(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs New 'Black' and 'White' Info [5/15]

Elegeek said:

I think I just died a little inside.

I haven't kept up with pokemon in a while, and this is what I come back to? Sure, the new animated sprites look kinda cool, but the starters look so....fake.

And what's the deal with the 3D? Pokemon has always been a top-down rpg. I hated the side-view parts on the lighthouse and such in HG/SS, and now they're doing more?

Maybe, hopefully, it won't be that bad when it comes out. I guess we'll see. I can only pray the rest of the pokemon don't look as bad as the water starter.

Am I the only person mad about this? Or am I just cynical?[/font]

A little bit late on the hate train buddy. Most of the people who disliked the starters are warming up to them. I really like them as well as the 3D. The 3D especially looks amazing.
Yeah I have to say that the 3D nature is very nice. For the people who don't like the starters yet, will start getting used to them. It takes a while. :)
i really love the constantly animated Pokémon thats Awesome
and a 3d world it couldint get any better then that
Yeah mijumaru actually already grew on me, one expecting some cool evos from pokabu and tsutaaja though, but another "treeko" is kinda stupid I mean look at it....but I'm hoping it's like a grass charmander...think about it ::: charmander, flame tail. Tsutaaja grass tail... Both lizards....::: I CANT WAIT FOR.MORE INFO!!!!!!
Hey, does anyone have translations?

Anyway, the game's more realistic now, people don't camp out on the side of the street for their whole lives.

And Raikou can learn Aura Sphere, awesome!
i have a big feeling that mijumaru will be the new mudkip
i don't know why though...
well i'll have fun owning it with tsutaja
the suspense of waiting for more news is killing meh!
Elegeek said:

I think I just died a little inside.

I haven't kept up with pokemon in a while, and this is what I come back to? Sure, the new animated sprites look kinda cool, but the starters look so....fake.

And what's the deal with the 3D? Pokemon has always been a top-down rpg. I hated the side-view parts on the lighthouse and such in HG/SS, and now they're doing more?

Maybe, hopefully, it won't be that bad when it comes out. I guess we'll see. I can only pray the rest of the pokemon don't look as bad as the water starter.

Am I the only person mad about this? Or am I just cynical?[/font]

Well, isn't that better than having another lizard for a firestarter, or even a mouse? If you think about it, it's better having a completely new different starter.And I also agree at Chimchar15, the first time I saw Pokabu, I already tought he is the one I will pick at the start.