(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs New 'Black' and 'White' Info [5/15]

Does anyone know where I can get a transcript from yesterday's episode? I'd kind of like to know what they were saying.
I'm really getting excited for these games. Can't wait to see what else is in store for us once the games actually come out.
Alexmon said:
It's the return of Pokemon! It's what will make Pokemon the biggest thing since *insert random big francise here*! I'll enjoy having a league 5 mins away instead of the usual 20 mins! Us Poke-nerds/Poke-People will never be made fun of again! Pokemon 1998 revival FTW! (Only 11, so stories all I know is rumors)

I agree strongly. The first thought that came to my head when I saw the animated sprites and the other videos was that this will be the revival of Pokemon. I can see a lot of new people getting into this. For example, a friend of mine at school has always hated Pokemon, but when he saw that the Pokemon in HG and SS follow you, he became very interested in the game. I think that the increasing realisticness of the series will contribute to the popularity of the series. I think a lot of the people out there have held off from the series because of how fake it seemed (10 people in a town, motionless battles, etc.)
Hopefully Black and White will revive Pokemon in the eyes of the mainstream public, Pokewalkers have already broke huge ground, for a little while one was not completely uncool, if one had bought HGSS and was walking around w/ a Pokewalker, heck, a lot of people showed up to our annual Pokemon Tournament this year at school...they were all impressed, we got a large projector w/screen and PBR...Black & White is sure to bring Pokemon Back...
There's also one thing I noticed about the Raikou vs. Zoroark video. When "Entei" is hit by Raikou's attack, it opens its mouth and yells (at least I think it may be him yelling, might've been the japanese guy in the background) and then it turns back into Zoroark. Does this mean that Game Freak has finally decided to change cries from screechy Gameboy noises to actual animal sounds?
kaorusquee said:
Does anyone know where I can get a transcript from yesterday's episode? I'd kind of like to know what they were saying.
"Oooh!" "Wow!" "Interesting!" "Look at that!" "Cool!"

liljes said:
There's also one thing I noticed about the Raikou vs. Zoroark video. When "Entei" is hit by Raikou's attack, it opens its mouth and yells (at least I think it may be him yelling, might've been the japanese guy in the background) and then it turns back into Zoroark. Does this mean that Game Freak has finally decided to change cries from screechy Gameboy noises to actual animal sounds?
That's just one of the hosts. You can't hear any of their cries for some reason.
This is just amazing.
*cries tears of joy* The fully animated sprites are what I have been hoping for since Gen. 2... It's like a dream come true. The people talking to you seems more realistic. I like how they don't just walk around in the same 3 different places.
This is not going to be a new game, but a new STANDARD for Pokemon.
Haha ok I thought that it was Entei making the noise... Well that's stupid the annoying hosts keep yelling all the time it really irritates me.
TomSkylark said:
Oh good, Gamefreak discovered the rotation effects Nintendo handhelds have had since the GBA. This still looks incredibly dithered and blocky, and while it's a step up from D/P/Pt, I think we can still hold higher expectations for one of Nintendo's flagship franchises--one that makes a ton of money off of its fans--instead of just putting up with incremental improvements every generation.

Imagine, for instance, if the animations in the Pokemon series were on par with those in any of the GBA or DS Castlevania games. It's a fair comparison, I think, because those games use the same scaling and rotation effects as this appears to, and has resulted in absolutely gorgeous results, albeit with a drastically different aesthetic. This, by contrast, is still a bit messy, and I'm hoping it gets cleaned up by release time.

They more than likely have to fit in around 600 of those critters don't forget. Plus the video quality is poor. You also nneed to take into consideration the fact that these visuals are, based on the precious little we've seen, much better than the standard ds game.

EDIT: I jjust realised something. Maybe the reason pokemon calls aren't audible is because the haved made them yet. Could it be that we'll get cries that sound decent? I sure hope so...
I cant wait for them to come out! the videos are awesome. i just hope that you will be able to trade your old Pokémon over.
I wonder if that music in the backround during the starter battles is really a battle theme from the game....
To me, it sounded sorta like a remix of the gen 1 wild battle theme. Which isn't a bad thing by any means!
Music has always been my favorite aspect of pokemon games.
The third one looks like a marathon... But it still looks fantastic! Just wonder what the rest of the game looks like. A mountain would look amazing.

Leafy101 said:
If I'm correct, the HP bar has changed. If it has, WPM forgot to mention it.

Not to come off sounding rude, but I don't think that's something that is worth mentioning in the main news post. If I'm wrong, forgive me, and I apologize. But it's like saying because the background has a color combination we haven't seen before it needs to be mentioned...

Again, not trying to sound hostile or anything, I just don't find an altered HP bar announcement worthy when compared to something like constantly animated sprites...
not sure if i mentioned it but i gave it some thought, and i honestly think that the whole "people talking to you" thing is going to irritate me, i mean even if it is small talk, ive never seen a game do it, except jeck and daxter etc., games where they actually "talk" to you, but constant things pooping up WILL irritate me, even if it is a breakthrough, i do love the consantly moving sprites, and the camera zoom.

think about it, raiku only used aura sphere, imagine what a move like tackle, giga impact and seismic toss would look like, i cant wait..
Oh great, now I have to suffer the wait for even more! These animated battle sprites look too good...
*keeps watching video over and over*
I'm probably the only person in the world who really likes the Pokemon's current cries. I know one thing--I absolutely do not want the Pokemon to be fully voiced. In Japanese it would be decent, but the majority of dub Pokemon's voices sound like some idiot saying the name over and over without even trying to put any syllable combination variety, often times with the most annoying voice possible.