a Weedle uses Poison Sting on LIBERTY, reminding me to go back and get Antidotes in case of poisoning.
Sure enough, next battle, LIBERTY’s poisoned. But on the bright side, both my Pokémon grow a level. I heal up and move on.

After the last battle, FREEDOM evolves! And can no longer move. What an improvement.

So now I’ma have to grind FREEDOM to Level 12 to take on Brock. Wish me luck.

Part 3:
Several painful minutes later, I trudge into the Pewter Gym and defeat the Jr. Trainer easily with FREEDOM, who is now a Butterfree and knows Confusion! I go back to heal, and now—it’s time to face Brock.

First up is Geodude. My Confusion takes away about ¼ of its HP, but confuses it. It doesn’t hurt itself that turn, but instead uses Defense Curl-useless in the long run. Another Confusion, and it hurts itself. One last Confusion, and it’s down. Freedom grows a level.

Second is Onix. I use Confusion, and it uses Bide, so I just use String Shot until Bide ‘pays it back’ (but really fails.) After that, I accidentally select tackle, and it uses Screech. Um. I’m in trouble. Another Confusion, and it uses… Tackle. Takes away just 8 of my 43 HP, even with a Screech. One last Confusion, and Onix falls.

…wow. That was actually pretty easy.

Part 4:
After some trainer grinding on Route 3, including a close encounter with a Spearow’s Peck, and the evolution of LIBERTY, I go into the grass on Route 3 to find a Spearow! 8D

…a level 6 Spearow.

I catch it, because, like I said earlier, who doesn’t want a Spearow? I nickname it JUSTICE.

And then I grind. Like heck.

Once JUSTICE is Level 10, I go back to Pewter City to buy some items, and then head into Mt. Moon.

And right off the bat, you can probably guess the pun I’m about to make. I kill the Zubat, as I don’t need it, and go on normally, battling trainers and grinding. On FREEDOM, I get rid of String Shot for Stun Spore.

Rocket Grunt. Raticate battle. FREEDOM gets low on HP from a Tail Whip-Quick Attack combo, so I switch into LIBERTY, who is…. also low on health. –facepalm-

LIBERTY dies. The Raticate gets a critical hit with Hyper Fang, and LIBERTY dies.
I switch into JUSTICE, who almost kills Raticate, but almost gets killed. One more Fury Attack—his Tackle misses, thank Arceus, and... my Fury Attack misses. I risked another Fury Attack, and he got a critical hit with Quick Attack. And kills JUSTICE.

FREEDOM prevails. But now it’s all I have left. And to think that battle was optional…

I get rid of Stun Spore on FREEDOM for Sleep Powder. Sleep>Poison.

I get the HELIX Fossil, and make it out of the cave alive. I’ll get a new Pokémon soon, but for now, onto Cerulean to bury the lost.

Part 5
I release JUSTICE and LIBERTY. It took me a while… I didn’t want to let go. They won’t be forgotten.
I head onto Route 4 for a second Pokémon to face Misty with.
RATTATA.sd;lgh Lv. 8.
I nickname it EQUALITY. After all, just because one of its evolution line killed two of my Pokémon, that doesn’t mean I should treat it any different…
…while heading back to the Pokémon Center, I accidentally soft reset. I have to go through the pain of releasing JUSTICE and LIBERTY again.
…but does this mean I get a different Pokémon? The first Pokémon encountered THIS time is a Lv. 8 Spearow. I’m pretty sure it would be cheating to catch the Spearow, but does Rattata count? This is the only time I’m going to bend the rules a little bit, because I’m really confused. I’ll catch this Spearow—and find another Lv. 8 Rattata. I’ll grind them both, and then release whichever one wasn’t legal, based on the responses of PokéBeach.


-Fury Attack




-Tail Whip
-Quick Attack
-Hyper Fang

Current Team:

-Sleep Powder
We really need a seperate subforum for playthroughs :eek:

Anyways, I'm enjoying this. It's different (as different as one nuzlocke can be from another) and it's well-written. I love the names too xD

Good luck!
Xdogking said:
We really need a seperate subforum for playthroughs :eek:
srsly =D

Anyways, I'm enjoying this. It's different (as different as one nuzlocke can be from another) and it's well-written. I love the names too xD
YES! We must oppose the opposition that is opposing upon our opposition!

Good luck!
Thank you!
This, I'm going to watch, good luck. I recently beat yellow, that was wierd enough without nuzlocke. The old games are fun and simple. anyway good luck and I hope your casalties are low. :)
RE: 42 chocolate's Blue Version Nuzlocke (Part 4)

That's gonna be hard to recover from. In a Nuzlocke, you have to be at least 3 levels higher than you would be normally, I'd say. It's safer to be higher if you don't have a type advantage.
RE: 42 chocolate's Blue Version Nuzlocke (Part 4)

I would say your pokemon should all be at or above level 20 before entering. Maybe 25 before exiting.
RE: 42 chocolate's Blue Version Nuzlocke (Part 4)

Guilty spark said:
I would say your pokemon should all be at or above level 20 before entering. Maybe 25 before exiting.

What, for Mt. Moon? The only trainer that really puts up a challenge, IMO, is the Raticate guy, and in Blue, you don't have to battle him. :headbang Of course I'm going to grind for hours in prep for Misty.
RE: 42 chocolate's Blue Version Nuzlocke (Part 4)

Sorry to hear about your losses :(

Dont give up hope and go till the very end :)
RE: 42 chocolate's Blue Version Nuzlocke (Part 5)

So here's the deal. While I was catching my Pokemon on Route 4 (Lv. 8 Rattata), my game randomly reset. Went I went back again, I got a level 8 Spearow instead. So I'm going to find another Lv. 8 Rattata, and catch it, too--because I'm really not sure what to do here. Can you guys tell me which one of these is breaking the rules and I need to release before I end up grinding them both?
RE: 42 chocolate's Blue Version Nuzlocke (Part 5)

Personally, I think you should release the Spearow, and keep the Rattata, that only seems fair.

I bet that's irritating - having the starter already go down. Well, at least from experience, if you have a fast Butterfree, they can be pretty good.