(1) Clear CoroCoro Scans FINALLY Leaking [8/9]

Lol justen bieber reference maybe you can play his music while battling with "Baby" Pokemon. I on the other hand and hate him so how exactly do you download the music? And where is this website with the dreamworld and such.
Playerking95 said:
Minezumi's evo looks angry i love it.

Now I Really Wanna Catch Minezumi i was Having My Doubts But Now. He Better Look Out.... :)
rockinpikachu said:
wakoishi not that other guy. yeah and i know im late :p

That's him!
And yeah, quite late :p
rockinpikachu said:
*waits anxiously for a REAL master document page!

i dont think theres a real master document page it was just all of does pokemon we already knew of :/
zero20 said:
i don't think theres a real master document page it was just all of does pokemon we already knew of :/
Don't forget about the starter evos.
And, If it was ONLY that page, it would make it an odd number of pages.
They usually make them even! :D

@ Mucrush: This isn't confirmed, Serebii doubts it's authenticity.. But I think it's just a chibi Gigaiasu x)
rockinpikachu said:
*waits anxiously for a REAL master document page!
You're going to be waiting awhile, because this is what the MasterY Document is. Nowhere did CoroCoro state that this was going to be a major issue, or that they were going to reveal massive amounts of Pokemon.

We're likely only going to get 2-4 more pages, and there's like a 1% chance we'll have any more Pokemon revealed in this issue.