3DS Discussion Thread

Teal said:
Blue Rescue Team is just Red but for the DS basically.

Starboard Driger said:

i don't know how i feel about this
I don't know what your problems are, guys. I like it. I want it.

For me personally it just has too much going on, I like my special handhelds to be minimal, like the Fire Emblem one, or the SMT IV XL Japan got.

Is there anyone else out there that wants them to do something with Golden Sun on 3DS or is that just me?
I guess me and Teal are the only ones who like the Eevee DS, but I think it's cute. Not like I'm going to be getting one, though, so kind of a moot point. I do love my FE DS, though.

And I would really love to see some Golden Sun love on the 3DS. I wonder how well Dark Dawn sold; might give some insight as to whether they'll continue on with the franchise or not. But that series is some of my favourite RPGs, so I'd love to see it continue.
Yeah, I don't think Dark Dawn sold nearly as well as they expected. I personally never got the chance to play the game myself but I don't think fans really liked it as well as the GBA versions either and I remember some of the reviews being pretty sub-par or mediocre. You never know though, there was a seven year gap between the second and third titles but Camelot is not that big of a company IIRC and they really seem to be more focusing on the Mario Tennis/Mario Golf titles now.

dmaster out.
I honestly didn't care for Dark Dawn nearly as much as the first two (I've probably played the original GS more times than any other game aside from FE7), but I still pushed money at it because I like supporting the company and the franchise. And despite it not being as good as the first two, it was still a fun game and I did enjoy playing it. Maybe we'll see it again another 7 years down the road.
Yeah, it's a pretty good thing they made it one of the best in the series (my personal favorite) lol.

dmaster out.
Starboard Driger said:

Going to repost something I said on another forum because I feel it captures my opinion on this really well and I don't feel like trying to rewrite another post from scratch to try and say the same thing differently:

In some ways, the earlier games' sales (or lack thereof) and Awakening's success showcase a lot of general video gaming issues at once, namely how to cater to older, more "hardcore" fans while still bringing in new blood and maintaining sales. And honestly, I think they nailed it. Classic mode, added difficulty, and tonnes of throwbacks to old games (directly via DLC and such, and indirectly through mechanics) was enough to bring the fans throwing their money at it, while Casual mode, integrated gameplay with interesting mechanics, and easy starting difficulties welcomed newer, more casual players. Not to mention that the marketing was done well, the art and graphics were stellar, and it came at a good time in the 3DS's life cycle. Oh, and can't forget that it was actually a new game with some good effort put into it with fun characters; that was enough to bring back old, disenfranchised players like me.

In other words, Awakening brought together a whole lot of vary different elements to encourage a wide variety of players, but at it's core, it's still its own special kind of ridiculous, very Japanese turn-based strategy game. And I hope this doesn't change.

I'm definitely a crotchety veteran. I didn't use Pair Up or Second Seals my entire first playthrough. I'm replaying again and experimenting a bit with both options, though I don't really like pairing up at all; shared supports and dual strike/guard are more than enough for me, and I avoid slow moving classes anyway. Second Seal just overloads my brain with options, so I haven't used it much either yet, though I'm playing around with it in preparation for Lunatic mode. I don't really feel any of these things diminish the game. (I guess this specific paragraph doesn't make much sense out of context, but part of the discussion in that other thread revolved around some older players implying that it wouldn't be worth it to continue the game if it meant the game was filled with easy things like second seals and pair ups making levelings and stats so easy.)

I really hope the developers keep this lesson in mind when working on more additions to the series. They need to remember that its okay to innovate and that the main purpose of the game, like all games, is to have fun. If they can continue to offer "fun" to as many different demographics as possible, hopefully with the use of that aforementioned innovation, hopefully their sales will stay strong.
I bought it because I played the demo, and had to know more on the storyline (and of course the gameplay agreed with me). I could care less if there was or wasn't a casual mode.
I have to agree with what Jon said on Game Grumps. It didn't seem like anything special; it's just that people now have found out about Fire Emblem and love it.
I've played some Fire Emblem games and found Awakening amazing... Not in gameplay, but rather the support system. No other localized Fire Emblem game has such in-depth characters. The sheer amount of conversation is what I enjoyed the most in the game.
Oh jeez. WHYYYYYY. Uhh... I think Animal Crossing would be better for your money... But Fire Emblem is pretty awesome and.. I DON'T KNOW MAN, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS. They're both so gooooood. ;-;
don()shinobi said:
Starboard Driger said:
Photos of the SMT Limited 3DS XL

It's...it's beautiful. DO WANT. o3o
>Not wanting the poptart

blazikenlv100 said:
What should I get...FE Awakening or Animal Crossing New leaf?
Depends on what you'd like more--strategy or relaxation.

Gotta' admit, the poptart has grown on me... But it still looks too messy. Like a kid was given Photoshop and was told to put pwetty cowurs.

Still want it for that white inside. Bah. Stupid NoA, won't release a flat white system.