(1) Clear CoroCoro Scans FINALLY Leaking [8/9]

Some news are really good but the way you will use TMs and the way that you can use items on Wifi battling are bad
Water Pokémon Master said:
Pretty sure he was being sarcastic about that.

I'm sure you'll update on the main page with new info quicker than any Corocoro magazine! At least your updates aren't as messy or eye-bleed-inducing as Serebii's attempts.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Pretty sure he was being sarcastic about that.

Yea i know, just trying to not get my hopes up to high .-.

oakbark said:
I'm sure you'll update on the main page with new info quicker than any Corocoro magazine! At least your updates aren't as messy or eye-bleed-inducing as Serebii's attempts.

Exactly why i stay away from Serebii on scan days, i don't think he believes in space bars..
Zalman said:
Where'd you get this?
I translated it.Why?

jk.I can't tell you because it would be an advertising but I'm going to give you a clue.It's an adress who postes a lot of rumors.And you can find it above the updates.
Great quality for the scans. I really like the new features that are presented in the games. It seems like there are quizzes that the player has to answer before fighting the gym leader.
The Spook said:
It looks to me that the Master Document was revealed in the previous month.The previous corocoro scans had a lot and more interesting info.

Nope, this one was defo the mastery document, personally I think it was that picture of all the corocoro revealed pokemon.
WrightJustice said:
Nope, this one was defo the mastery document, personally I think it was that picture of all the corocoro revealed pokemon.
No it's not.Next month there will be a “Advanced Document” that comes with Corocoro. This month’s document was actually mistranslated and is actually called the “Origin Document” .
The Spook said:
No it's not.Next month there will be a “Advanced Document” that comes with Corocoro. This month’s document was actually mistranslated and is actually called the “Origin Document” .
What was the original Japanese Kana? I can help translate and settle the score!
And when does the next issue come out?
The Spook said:
No it's not.Next month there will be a “Advanced Document” that comes with Corocoro. This month’s document was actually mistranslated and is actually called the “Origin Document” .

Well, there is going to be only one CoroCoro left prior to the release of B/W, so even though they're going to keep some pokemon and other aspects of the game a surprise, they will have to reveal a whole ton of information regardless, but after today's disappointing events, I don't think I'll expect too much next month.
Ugh.. If it comes out like 4 days before the actual game, I'll just let it surprise me -.-
Thanks, The Spook :D
Finally is right. I would like to know what idiot uploads only one page of CoroCoro and turns it into three picture of the same page. Anyway, there is some great stuff here. My favorite thing is probably that TMs are like HMs now. I hated to decide between using a TM for in-game use or save it for something I might breed. Seasonal changes are nice, I just hope they don't have too many exclusive areas for each season. It would be terrible if even a decent portion of the map was unaccessible. I don't think that will be the case, though. I guess this also means Gym buildings will appear differently in each city.
I like how the gyms have different looks in various cities. I think that they should done this a while back in previous released games. I was hoping that new Pokemon would be released in the scans, but it seems like that the Pokemon we see here are Pokemon we found out a while back or just a couple days ago. I also do not hope that we have to wait to access a part of a city that can only be accessible only if the season changes. We have to wait for a long time just to access one part of the city that can only be accessed if the season changes.
Timeshift said:
Well, there is going to be only one CoroCoro left prior to the release of B/W, so even though they're going to keep some pokemon and other aspects of the game a surprise, they will have to reveal a whole ton of information regardless, but after today's disappointing events, I don't think I'll expect too much next month.
Yes,but it was a mistranslation that gave enthusiasm to all of us but we will get some other little info or another demo from Oha Suta/Pokemon Sunday of the bus tour.
Very exciting news....

I love that Tms are like Hms now....also different abilities on pokemon in the dream world will be a great incentive for people to use it. It should mix up the battles alot too..

No berrie growing in-game is interesting...I think it's good that it'll be a website only feature, it seems like something that suits an internet enviornment better.

One thing I'm not sure about, these deru powers.....will we be able to get these from going on wifi or by connecting to other people's games (non wifi) Cause if I have to connect to games in my area to get them I'm in big trouble...
The Spook said:
Yes,but it was a mistranslation that gave enthusiasm to all of us but we will get some other little info or another demo from Oha Suta/Pokemon Sunday of the bus tour.

That's true, but I guess I've learned a lesson today; I'm never going to be so greedy again.

*Breaks promise in 2 days*
also different abilities on pokemon in the dream world will be a great incentive for people to use it. It should mix up the battles alot too..
I'm not sure. A lot of Pokémon on the PokéWalker had unique moves. Yet I'm not sure how many of them are used for competitive battle. I'm guessing you can't set the Pokémon's IVs, nature, or give it any egg moves.

No berrie growing in-game is interesting...I think it's good that it'll be a website only feature, it seems like something that suits an internet enviornment better.
Maybe it will be like a Pokémon version of Farmville. :p
The Spook said:
No it's not.Next month there will be a “Advanced Document” that comes with Corocoro. This month’s document was actually mistranslated and is actually called the “Origin Document” .

Too bad it'll only be a few days before the release in Japan. o_O Well nonetheless the new information is still interesting. I'm glad we're finally getting something on the gyms. Miruhoggu is really growing on me, and Moguryu is one of my favorite 5th gen Pokemon :D
I am really glad that the gyms have new looks and I am really impressed on how the gym badges are looking so far.