(1) New 'Best Wishes' Preview: New Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny, New Character [8/19]

This is one big revamp from the anime. I like the concept though. Ash isn't going to be 10 forever.
So this only brings up the question- will Ash look older?
Seeing all of the new Pokemon in their anime glory makes me like them even more now o_O
I kinda hope that Ash stays the same age and all the other characters get older :p As for the new characters I like them, it is going to be an interesting change though.
Corycorcor said:
So Mamanbou wasn't with any luvdiscs is this proof they aren't related?

I think it does, because the only thing that makes them look alike, is that they're looking like hearts...
Mamanbou haven't been seen with Luvdisc in any way yet, which would most likely confirm it to NOT be one evolution for it... which might as well confirm that we won't see ANY pre-/evos in Isshu AT ALL :3
Wow. Looks like we have Kanto people in the 5th gen. So Brock is not is the shows after this season or will he be in the episodes? I am a bit confused because of the new people that will be in the sho. I hope Brock will still be in the show because he has been in the show since about the 3rd or 4th episode XD.:)
I think that finally ash is going to have a serious water starter..XD..It has to be his..cause if Iris is going to collect badges too we have to wait at least 3 episodes for each gym leader..too much time...
We still don't know for sure If Ash and Pikachu are returning in the series for Isshu, heck for all we know Shooti (weird name I know) could replace Ash and come to think of it doesn't Shooti remind you of a past Pokemon photographer from the years of yore?


Todd Snap of course. Heck I'd love to see If Todd makes another appearance in the series again and see how he gets along with Shooti since both of them are shutterbugs. Unlike Todd, Shooti is also a Pokemon Trainer and might be Ash's new rival after Paul unless they decide to can Ash and Pikachu altogether which would be sad face.

Seeing Nurse Joy in Isshu has to prove that she will still make an appearance in the new Black & White games' Pokemon Centers where some people believed that she got replaced by a female with brown hair or If Joy dyed her hair brown.

Officer Jenny, wow what a makeover. No longer is she sporting the late 80's early 90's Michael Jackson hairstyle but has now gone Rihanna which is weird. I understand why the female protagonist from the Black & White games didn't get the female lead in the Anime due to the series still being campy and kiddy I guess.

I'm guessing Dento isn't as perverted as Brock was so oddly enough no more hitting on girls for the Brock replacement, remember how Tracy was during the Orange Islands Arc before they decided to bring Brock back for Hoenn?

Dento = Tracy?
uuugggghh, i do so hope that dento is not a rock type gym leader, that would be such a let down, I was hoping ground? That would be a good way to show off crocodune perhaps?
SinnohTrainer17 said:
So this only brings up the question- will Ash look older?
Seeing all of the new Pokemon in their anime glory makes me like them even more now o_O

NO,neither Ash nor any other character will look older,Ash is now about 17 and no any physical change only his personality,he is acting now as an adult
Ash will always stay in 10 yo form ;)...that's bad I really hope that Ash may grow up one day.

that's not pokemon :( it's a CARTOON not a anime....I really hate dento and the new officer,and the BAAAAAAD anime quality :(
I can't say I am not gonna watch it, but I am really disappointed about the new anime :S
I hope that Ash will beat Darkrai in the next episode and become the champion.
RE: (1) New 'Best Wishes' Preview: New Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny, New Character [8/

Ok...with this I'm sure Ash will have mijumaru...he usually always gets the grass starter too so for that reason I think he'll have tsutaja as well. I really hope dento isn't a rock type gym leader...I'm seriously tired of rock being the first gym.
the new anime is interesting but i am not really glad that they are going to let brock out of it